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Hey hi,i really need a direction to go!!!!altis life by TONIC

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Hey hi,this is a topic for taw_tonic or the bohemia community,i rent a server at hfbserver altis life,the mod is made by tonic,all the tab for clan or donation etc. are to sealteamsloth.i rent a hfb server with the file of another clan in,wtf.was so hard to make this plain???i smell publicity cause all the people gona go in my sever gona donnate to teamsealsloth...and i was reading in a taw_tonic personal forum,that they dont add or help people to configure it.so,my question is,do i have to report all that at hfb server and ask tehm to have help remove this and configurate,or tonic could you make a plain version v3.1.4 exemple that is gona be clear of all shit from sealteamsloth???with no offense to anyone,i just need help,cause i rent a server that is suppose to be a altis life plain server,ready to play and it's not.i know you guys work hard on it but seriously we need more assistance for this.thanks for answering me,and sorry for my bad English.and again,with no ofeense for anyone.

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OMG wall of text! If you don't like the advertising then why not remove it yourself?

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lol did the teacher in you die a little bit after reading that?

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@op - you probably need to edit the mission .pbo file yourself to remove that text. Check the Altis Life thread here or on Tonic's website.

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I think that he needs a version of the mission recompiling so that all functions and scripts have no line breaks. He would feel more comfortable that way :)

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well,i am not English in trying my best,is it a forum to help people or not,thanks for the good answer,i like the mod and like what tonic do,and if i would able to configure it all my self,i was not asking help here Kremator...anyways,thanks for the one that help me.

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I just wanted to give you a friendly "Hello, welcome to the forum!". Don't mind the above, they are just kidding and joking around about you not using paragraphs. But it's not in a mean way, so please don't take an offense!

Unfortunately I have neither played "Altis Life", nor do I know how to decompile .PBOs. I think a good idea would be to contact Tonic directly.

Good luck with your server!


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Yeah CoLoNel we are just poking fun at you. Your English is fine :p

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