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I have some troubles with the new cba_settings.sqf. The server don't use it.

I placed them on my server in userconfig/cba_settings.sqf and this is the content:

force force ace_medical_blood_enabledFor = 2;
force force ace_common_checkPBOsAction = 0;
force force ace_common_checkPBOsCheckAll = false;
force force ace_common_checkPBOsWhitelist = "[]";
force force ace_common_settingFeedbackIcons = 1;
force force ace_common_settingProgressBarLocation = 0;
force force ace_common_displayTextColor = [0,0,0,0.1];
force force ace_common_displayTextFontColor = [1,1,1,1];
force force ace_cookoff_enable = true;
force force ace_cookoff_enableAmmobox = true;
force force ace_cookoff_enableAmmoCookoff = true;
force force ace_cookoff_ammoCookoffDuration = 1;
force force ace_cookoff_probabilityCoef = 1;
force force ace_finger_enabled = false;
force force ace_finger_maxRange = 4;
force force ace_finger_indicatorForSelf = true;
force force ace_finger_indicatorColor = [0.83,0.68,0.21,0.75];
force force ace_frag_enabled = true;
force force ace_frag_spallEnabled = true;
force force ace_frag_reflectionsEnabled = true;
force force ace_frag_maxTrack = 10;
force force ace_frag_maxTrackPerFrame = 10;
force force ace_gforces_enabledFor = 0;
force force ace_goggles_effects = 2;
force force ace_goggles_showInThirdPerson = false;
force force ace_hitreactions_minDamageToTrigger = 0.1;
force force ace_interact_menu_alwaysUseCursorSelfInteraction = false;
force force ace_interact_menu_cursorKeepCentered = false;
force force ace_interact_menu_alwaysUseCursorInteraction = false;
force force ace_interact_menu_useListMenu = true;
force force ace_interact_menu_colorTextMax = [1,1,1,1];
force force ace_interact_menu_colorTextMin = [1,1,1,0.25];
force force ace_interact_menu_colorShadowMax = [0,0,0,1];
force force ace_interact_menu_colorShadowMin = [0,0,0,0.25];
force force ace_interact_menu_textSize = 2;
force force ace_interact_menu_shadowSetting = 2;
force force ace_interact_menu_actionOnKeyRelease = true;
force force ace_interact_menu_menuBackground = 0;
force force ace_interact_menu_addBuildingActions = false;
force force ace_interact_menu_menuAnimationSpeed = 0;
force force ace_interaction_enableTeamManagement = true;
force force ace_interaction_enableMagazinePassing = false;
force force ace_interaction_disableNegativeRating = false;
force force ace_inventory_inventoryDisplaySize = 0;
force force ace_laser_dispersionCount = 2;
force force ace_laserpointer_enabled = true;
force force ace_magazinerepack_timePerAmmo = 1.5;
force force ace_magazinerepack_timePerMagazine = 2;
force force ace_magazinerepack_timePerBeltLink = 8;
force force ace_map_BFT_Interval = 1;
force force ace_map_BFT_Enabled = false;
force force ace_map_BFT_HideAiGroups = true;
force force ace_map_BFT_ShowPlayerNames = false;
force force ace_map_mapIllumination = true;
force force ace_map_mapGlow = true;
force force ace_map_mapShake = true;
force force ace_map_mapLimitZoom = false;
force force ace_map_mapShowCursorCoordinates = false;
force force ace_map_defaultChannel = -1;
force force ace_map_gestures_enabled = true;
force force ace_map_gestures_maxRange = 7;
force force ace_map_gestures_interval = 0.03;
force force ace_map_gestures_nameTextColor = [0.2,0.2,0.2,0.3];
force force ace_map_gestures_defaultLeadColor = [1,0.88,0,0.95];
force force ace_map_gestures_defaultColor = [1,0.88,0,0.7];
force force ace_maptools_rotateModifierKey = 1;
force force ace_maptools_drawStraightLines = true;
force force ace_markers_movableMarkersEnabled = true;
force force ace_markers_moveRestriction = 0;
force force ace_medical_level = 2;
force force ace_medical_medicSetting = 2;
force force ace_medical_increaseTrainingInLocations = false;
force force ace_medical_enableFor = 1;
force force ace_medical_enableOverdosing = true;
force force ace_medical_bleedingCoefficient = 1;
force force ace_medical_painCoefficient = 1;
force force ace_medical_enableAdvancedWounds = true;
force force ace_medical_enableVehicleCrashes = true;
force force ace_medical_enableScreams = true;
force force ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold = 1;
force force ace_medical_AIDamageThreshold = 1;
force force ace_medical_enableUnconsciousnessAI = 0;
force force ace_medical_remoteControlledAI = true;
force force ace_medical_preventInstaDeath = true;
force force ace_medical_enableRevive = 0;
force force ace_medical_maxReviveTime = 120;
force force ace_medical_amountOfReviveLives = -1;
force force ace_medical_allowDeadBodyMovement = true;
force force ace_medical_allowLitterCreation = true;
force force ace_medical_litterSimulationDetail = 3;
force force ace_medical_litterCleanUpDelay = 900;
force force ace_medical_medicSetting_basicEpi = 0;
force force ace_medical_medicSetting_PAK = 0;
force force ace_medical_medicSetting_SurgicalKit = 0;
force force ace_medical_consumeItem_PAK = 1;
force force ace_medical_consumeItem_SurgicalKit = 0;
force force ace_medical_useLocation_basicEpi = 0;
force force ace_medical_useLocation_PAK = 3;
force force ace_medical_useLocation_SurgicalKit = 0;
force force ace_medical_useCondition_PAK = 1;
force force ace_medical_useCondition_SurgicalKit = 1;
force force ace_medical_keepLocalSettingsSynced = true;
force force ace_medical_healHitPointAfterAdvBandage = true;
force force ace_medical_painIsOnlySuppressed = true;
force force ace_medical_painEffectType = 1;
force force ace_medical_allowUnconsciousAnimationOnTreatment = false;
force force ace_medical_moveUnitsFromGroupOnUnconscious = false;
force force ace_medical_menuTypeStyle = 0;
force force ace_medical_delayUnconCaptive = 3;
force force ace_medical_ai_enabledFor = 2;
force force ace_medical_menu_allow = 1;
force force ace_medical_menu_useMenu = 1;
force force ace_medical_menu_openAfterTreatment = true;
force force ace_medical_menu_maxRange = 3;
force force ace_microdagr_mapDataAvailable = 2;
force force ace_mk6mortar_airResistanceEnabled = true;
force force ace_mk6mortar_allowComputerRangefinder = false;
force force ace_mk6mortar_allowCompass = true;
force force ace_mk6mortar_useAmmoHandling = true;
force force ace_nametags_defaultNametagColor = [0.77,0.51,0.08,1];
force force ace_nametags_showPlayerNames = 1;
force force ace_nametags_showPlayerRanks = true;
force force ace_nametags_showVehicleCrewInfo = true;
force force ace_nametags_showNamesForAI = false;
force force ace_nametags_showCursorTagForVehicles = false;
force force ace_nametags_showSoundWaves = 1;
force force ace_nametags_playerNamesViewDistance = 5;
force force ace_nametags_playerNamesMaxAlpha = 0.8;
force force ace_nametags_tagSize = 2;
force force ace_nightvision_disableNVGsWithSights = false;
force force ace_nightvision_fogScaling = 1;
force force ace_nightvision_effectScaling = 1;
force force ace_nightvision_aimDownSightsBlur = 1;
force force ace_optionsmenu_showNewsOnMainMenu = false;
force force ace_overheating_displayTextOnJam = true;
force force ace_overheating_showParticleEffects = true;
force force ace_overheating_showParticleEffectsForEveryone = true;
force force ace_overheating_overheatingDispersion = true;
force force ace_overheating_unJamOnreload = false;
force force ace_overheating_unJamFailChance = 0.1;
force force ace_overheating_enabled = true;
force force ace_overpressure_distanceCoefficient = 1;
force force ace_pylons_enabled = true;
force force ace_pylons_rearmNewPylons = false;
force force ace_pylons_searchDistance = 15;
force force ace_pylons_timePerPylon = 5;
force force ace_pylons_requireEngineer = false;
force force ace_pylons_requireToolkit = false;
force force ace_quickmount_enabled = false;
force force ace_quickmount_distance = 3;
force force ace_quickmount_speed = 18;
force force ace_quickmount_priority = 0;
force force ace_rearm_level = 0;
force force ace_rearm_supply = 0;
force force ace_refuel_rate = 1;
force force ace_refuel_hoseLength = 14.0374;
force force ace_reload_displayText = true;
force force ace_repair_displayTextOnRepair = true;
force force ace_repair_engineerSetting_repair = 0;
force force ace_repair_engineerSetting_wheel = 0;
force force ace_repair_repairDamageThreshold = 0.6;
force force ace_repair_repairDamageThreshold_engineer = 0.4;
force force ace_repair_consumeItem_toolKit = 0;
force force ace_repair_fullRepairLocation = 3;
force force ace_repair_engineerSetting_fullRepair = 0;
force force ace_repair_addSpareParts = true;
force force ace_repair_wheelRepairRequiredItems = 1;
force force ace_repair_autoShutOffEngineWhenStartingRepair = false;
force force ace_respawn_savePreDeathGear = true;
force force ace_respawn_removeDeadBodiesDisconnected = true;
force force ace_scopes_enabled = true;
force force ace_scopes_forceUseOfAdjustmentTurrets = true;
force force ace_scopes_correctZeroing = true;
force force ace_scopes_overwriteZeroRange = true;
force force ace_scopes_defaultZeroRange = 100;
force force ace_scopes_zeroReferenceTemperature = 15;
force force ace_scopes_zeroReferenceBarometricPressure = 1013.25;
force force ace_scopes_zeroReferenceHumidity = 0;
force force ace_scopes_deduceBarometricPressureFromTerrainAltitude = true;
force force ace_scopes_useLegacyUI = false;
force force ace_scopes_simplifiedZeroing = false;
force force ace_spectator_enableAI = false;
force force ace_spectator_restrictModes = 0;
force force ace_spectator_restrictVisions = 0;
force force ace_switchunits_enableSwitchUnits = false;
force force ace_switchunits_switchToWest = false;
force force ace_switchunits_switchToEast = false;
force force ace_switchunits_switchToIndependent = false;
force force ace_switchunits_switchToCivilian = false;
force force ace_switchunits_enableSafeZone = true;
force force ace_switchunits_safeZoneRadius = 100;
force force ace_tagging_quickTag = 1;
force force ace_ui_allowSelectiveUI = true;
force force ace_ui_soldierVehicleWeaponInfo = true;
force force ace_ui_vehicleRadar = true;
force force ace_ui_vehicleCompass = true;
force force ace_ui_commandMenu = true;
force force ace_ui_groupBar = false;
force force ace_ui_weaponName = true;
force force ace_ui_weaponNameBackground = true;
force force ace_ui_firingMode = true;
force force ace_ui_ammoType = true;
force force ace_ui_ammoCount = false;
force force ace_ui_magCount = false;
force force ace_ui_throwableName = true;
force force ace_ui_throwableCount = true;
force force ace_ui_zeroing = true;
force force ace_ui_weaponLowerInfoBackground = true;
force force ace_ui_stance = true;
force force ace_ui_staminaBar = true;
force force ace_ui_gunnerWeaponName = true;
force force ace_ui_gunnerWeaponNameBackground = true;
force force ace_ui_gunnerFiringMode = true;
force force ace_ui_gunnerAmmoType = true;
force force ace_ui_gunnerAmmoCount = true;
force force ace_ui_gunnerMagCount = true;
force force ace_ui_gunnerLaunchableName = true;
force force ace_ui_gunnerLaunchableCount = true;
force force ace_ui_gunnerZeroing = true;
force force ace_ui_gunnerWeaponLowerInfoBackground = true;
force force ace_ui_vehicleName = true;
force force ace_ui_vehicleNameBackground = true;
force force ace_ui_vehicleFuelBar = true;
force force ace_ui_vehicleSpeed = true;
force force ace_ui_vehicleAltitude = true;
force force ace_ui_vehicleDamage = true;
force force ace_ui_vehicleInfoBackground = true;
force force ace_vehiclelock_defaultLockpickStrength = 10;
force force ace_vehiclelock_lockVehicleInventory = true;
force force ace_vehiclelock_vehicleStartingLockState = 2;
force force ace_viewdistance_enabled = true;
force force ace_viewdistance_viewDistanceOnFoot = 5;
force force ace_viewdistance_viewDistanceLandVehicle = 5;
force force ace_viewdistance_viewDistanceAirVehicle = 10;
force force ace_viewdistance_limitViewDistance = 7000;
force force ace_viewdistance_objectViewDistanceCoeff = 0;
force force ace_weaponselect_displayText = false;
force force ace_weather_enabled = true;
force force ace_weather_updateInterval = 60;
force force ace_weather_windSimulation = true;
force force ace_winddeflection_enabled = true;
force force ace_winddeflection_vehicleEnabled = true;
force force ace_winddeflection_simulationInterval = 0.05;
force force acex_sitting_enable = true;
force force acex_viewrestriction_mode = 3;
force force acex_viewrestriction_modeSelectiveFoot = 0;
force force acex_viewrestriction_modeSelectiveLand = 1;
force force acex_viewrestriction_modeSelectiveAir = 1;
force force acex_viewrestriction_modeSelectiveSea = 1;
force force acex_volume_enabled = false;
force force acex_volume_reduction = 5;
force force acex_volume_fadeDelay = 1;
force force acex_volume_lowerInVehicles = false;
force force acex_volume_showNotification = true;
force force acex_volume_remindIfLowered = false;
force force ace_advanced_fatigue_enabled = false;
force force ace_advanced_fatigue_enableStaminaBar = true;
force force ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor = 5;
force force ace_advanced_fatigue_recoveryFactor = 5;
force force ace_advanced_fatigue_loadFactor = 1;
force force ace_advanced_fatigue_terrainGradientFactor = 1;
force force ace_advanced_throwing_enabled = true;
force force ace_advanced_throwing_showThrowArc = true;
force force ace_advanced_throwing_showMouseControls = true;
force force ace_advanced_throwing_enablePickUp = true;
force force ace_advanced_throwing_enablePickUpAttached = true;
force force ace_captives_allowHandcuffOwnSide = true;
force force ace_captives_requireSurrender = 1;
force force ace_captives_allowSurrender = true;
force force ace_captives_requireSurrenderAi = false;
force force ace_cargo_enable = true;
force force ace_cargo_paradropTimeCoefficent = 2.5;
force force ace_explosives_requireSpecialist = false;
force force ace_explosives_punishNonSpecialists = true;
force force ace_explosives_explodeOnDefuse = true;
force force ace_gestures_showOnInteractionMenu = 0;
force force ace_hearing_enableCombatDeafness = true;
force force ace_hearing_earplugsVolume = 0.5;
force force ace_hearing_unconsciousnessVolume = 0.5;
force force ace_hearing_disableEarRinging = true;
force force ace_hearing_enabledForZeusUnits = true;
force force ace_hearing_autoAddEarplugsToUnits = true;
force force ace_zeus_zeusAscension = false;
force force ace_zeus_zeusBird = false;
force force ace_zeus_remoteWind = false;
force force ace_zeus_radioOrdnance = false;
force force ace_zeus_revealMines = 0;
force force ace_zeus_autoAddObjects = false;
force force acex_headless_enabled = false;
force force acex_headless_delay = 15;
force force acex_headless_endMission = 0;
force force acex_headless_log = false;
force force ace_advanced_ballistics_enabled = true;
force force ace_advanced_ballistics_muzzleVelocityVariationEnabled = true;
force force ace_advanced_ballistics_ammoTemperatureEnabled = true;
force force ace_advanced_ballistics_barrelLengthInfluenceEnabled = true;
force force ace_advanced_ballistics_bulletTraceEnabled = true;
force force ace_advanced_ballistics_simulationInterval = 0.05;
force force ace_common_persistentLaserEnabled = true;
force force ace_noradio_enabled = true;
force force ace_parachute_hideAltimeter = false;
force force ace_arsenal_camInverted = false;
force force ace_arsenal_enableModIcons = true;
force force ace_arsenal_fontHeight = 4.5;
force force ace_arsenal_allowDefaultLoadouts = true;
force force ace_arsenal_allowSharedLoadouts = true;
force force ace_arsenal_EnableRPTLog = false;
force force TF_no_auto_long_range_radio = true;
force force TF_give_personal_radio_to_regular_soldier = false;
force force TF_give_microdagr_to_soldier = true;
force force TF_same_sw_frequencies_for_side = false;
force force TF_same_lr_frequencies_for_side = false;
force force TF_same_dd_frequencies_for_side = false;
force force TF_default_radioVolume = 7.46465;


I have deleted the old @aceServer-folder and the userconfig/ace/serverconfig.hpp but I can see the server try to load the aceServer.pbo.





 2:04:39 @aceserver | @aceserver | false | NOT FOUND |  |  | 


Bevore the update everything works fine.

I'm looking for hours and can't find the problem.

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11 hours ago, iV - Ghost said:

I have some troubles with the new cba_settings.sqf. The server don't use it.

I placed them on my server in userconfig/cba_settings.sqf and this is the content:


I have deleted the old @aceServer-folder and the userconfig/ace/serverconfig.hpp but I can see the server try to load the aceServer.pbo.

Did you enable file patching on the server? Also that log doesn't show us much, upload full one to pastebin/gist.

You can also remove "@aceServer" from your "-serverMod=" list, that's the only thing your log shows.

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Yes file patching is enabled. Till now I can't remove the servermod from the startparameters.

The serversupport is looking for. There are some other problems.

The aceServer.pbo and the userconfig/ace/userconfig.hpp are deleted.


I post the logs after the startparameters get fixed.

I hope today...


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Logs should be ok: https://pastebin.com/LnGsVrV3


The settings working if I play NOT on a server. I have the same settings forced in 3den Editor for my missions.

I think some parts of the settings work on a server and some does not. But don't know really what is set by default.


Work on server:

  • sitting
  • vehicle lock
  • vehicle cargo
  • advanced medical
  • advanced fatique
  • view distance
  • Ui (ammo count, mag count, ...)


Don't work on server:

  • view restriction
  • Gestures
  • Ui (stance, stamina bar, ...)


I can't find the reason for that. Any ideas?

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Not quite sure how to use the CBA garrison function and would like to avoid writing my own if I could avoid it.

Error - Undefined variable in expression. #cba_fnc_waypointGarrison


**Steps to reproduce:**
- Script executed on an object (not entire script, there is a unit defined)

_spawnPosition = position _this;
_group = creategroup east;
_unit = selectRandom _unitPool;                                            
_unit createUnit[_spawnPosition, _group];
_garrison = [_group, _spawnPosition] call cba_fnc_waypointGarrison;
//Also tried: [_group, _group, 150, "MOVE", "AWARE", "YELLOW", "FULL", "COLUMN", "leader _GROUP spawn CBA_fnc_waypointGarrison", [3,6,9]] call CBA_fnc_addWaypoint;



I'm assuming I'm calling this function wrong but can't seem to be able to find documentation or examples to help.


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2 hours ago, Haymaker said:

Not quite sure how to use the CBA garrison function and would like to avoid writing my own if I could avoid it.

Error - Undefined variable in expression. #cba_fnc_waypointGarrison


I'm assuming I'm calling this function wrong but can't seem to be able to find documentation or examples to help.




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On 21/12/2017 at 3:48 AM, iV - Ghost said:

I have some troubles with the new cba_settings.sqf. The server don't use it.

I placed them on my server in userconfig/cba_settings.sqf and this is the content:

I'm sort of facing the same problem as @iV - Ghost there. On my dedicated server I have placed the cba_settings.sqf file in the arma3\userconfig\ folder and AFAIK the server is loading the file correctly (see the RPT excerpt below)

10:15:57 InitSound ...
10:15:57 InitSound - complete
10:15:57 Dedicated host created.
10:15:57 PhysX3 SDK Init started ...
10:15:57 PhysX3 SDK Init ended.
10:16:01 [0,24.798,0,"XEH: PreStart started."]
10:16:02 [CBA] (settings) INFO: Loading userconfig file ...
10:16:02 [0,25.249,0,"XEH: PreStart finished."]

I have only the following line in the cba_settings.sqf file

force force STHud_Settings_Occlusion = true;

and with that I'm trying to force the ShackTac UI occlusion setting ON for the players that happen to be using the STUI modification.


Here are the server launch parameters:

./arma3server -port=2302 -config=server.cfg -filePatching -mod=@cup_terrains\;@IFA3_AIO_LITE -serverMod=@CBA_A3\;@ASR_AI3

and in the server.cfg file I have set

allowedFilePatching = 0;


Even with the aforementioned settings the players are still able to change the STUI occlusion setting how they please. To put this the other way around: the server isn't forcing the setting on the clients even if it should be doing just that(?).
Thus, to me at least, it seems that using the cba_settings.sqf file from the userconfig folder (on a dedicated server) is not working at the moment. Or might this just be a user-made problem?

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Would this work for you?

_group addWaypoint [_position, 0] setWaypointScript "\x\cba\addons\ai\fnc_waypointGarrison.sqf []";


[_group, _position] execVM "\x\cba\addons\ai\fnc_waypointGarrison.sqf";


ref: https://github.com/CBATeam/CBA_A3/pull/851#issuecomment-353932357


The script is not meant to be a callable function. It is meant to be attached as waypoint script of the GARRISION scripted waypoint in the editor.

I'd gladly add this to the functions header.

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12 hours ago, Asmodeuz said:

and in the server.cfg file I have set

allowedFilePatching = 0;


That disallows file patching for connecting clients, it does NOT enable it for server (but I see you have it enabled with -filePatching). Do you have a line "Could not read cba_settings.sqf" or something like that (it has no "[CBA]" prefix because it's Arma reporting it it can't find it)? Where exactly is your userconfig folder placed, full absolute path.

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19 hours ago, jonpas said:

That disallows file patching for connecting clients, it does NOT enable it for server (but I see you have it enabled with -filePatching). Do you have a line "Could not read cba_settings.sqf" or something like that (it has no "[CBA]" prefix because it's Arma reporting it it can't find it)? Where exactly is your userconfig folder placed, full absolute path.

Here's an RPT output that begins at the end of List of Mods where we see @CBA_A3 being loaded by the server and all the way to the point  where the server has Connected to Steam servers:


17:58:30                         Community Base Addons v3.5 |              @CBA_A3 |      false |             GAME DIR | da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 |  11fdd19c | E:\UserFiles\[USERNAME]\[GENERIC_NUMBER]\@CBA_A3
17:58:30 ==========================================================================================================================================================================================================
17:58:30 InitSound ...
17:58:30 InitSound - complete
17:58:30 PhysX3 SDK Init started ...
17:58:30 PhysX3 SDK Init ended.
17:58:34 [0,52.774,0,"XEH: PreStart started."]
17:58:34 [CBA] (settings) INFO: Loading userconfig file ...
17:58:34 [0,53.02,0,"XEH: PreStart finished."]
17:58:34 [XEH]: LIB_FNC does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @ifa3_aio_lite
17:58:34 [XEH]: LIB_Distance does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @ifa3_aio_lite
17:58:34 [XEH]: LIB_Advanced_AI_Module does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @ifa3_aio_lite
17:58:34 [XEH]: LIB_House_Fire_System_Logic does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @ifa3_aio_lite
17:58:34 [XEH]: LIB_ArtyFunc does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @ifa3_aio_lite
17:58:34 [XEH]: LIB_MG42_Lafette_Deployed does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @ifa3_aio_lite
17:58:34 [XEH]: LIB_MG42_Lafette_low_Deployed does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @ifa3_aio_lite
17:58:34 [XEH]: LIB_MG34_Lafette_Deployed does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @ifa3_aio_lite
17:58:34 [XEH]: LIB_MG34_Lafette_low_Deployed does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @ifa3_aio_lite
17:58:34 [XEH]: LIB_M1919_M2 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @ifa3_aio_lite
17:58:34 [XEH]: LIB_StaticMortar_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @ifa3_aio_lite
17:58:34 [XEH]: LIB_Ju87 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @ifa3_aio_lite
17:58:35 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.
17:58:35 Loading movesType CfgGesturesMale
17:58:35 MovesType CfgGesturesMale load time 205 ms
17:58:35 Loading movesType CfgMovesMaleSdr
17:58:42 Error: Bone trigger doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
17:58:42 Error: Bone weapon all doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
17:58:42 Error: Bone bolt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
17:58:42 Error: Bone bottom rail doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
17:58:42 Error: Bone rightinhandring doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
17:58:42 Error: Bone leftinhandring doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
17:58:42 Error: Bone rightinhandring doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
17:58:42 Error: Bone leftinhandring doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
17:58:44 MovesType CfgMovesMaleSdr load time 8676 ms
17:58:44 Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303
17:58:44 Steam AppId from steam_appid.txt: 107410
17:58:45 Connected to Steam servers
18:07:09 Unsupported language English in stringtable


At 17:58:34 we see the [CBA] (settings) INFO: Loading userconfig file ... and not much related to CBA after that. Don't we have to assume that a line "Could not read cba_settings.sqf" or something like that is not to be found anywhere earlier in the RPT output since loading the userconfig file begins that late during server startup?

On a rented dedicated server (with Windows OS) the userconfig file is being loaded from E:\UserFiles\[USERNAME]\[GENERIC_NUMBER]\userconfig\cba_settings.sqf
This same problem (userconfig file not being loaded/not doing anything) occurs with a personal dedicated PC (with ArchLinux OS) and there the absolute path is /home/asmodeus/steamcmd/arma3/userconfig/cba_settings.sqf

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The cba_settings.sqf file belongs into the game directory, not the profile folder.

Arma 3\arma3.exe

Arma 3\userconfig\cba_settings.sqf

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I haven't found anything about that in the CBA Wiki on GitHub so I am asking here. What are the names of the variables used to store the expressions used in the "Extended Debug Console"? I'd like to delete them. Any hint would be appreciated.



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CBA v3.6.0 Released


This update adds Russians translations, the "extended weapon animations framework" usable for bolt action rifles and pump action shotguns, the ability to bind addon key actions to joysticks (indirectly, read documentation!), and a scripted event handler for the completed mission loading screen.  It also fixes a bug where Zeus can not rotate objects that were created on the server.


>>> WARNING! <<<
This release removes a pbo file and key. Make sure to delete the old @CBA_A3 folder before dropping the patched version into your game directory.



  • ADDED: Russian translation (#861) MiatWarp Dystopian
  • ADDED: Weapon animations framework (#82, #829) commy2
  • ADDED: Ability to bind to Joysticks indirectly (#825, #828) commy2
  • ADDED: Scripted event for finished mission loading screen (#806) commy2
  • ADDED: Fix for Zeus to correctly rotate remote units (#816) commy2
  • ADDED: UI to export and import settings in multiplayer (#832, #847, #848, #852, #854, #856, #858, #860) commy2
  • ADDED: PBOPREFIX file for settings addon template (#841) commy2
  • ADDED: enableDebugConsoleSP mission config entry (#843) commy2
  • ADDED: Tooltips to list type settings (#867) commy2
  • ADDED: Sub-categories to settings (#869) PabstMirror
  • IMPROVED: Fleximenu uses cursorObject as fallback (#348, #838) NeKo-ArroW commy2
  • IMPROVED: Cleanup some configs (#819, #820, #822) commy2
  • IMPROVED: setSettingMission event accepts numbers for checkbox setting (#842) PabstMirror
  • IMPROVED: Settings changed to their default will be removed from the hash (#857) commy2
  • IMPROVED: Mission settings file is loaded every time the settings menu is opened (#859) commy2
  • CHANGED: CBA_fnc_addKeybind can take pretranslated stringkeys (#794, #818) Dorbedo commy2
  • CHANGED: Addon Options menu pauses the game in single player mode (#813) commy2
  • CHANGED: Focus set on "Configure Base" button in keybinding menu (#817) commy2
  • CHANGED: In multiplayer as admin, the client tab is selected by default (#833) commy2
  • CHANGED: Clarify logging for settings userconfig loading (#855) PabstMirror
  • CHANGED: Clarify header of fnc_waypointGarrison.sqf (#863) commy2
  • CHANGED: Save profile after changes (#873, #881) PabstMirror Xyaren
  • FIXED: Broken A2 era function (#289, #839) commy2
  • FIXED: Untranslated setting categories broken (#814) commy2
  • FIXED: Slider settings with whole numbers (#834) PabstMirror
  • FIXED: List settings sometimes not selectable (#835) commy2
  • FIXED: cba_ui_fnc_remove broken (#838) bosoy
  • FIXED: Debug Console doesn't respond to Enter key in multiplayer (#844, #846) CreepPork commy2
  • FIXED: A functions header function name (#845) commy2
  • FIXED: Export-import produces different results for global mission settings (#850, #853) commy2
  • REMOVED: Obsolete components (#821, #823, #827) commy2



  • There is a script error popup when saving mission settings in the editor. The settings are saved correctly and the error message can be ignored. See: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T127247



Change log for CBA v3.6.0




Signatures are included.


Submit New Bugs on Github



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I have been doing some testing, and it seems that certain mods in the community are causing the issue, and not directly CBA. For me, the crash is only occuring when running ALIVE, otherwise it seems to function normally, although i haven't tested many other mods

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Crashes can be due too older not updated missions, with dependence on old not updated mods. Which could be updated in your mod set but the mission is calling an old mod. Throw out the missions and start over...  or then put them back in one at a time.


Sorry for the OT

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Headsup. Crash caused by ALiVE mod.
CBA team working on hotfix to prevent the crash.

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The ALiVE crash has been fixed internally, we’re just waiting on a build. Sorry no ETA for that at this time. We’re hoping it will be soon but no promises.

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CBA v3.6.1 HOTFIX Released


This a hotfix for third-party mods that references a deprecated file which causes a crash.


>>> WARNING! <<<
This release removes a pbo file and key. Make sure to delete the old @CBA_A3 folder before dropping the patched version into your game directory.



  • FIXED: ALiVE and possibly other mods referencing obsolete file ui_helper\script_dikCodes.hpp (#882) ViperMaul


  • There is a script error popup when saving mission settings in the editor. The settings are saved correctly and the error message can be ignored. See: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T127247



Change log for CBA v3.6.1




Signatures are included.


Submit New Bugs on Github



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I would like to make a compact mod pack with all my server needs in one Steam Workshop mod. I haven't found anything about CBA that prohibit reuploads, and direct contact with the devs is not simple too, so I made this post to know if anyone have the answer / had the same problem.

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20 minutes ago, RicardoLew said:

I would like to make a compact mod pack with all my server needs in one Steam Workshop mod. I haven't found anything about CBA that prohibit reuploads, and direct contact with the devs is not simple too, so I made this post to know if anyone have the answer / had the same problem.

Use collections, way simpler and easier.

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Hello! I'm having a headache trying to get cba_settings.sqf work on a Dedicated server.


My mission was edited with CBA activated, but NO cba_settings in the mission folder.


The server is starded "manually", w/o TADST, by a desktop shortcut to the .exe, adding -par through a .par file (anyway, this is not the problem since I have allowedFilePatching=2, and ASRAI, that needs it, works ok).

I tried to put settings file in the Arma 3 installation folder (not arma 3 server), under userconfig\cba_settings.sqf, but nothing is loaded as should be. Settings are ok because, if I try to load them through the mission pbo, the server behaves as it should. The fact is that I NEED to put the settings outside my mission's pbo.

Can someone please help me? Thank you.

EDIT: I did some more testing: Although allowedFilePatching is set to 2 in .par file, asrai and cba_settings are not loaded (and asr ai doesn't even give errors if missing, like it does instead if the server is started with tadst). I tried to add -filePatching to the destination of the shortcut, but I had no luck. Someone knows how to fix this?



"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 Server\arma3server.exe" -filePatching "-par=C:\Users\root\Desktop\Server\Pubblico\ServerPubblico.par"

//.par file:
class Arg


	mod="-mod=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\!Workshop\@task_force_radio;C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\!Workshop\@Specialist Military Arms (SMA) Version 2.7.1;C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\!Workshop\@RHSUSAF;C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\!Workshop\@RHSAFRF;C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\!Workshop\@PedagneMod;C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\!Workshop\@CBA_A3;C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\!Workshop\@ACE Compat - RHS United States Armed Forces;C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\!Workshop\@ACE Compat - RHS Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\!Workshop\@ace";

	serverMod="-serverMod=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@tpwcas_a3;C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@obfusqf;C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\!Workshop\@Cartridge Cases;C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\!Workshop\@Blastcore Edited (standalone version);C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\!Workshop\@ASR AI3;C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\!Workshop\@Advanced Towing;C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\!Workshop\@Advanced Rappelling";


//All works, only cba_settings ignored because I don't know where to put -filePatching usign the shortcut method!



Edited by Lorenz94

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