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CBA - Community Base Addons - ARMA 3

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Great! Thanks guys, looking forward to the official release.

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Bah!! Did you read ViperMaul's post? - "WARNING!! - DO NOT DISTRUBTE WITH playWithSix. To Do So will prematurely revert everyones keybinds to default without giving the developers a chance to update their mods"

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my bad, though we added it as alpha branch, so it won´t cause issues. Never the less I am yanking it.

Your Kari BOT:P

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I used CBA_fnc_taskPatrol function, on a group :

_grp1 = createGroup east;
_grp1 = [getMarkerPos posMission, east, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >>  eniMission )] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
[_grp1, posMission, 200, 6, "MOVE", "SAFE", "WHITE", "LIMITED", "WEDGE", [5,10,20]] call CBA_fnc_taskPatrol;

it's work, but i have this error message in my console dedicated server :

0:11:38 Error in expression <nt < 9) exitWith {_waypoint}; _waypoint setWaypointStatements ["TRUE", (_this se>  
0:11:38 Error position: <setWaypointStatements ["TRUE", (_this se>  
0:11:38 Error Type Array, expected String  0:11:38 File x\cba\addons\ai\fnc_addWaypoint.sqf, line 55

CBA Version : on client and server

Thank ;)

You are missing one required parameter in the call to CBA_fnc_taskPatrol - the tenth parameter should be, and I quote from the documentation, "Code To Execute at Each Waypoint (String)".

I have added an empty string below:

[_grp1, posMission, 200, 6, "MOVE", "SAFE", "WHITE", "LIMITED", "WEDGE", "", [5,10,20]] call CBA_fnc_taskPatrol;

Edited by Killswitch

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Just kidding mate :)

No worries, mod version yanked, sorry for any inconvenience

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CBA works wiht 1.43 dev version of Arma3?

Yes I have found that it works with 1.43 and is expected to work with any future versions. As with anything report any bugs and we will endeavor to resolve them.

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if im not mistaken, the post-init extended event handler runs once init.sqf finishes. are there any plans to update this(and other functions) for the new arma 3 event scripts, such as initServer, and initPlayerLocal? init.sqf is essentially deprecated now, but cba and all associated mods still rely on it
CBA does not rely on init.sqf. Post-init event handlers can be limited to either the server or clients and that feature has been in CBA/XEH for a long time.

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I hope today, cause we cannot start our server now...

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Probably not CBA fault, as ours starts fine with it on 1.42.

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Mods are just a mess right now. If you are a Vanilla Arma 3 Milsim unit, you're fine. But if you use a good number of mods...different story. Dependencies on CBA_A3 (Which is borked-ish) or the pure fact their functions no longer work (For other mods). CSE and AGM are practically broken, and those two are HUGE mods for realistic milsim units. Now we are all waiting on ACE3.

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We use pretty large number of mods, including CSE. I tested the RC for the past week and the stable today, everything seemed to work just fine.

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We also have quite some troubles getting our mod-set running. We focused it down to AGM, probably in combination with CBA. But since others reported that it works quite well, we are a bit frustrated. We can't pinpoint the exact source of the problem since we have other mods running using cba xeh and functions which cause no problems.

Can someone who got their server runing using CBA/AGM state whether they use the latest stable or the dev of AGM and which packages they are using?!

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Our servers are working fine, too. Using several mods, including AGM.

Is this with current CBA or the dev update?

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Our server starts on that Dev version but not on RC4.

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For those who are having server issues running AGM and CBA - try deleting the two AGM_FireControlSystem files from the addons folder of AGM. That's the PBO and BIKEY files.

We were having server crash issues, but by process of elimination worked out that it was that causing our problem. Server seems quite happy now.

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