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How to setVelocity with getDir on local.

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I'm trying to do a script that does the following: when you are near obj, you hold it, then it adds an action that allows you to push it away from you, then removing the action.


waituntil {player == player};
_unit = _this select 0; 

while {true} do {
if ((obj distance _unit) < 4) then {
	obj attachTo [_unit, [0,1.2,0.4]];
	_unit addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>PUSH OBJ</t>", 
	"detach obj,
	removeAllActions _unit,
	obj setvelocity [10,0,5]",

	waituntil {((obj distance _unit) >= 4)};
sleep 1;

Now, there are 3 problems:

- I need to push the obj in the direction I'm facing.

- I don't know how to put all these things inside the addaction.

- I need to run this just on the client that runs the script, not affecting others.

Any help?

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There are more issues

When walking while pushing using detach causes damage to player

You can get in a vehicle while pushing and when you get out a second addaction is applied

As for MP good luck I'm not even going to try and mess with that.

I fixed the damage issue and it will work with quite a few objects that are class "thing"

Call with

null=[player] execvm "Push.sqf"

I cobbled together this bit of code

save as Push.sqf

FNC_vel_push = {
_unit = _this select 0;
_obj = (_this select 0) getvariable "object";
_vel = velocity _unit;
_dir = direction _unit;
_speed = 8;
_obj setVelocity [(_vel select 0)+(sin _dir*_speed),(_vel select 1)+ (cos _dir*_speed),(_vel select 2)];
_unit  spawn {sleep 0.3;_this enableCollisionWith (_this getvariable "object");};

waituntil {player == player};
_unit = _this select 0; 
//_obj  = _this select 1;

_obj = cursortarget;
_unit setvariable ["object",_obj,true];

while {alive _unit} do {
_obj = cursortarget;
_unit setvariable ["object",_obj,true];
if ((_obj distance _unit) < 4 and _obj iskindof "thing") then {
	_obj attachTo [_unit, [0,1.2,0.4]];

 	_unit addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>PUSH OBJ</t>",{
	  _obj = (_this select 0) getvariable "object";(_this select 0) disableCollisionWith _obj ;detach _obj;removeAllActions (_this select 0);_this call FNC_vel_push}];

	waituntil {((_obj distance _unit) >= 4 )};
sleep 1;

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I am doing a sports mission that does exactly that. Here, "quaffle" is the object I attached, detached, and sent off when the action is fired.

This is executed from the addAction (uses the CBA function, I guess vanilla would use BIS_fnc_MP):

[ "quaffle_shot", [ _firer ] ] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;

And here's the event handler that executes the same event for everyone:

[ "quaffle_shot", {
_firer = _this select 0;

_vel = velocity quaffle;
_dir = direction quaffle;
detach quaffle;

_speed = 275; //Added speed
eyes = eyeDirection _firer;
quaffle setVelocity [ ( _vel select 0 ) + ( ( eyes select 0 ) * _speed ), ( _vel select 1 ) + ( ( eyes select 1 ) * _speed ), ( _vel select 2 ) ];
} ] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;

eyeDirection is bugged with the Z value, see the feedback tracker (ID 15580, sorry, can't post links as a new member). My code just uses the current Z velocity of the object being fired off, and not the up/down facing direction.

edit: mis-read where OP wanted it local only. I'll leave it up just in case it's useful for someone else

Edited by opec666

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Simply with SIN and COS

waituntil {player == player};
_unit = _this select 0; 

while {true} do {
if ((obj distance _unit) < 4) then {
	obj attachTo [_unit, [0,1.2,0.4]];
	_unit addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>PUSH OBJ</t>", 
	"detach obj,
	removeAllActions _unit,
	obj setvelocity [sin (getDir _unit) * 10, cos (getDir _unit) * 10,5]",

	waituntil {((obj distance _unit) >= 4)};
sleep 1;

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There are more issues

When walking while pushing using detach causes damage to player

You can get in a vehicle while pushing and when you get out a second addaction is applied

As for MP good luck I'm not even going to try and mess with that.

I fixed the damage issue and it will work with quite a few objects that are class "thing"

Call with

null=[player] execvm "Push.sqf"

I cobbled together this bit of code

save as Push.sqf

FNC_vel_push = {
_unit = _this select 0;
_obj = (_this select 0) getvariable "object";
_vel = velocity _unit;
_dir = direction _unit;
_speed = 8;
_obj setVelocity [(_vel select 0)+(sin _dir*_speed),(_vel select 1)+ (cos _dir*_speed),(_vel select 2)];
_unit  spawn {sleep 0.3;_this enableCollisionWith (_this getvariable "object");};

waituntil {player == player};
_unit = _this select 0; 
//_obj  = _this select 1;

_obj = cursortarget;
_unit setvariable ["object",_obj,true];

while {alive _unit} do {
_obj = cursortarget;
_unit setvariable ["object",_obj,true];
if ((_obj distance _unit) < 4 and _obj iskindof "thing") then {
	_obj attachTo [_unit, [0,1.2,0.4]];

 	_unit addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>PUSH OBJ</t>",{
	  _obj = (_this select 0) getvariable "object";(_this select 0) disableCollisionWith _obj ;detach _obj;removeAllActions (_this select 0);_this call FNC_vel_push}];

	waituntil {((_obj distance _unit) >= 4 )};
sleep 1;

It works nice, thanks!

I'll modify some things then I'll post the final script here ^^

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Well, this is the script atm:

FNC_chute = { 
_unit = _this select 0; 
_obj = (_this select 0) getvariable "object"; 
_vel = velocity _unit; 
_dir = direction _unit; 

if ((speed _unit) < 10) then {
_speed = 8; 
_obj setVelocity [((_vel select 0) - 3) + (sin _dir*_speed),((_vel select 1) - 3) + (cos _dir*_speed),(_vel select 2) + 10]; 
_unit  spawn {sleep 0.3;_this enableCollisionWith (_this getvariable "object");}; 

if (((speed _unit) > 10) and ((speed _unit)) < 20) then {
_speed = 8; 
_obj setVelocity [((_vel select 0) - 1) + (sin _dir*_speed),((_vel select 1) - 1) + (cos _dir*_speed),(_vel select 2) + 2]; 
_unit  spawn {sleep 0.3;_this enableCollisionWith (_this getvariable "object");}; 

if ((speed _unit) > 20) then {
_speed = 13; 
_obj setVelocity [((_vel select 0) + 7) + (sin _dir*_speed),((_vel select 1) + 7) + (cos _dir*_speed),(_vel select 2) + 3]; 
_unit  spawn {sleep 0.3;_this enableCollisionWith (_this getvariable "object");}; 


waituntil {player == player}; 
_unit = _this select 0;  
//_obj  = _this select 1; 

_obj = cursortarget; 
_unit setvariable ["object",_obj,true]; 

while {alive _unit} do { 
   _obj = cursortarget; 
   _unit setvariable ["object",_obj,true]; 
   if ((_obj distance _unit) < 4 and _obj iskindof "thing") then {
	detach _obj;
	_obj attachTo [_unit, [0,1.2,0.4]]; 

	_unit addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Chutar</t>",{ 
	_obj = (_this select 0) getvariable "object";(_this select 0) disableCollisionWith _obj ;detach _obj;removeAllActions (_this select 0);_this call FNC_chute}]; 

       waituntil {((_obj distance _unit) >= 4 )}; 

hint format ["%1",(speed _unit)];
sleep 1; 

The main problem now is MP related. If I create a game, I run the script and it works nice, but when a second player runs it, he can hold the object, but when he uses the action to push it away, it just does detach. Any ideas?

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Maybe you could check if the object is attached already

if (isNull attachedTo _obj1) then { hint "_obj1 is not attached to anything."; };

and add a version of it to the filter line

if ((_obj distance _unit) < 4 and _obj iskindof "thing" and (isNull attachedTo _obj)) then {

Can't test right now.

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Maybe you could check if the object is attached already

if (isNull attachedTo _obj1) then { hint "_obj1 is not attached to anything."; };

and add a version of it to the filter line

if ((_obj distance _unit) < 4 and _obj iskindof "thing" and (isNull attachedTo _obj)) then {

Can't test right now.

With the script I posted did that if someone else is near you, the obj will detach and it will attach to the new owner.

Any more ideas please?

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See if this is working, seems to be in single player using switched unit

private ["_unit","_obj"];

FNC_chute = { 
_unit = _this select 0; 
_obj = (_this select 0) getvariable "object"; 
_vel = velocity _unit; 
_dir = direction _unit; 

if ((speed _unit) < 10) then {
   _speed = 8; 
   _obj setVelocity [((_vel select 0) - 3) + (sin _dir*_speed),((_vel select 1) - 3) + (cos _dir*_speed),(_vel select 2) + 10]; 
   _unit  spawn {sleep 0.3;_this enableCollisionWith (_this getvariable "object");}; 

if (((speed _unit) > 10) and ((speed _unit)) < 20) then {
   _speed = 8; 
   _obj setVelocity [((_vel select 0) - 1) + (sin _dir*_speed),((_vel select 1) - 1) + (cos _dir*_speed),(_vel select 2) + 2]; 
   _unit  spawn {sleep 0.3;_this enableCollisionWith (_this getvariable "object");}; 

if ((speed _unit) > 20) then {
   _speed = 13; 
   _obj setVelocity [((_vel select 0) + 7) + (sin _dir*_speed),((_vel select 1) + 7) + (cos _dir*_speed),(_vel select 2) + 3]; 
   _unit  spawn {sleep 0.3;_this enableCollisionWith (_this getvariable "object");}; 

_obj setvariable  ["free",true,true];

waituntil {player == player}; 
_unit = _this select 0;  
//_obj  = _this select 1; 

//_obj = cursortarget; 

while {alive _unit} do { 
   _obj = cursorTarget; 
   //_unit setvariable ["object",_obj,true]; 

   if ((_obj distance _unit) < 4 and _obj iskindof "thing"  and (_obj getvariable ["free",true])) then {
       detach _obj;
       hint str _obj;
       _obj attachTo [_unit, [0,1.2,0.4]]; 
        _unit setvariable ["object",_obj,true]; 
        _obj setvariable  ["free",false,true];
       _unit addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Chutar</t>",{ 
       _obj = (_this select 0) getvariable "object";(_this select 0) disableCollisionWith _obj ;detach _obj;removeAllActions (_this select 0);_this call FNC_chute},[],0,true,true,"","_target == _this"]; 

       waituntil {((_obj distance _unit) >= 4 )}; 


   hint format ["%1",(speed _unit)];
sleep 1; 

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With my last script I found that I can hold and throw the OBJ, but someone else can just hold it. But he can hold and throw ground weapons LOL. Any ideas?

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