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Underground LOD for OB?

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Hey guys from BIS.

I think, everyone, who creates buildings and other artificial stuff for ArmA3 would like to see this:


It would be one of my biggest wishes.

Whta do you think? Should bis include this into the OB?

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Hi DerBiwi,

I wouldn't hold your breath mate- I have a really strong feeling that we aren't going to see this for ARMA 3.

Personally, it's probably TOP of my list of wishes for my map in development, but I just don't think it's coming to the ARMA series sadly.

Apart from faking the undergrounds with a dip in the terrain, I'm trying to work out if there would be a better way to simulate undergrounds but am struggling...

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Short answer not possible. :(

Long answer. I've already tested it with the appropriate lod number. The engine doesn't support the feature. But basically it was like a geometry lod that clips the terrain geometry wherever it intersects with that lod in the object. Sadly while Initial reports where they were going to add that feature when alpha came out it was not there. Probably never will...but who know we can all wish. Or beg and hope they take pity on us and add it

It is def. the most wanted feature from me. The possibilities would become so great....ah(drifts off into thought of greatness it would be)....

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As for faking it, could you create an elevator room: player enters, door closes, press button and elevator shakes and seems to descend, then player teleports to an identical elevator interior in an aboveground "underground" complex , whereupon the door opens into it?

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If I remember the underground lod also did not work for Visitor placed objects, only in the VBS realtime editor. Straight port of the feature wouldn't even be that useful.

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We saw this in game DeltaForce in 2000. Why is it difficult to do in 2014 - a mystery.

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