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Help getting SIX floors of ladders and stairs to work for AI

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Hi guys,

well, thanks to Sakura and M1lkm8n, I can freely walk myself through 6 floors via stairways and ladders, BUT the AI is a different matter at the moment...

Here's two screenies showing my structure from the MEMORY and PATHS lods:



With the MEMORY you can see the four ladder vertex sets.

With the PATH you can see they're not TOTALLY connected (Does this matter?) as ladders connect them in some places. It works for me as a unit walking freely around the structure but if I'm on the floor and tell an AI to go to the top most POS, he will walk on the ground UNDERNEATH the location of the POS (Say, about 40 meters above him) and stay there.

But, if I tell him to goto the POS say on the second floor above the initial ladder, he will. If I then follow him up I can "baby walk" him up, "separated" (by ladders) section of PATH at a time, until I've walked him to the top.

So basically, it's working for AI units if I walk them through it one "floor/section" at a time, but I can't simply tell them from ground level to go RIGHT to the top as they'll just walk under that particular POS and stay there at ground level...

If anyone has any help, I'd appreciate it- I'm completely out of ideas and variation attempts on this one guys- I need to spend my time texturing it up now as time is short for me.

Thanks in advance,


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is there anyone that could know about this issue please..? It's blummin' annoying as I have ran out of different options to try at this point... M1lkm8n suggested it could be that it's simply too complex for AI to navigate all in one go- does anyone else think the same could be true..?

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Hi, now I have only czech unofficial version of some description about buildings ("Building step by step tutorial")

I hope, that there will be someone, who will have some time for translation to english...

But you can try take parts of the path lod in our sample models for now... Arma 3 Tools\Samples_F\Test_House_01\Test_House_01_F.p3d

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Also struggling with this...

Is your building placed in visitor?

In that case you can try giving the AI a waypoint in the editor to go inside the building to a "pos" on the top floor and see how it manages.

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Hi guys,

no, the pathway is not one connected continuous pathway- only because it's "broken" up by ladders connecting some floors.

As you should be able to see from the two screenshots that show both ladders and stairs connecting floors. Where the floors are using stairs, then yes the pathway continues, but obviously where there is a ladder the pathway stops at the bottom with a POS and starts a new one at the top with a POS again.

I have had a good look at the sample models but the ARMA3 house one doesn't really suit for this example, as there are no ladders (let alone multiple ladders!) in it, only stairs.

I THINK it will be something to do with the fact that different floors are connected by ladders, as this "breaks" the flow of the pathway..?

Saying that, surely it's possible to have ladders connecting floors with it breaking the pathways..?

I really don't know guys...

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Is AI able to use ladders at all? Because i cant remember a single case of AI using them in vanilla A2 or A3, so i'd guess that this feature simply isn't implemented.

Or do you mean stairs? In that case, just make a ramp which lies on top of the stairs and connect it to upper and lower floor.

In case you actually mean ladders, i would try to adjust the model and make it so every floor can be reached by stairs. Of course it won't look as good, but at least the AI will be able to use them then.

Edited by Fennek

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Hi, yes they use the first ladder which STARTS from the 1st floor (Which is accessible by stairs) no problem whatsoever and it works great.

There is seemingly no problem per say of AI using ladders in ARMA3, in single instances anyway. For example if my structure had only one ladder there'd be no problem, but because it has 4 I think it is causing issues.

I MIGHT go back and put in stairs instead of the other three ladders but that's a bit of a p*(^*&er as I really like the sense of infiltration ascending ladders upto a 45 meter high rooftop gives you. Stairs just seem to civilised lol..! ;)

Also, there's a lot of knock on effects from removing ladders and modelling in stairs instead- all those LODs will need rethinking... f&*k... :(

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