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How to disable flashlight class?

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Hey people, I'd like to disable the flashlight on the Glock 17 so that I can make a version without the flashlight. Here is what I have so far:

class cfgPatches
   class Glock 
       units[] = {};
       weapons[] = {};
       requiredVersion = 0.1;

class cfgWeapons
   class glock17_EP1;

   class Glock : glock17_EP1
       displayName = "Glock 17";
       model = "\ca\weapons_E\glock17\glock17";
       picture = "\ca\weapons_E\Data\icons\glock17_CA.paa";
       reloadTime = 1; //change this value to change the fire rate. 1 means there is 1 second in between each shot

How would I edit this code to try and disable this? I already tried FlashLight = false because I thought that might work, but it did not.

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i'm actually working on this myself

you could try this (example on m9) - because the flashlight is made in your inheriting pistol class glock17_EP1 - assuming you want to keep it that way, then you can try to edit the flashlight away by scaling its effect right back.

setting lightmode to 0 may help?

more on lightmode, not sure if it will help but anyway


class M9: Pistol
	lightmode = 0;
	class FlashLight
		color[] = {0,0,0,0};//black
		ambient[] = {0.01,0.01,0.01,1};//very dim
		position = "Usti hlavne";
		direction = "Konec hlavne";
		angle = 0.1;//very thin
		scale[] = {0.1,0.1,0.1};//tiny
		brightness = 0.001;//very dim

alternatively you could rebuild you new weapons config inheriting from pistol and then pasting in the missing bits from the stock glock config minus the flashlight setting.

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As it turns out, FlashLight = false does seem to work. I apparently just placed it in the wrong place. Placing it like this seems to work for disabling it:

class cfgPatches
   class Glock 
       units[] = {};
       weapons[] = {};
       requiredVersion = 0.1;

class cfgWeapons
   class glock17_EP1;

   class Glock : glock17_EP1
       displayName = "Glock 17";
       model = "\post apocalyptic weapons\Glock 17\glock17";
       picture = "\ca\weapons_E\Data\icons\glock17_CA.paa";
       reloadTime = 1; //change this value to change the fire rate. 1 means there is 1 second in between each shot
FlashLight = false

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