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Why use MySQL vs iniDB or iniDBI?

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I am setting up a Wasteland server and want to know if I should use iniDB, iniDBI, or MySQL. I have taken database classes in college so the MySQL seems like it fits the bill better (fast database) but so many wasteland threads talk about using iniDB only and how they are happy not to use MySQL. Which is faster? Which is more reliable? Which uses the server less?(less strain on server)

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InnoDB is a engine for MySQL. It's not like you can choose between innoDB and Mysql. It's more like it's an add-on you can use with MySQL.

So basically, saying that you are better of with InnoDB instead of mysql is like saying you are better of with custom rims for your car instead of the car itself.

InnoDB is very reliable, faster and safer than most of the other database engines. So yeah, use InnoDB.

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InnoDB is a engine for MySQL. It's not like you can choose between innoDB and Mysql. It's more like it's an add-on you can use with MySQL.

So basically, saying that you are better of with InnoDB instead of mysql is like saying you are better of with custom rims for your car instead of the car itself.

InnoDB is very reliable, faster and safer than most of the other database engines. So yeah, use InnoDB.







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I assume you a thinking I mean InnoDB. I mean IniDB not InnoDB. IniDB as far as I understand DOES NOT USE MySQL.

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Ok my mistake. I indeed thought you meant InnoDB.

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