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[WIP] Rhino Anti-IED Device

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Hello everybody,

A friend of mine, MrEwok, is currently working on a Rhino Anti-IED Device Model and he wants some help with the Animation (for the Rhino being able to go down and up).

I give you some screens :

http://i58.servimg.com/u/f58/18/84/74/35/2014-016.jpg (116 kB)




Note : this is not final model and texture.

Thanks for your help !!!

Have a nice day !!!

Edited by Shep_FR

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how you want it to go up and down... user input or like mouse interaction or something ?

user input like saying rhino down in the user menu... and when the player selects it... the rhino anti-mine goes down and such for the opposite

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Very very interesting.I was wondering what are this metal flags.They are jammers and at the same time can blow up IED before

vehicle drive over it.

They use IR switches(simple ones) that detect movement and trigger the IED.

I think the Rhino is clearly an antenna that can work in many ways to jam the receiving signal of the IED.

Such a device(not necessarily the Rhino) can predetonate the IED by emitting a powerful IR signal that fools the sensor to belive the object is closer(False Target Generator Jammers), or simply jamming the electonic circuit with electromagnetic radiations(Radio waves, Microwaves...not sure if IR would do the job) making the IED not detonating at all.

How detailed is model?

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Very very interesting.I was wondering what are this metal flags.They are jammers and at the same time can blow up IED before

vehicle drive over it.

Creates a heat signature for Infared IEDs. Sets it off in front of the vehicle instead of on the vehicle.

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Hello guys.

@Alexboy : I want the player to be able to make the detector go down or up with the mouse wheel menu but i think my problem come from the config file.

class CfgPatches


class EWK_HumveeDetector


units[] = {EWK_HumveeDetector};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 0.1;

requiredAddons[] = {};



class CfgVehicles


// Parent class declarations

class House;

class House_F: House


class DestructionEffects;


class EWK_HumveeDetector: House_F


scope = 2; // 2 = public = shown in editor

displayName = "HumveeDetector"; // Name in editor

model = \EWK_HumveeDetector\Ewk_DetecteurHumVeeTest32.p3d; // Path to model

vehicleClass = Structures; // category in editor; "Structures" value is a class defined in CfgVehicleClasses

mapSize = 20.27; // Scale of icon in editor

cost = 40000; // Score penalty for destroying the house

selectionDamage = DamT_1; // Selection which will have textures and materials switched (according to "class Damage definitions") based on total damage of the house

replaceDamagedHitpoints[] = {}; // Array of hitpoints (subclasses in "class Hitpoints") that can trigger switch to the damaged version when destroyed

replaceDamaged = ""; // Classname of the damaged version

class DestructionEffects: DestructionEffects



class HitPoints // Entities representing destructible subparts of the house



class Damage



class AnimationSources


// Animation sources

class PartiePivotante_source


source = user; // "user" = custom source = not controlled by some engine value

initPhase = 0; // Initial value of animations based on this source

animPeriod = 1; // Coefficient for duration of change of this animation



class UserActions


class Detector_Up


displayNameDefault = <img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\open_door_ca.paa' size='2.5' />; // This is displayed in the center of the screen just below crosshair. In this case it's an icon, not a text.

displayName = "Detector Up"; // Label of the action used in the action menu itself.

position = PartiePivotante_Trigger; // Point in Memory lod in p3d around which the action is available.

priority = 0.4; // Priority coefficient used for sorting action in the action menu.

radius = 1.5; // Range around the above defined point in which you need to be to access the action.

onlyForPlayer = true; // Defines if the action is available only to players or AI as well.

condition = ((this animationPhase 'PartiePivotante_rot') < 0.5) && ((this animationPhase 'Hitzone_2_hide') < 0.99999);

statement = ([this, 'PartiePivotante_rot'] execVM "\EWK_HumveeDetector\DetectorUp.sqf");


class Detector_Down: Detector_Up


displayName = "Detector Down";

priority = 0.2;

condition = ((this animationPhase 'PartiePivotante_rot') >= 0.5) && ((this animationPhase 'Hitzone_2_hide') < 0.99999);

statement = ([this, 'PartiePivotante_rot'] execVM "\EWK_HumveeDetector\DetectorDown.sqf");



class Strategic : House_F



class EWK_HumveeDetector : Strategic





This is a buiding but it will be an object soon (i was trying to animate my model like a building door, but i think it's not the best way to do it)

@Enex : This is my fisrt model but i will try to make it as realistic as possible.

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@Enex : This is my fisrt model but i will try to make it as realistic as possible.

You and I are on the same road ; ) Keep going!

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I am actually reworking the attach part to make it more detailed :) :



Edited by MrEwok

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What kind of vehicles will the device be attached to? Or is it attachable to any vehicle that is reasonable?

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In reality, it can be attached ton M1151 (HMMWVs), Strykers, Various MRAPs like the M-ATV we have in the game but also cougars etc...

Here is some pics :





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Looks really nice! Will you make it also attachable to other vehicles? Are you planing to create any other IED jammers?

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Looking really good, If you still need any help with animating it or anything like that give me a shout.

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really nice man! this looks like a great addition to the game :)

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Thanks! My animation is finally working in game, now i have to retexture, understand how to create RVMAT, and write some scripts.

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A friend of mine, F3ckB9LL, has made a little video so you can see how the mod is going:

He had forgotten to close TeamSpeak so sometimes you can hear us, sorry.

I'm still having issues with some textures that change color when in game...

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good presentation.Have you thought about what happens with device when vehicles explodes?

How about collision with the environment?

But those are minor problems, I'm glad you guys gut model working, animated, textured and scripted : )

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Thank you enex.

If the vehicle explode, then device will be destructed and unusable (i have to finish my wreck model) , for the collisions i'm still having issues (the player can't pass trought the device but device can pass trought buildings) i don't know how to fix it so if someone has an idea that would be helpful.

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