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Limit 3rd Person View by class

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Does anyone know how i can restrict 3rd person by Class ?

As I want ONLY pilots & engineers to be able to have 3rd person view

am using this ATM -

Params_CameraView=1;  // could set in decription but no need for this mission
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//                          MAIN ROUTINE
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// no loop need, if third person view is not available anyway
if (difficultyEnabled "3rdPersonView") then
switch (Params_CameraView) do
	case 1://vehicles only
		while {(true)} do
			if (cameraView == "External") then
				if ((vehicle player) == player) then
					player switchCamera "Internal";
			sleep 0.1;
	case 2://infantry only
		while {(true)} do
			if (cameraView == "External") then
				if ((vehicle player) != player) then
					(vehicle player) switchCamera "Internal";
			sleep 0.1;
	case 3://disabled
		while {(true)} do
			if (cameraView == "External") then
				if ((vehicle player) == cameraOn) then
					(vehicle player) switchCamera "Internal";
			sleep 0.1;

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Engineers can be easily identified via their "engineer = 1" config entry. Pilots do not have anything like that so you'd have to check for something else instead.

Anyway, why don't you simply allow thirdperson only for the driver/pilot of a vehicle?

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I need engineers to have 3rd person as you will be base building and need external view to move Objects :)

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_whitelist = [ "B_soldier_...", "bla" ];
_top = typeof player;

if ( _top in _whitelist ) exitWith {};

while {(true)} do
if (cameraView == "External") then
	(vehicle player) switchCamera "Internal";

sleep 0.5;

something like this?

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Hi. I am almost new to editing so I gotta ask this :)

I've made an Insurgency mission to play with friends(we have a dedicated server) and I too would like to allow the pilots 3rd person view. So this PHP code above, where am I to put that and do we need to allow the 3rd Person view in the server settings(we play only 1st person)?

Thanks guys.

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Good morning community,

i would like to set my server to first person out of vehicles and 3rd person in vehicles like Hunter or Ghost Hawk.

Can someone help me ? what script i have to use and how can i set it up.

I´m sorry for my bad englisch im german.

best regards eXpeRienC

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Run on client (untested):

_code = {
if ((vehicle player) == player) then {
	player switchCamera "Internal";
} else {
	(vehicle player) switchCamera "External";

["IP_OnEachFrameEH", "onEachFrame", _code] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler;

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You would include it in the mission.

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Does anyone know how i can restrict 3rd person by Class ?

As I want ONLY pilots & engineers to be able to have 3rd person view

am using this ATM -

Params_CameraView=1;  // could set in decription but no need for this mission
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//                          MAIN ROUTINE
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// no loop need, if third person view is not available anyway
if (difficultyEnabled "3rdPersonView") then
switch (Params_CameraView) do
	case 1://vehicles only
		while {(true)} do
			if (cameraView == "External") then
				if ((vehicle player) == player) then
					player switchCamera "Internal";
			sleep 0.1;
	case 2://infantry only
		while {(true)} do
			if (cameraView == "External") then
				if ((vehicle player) != player) then
					(vehicle player) switchCamera "Internal";
			sleep 0.1;
	case 3://disabled
		while {(true)} do
			if (cameraView == "External") then
				if ((vehicle player) == cameraOn) then
					(vehicle player) switchCamera "Internal";
			sleep 0.1;

Where do you actually put this code? I'm pretty new at this. I copied and pasted this into my description.ext and it crashed my game. I'm obviously doing it wrong.


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