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The Eridanus Insurrection - An Arma 3 Total Modication

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So I do want to ask will we be seeing a difference between (Army,Marines, and ODSTs) Like the ODSTs having better Armor so they can take more hits? Also how is everything coming together?

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Just one question i don't remember been a long time since i played...master chief was in odst right? and odst was like a special force?

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Something that would be cool to be put into this mod is the M510 Siegework/Ultra-Heavy Mobile Anti-Aircraft Weapons Platform (Mammoth in Halo 4) or the M312 Heavy Recovery Vehicle (Elephant From Halo 3, Wars, ODST.

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forgot about this thread but was talking to a buddy about this same idea yesterday. unsc vs the insurrection. i was bored and put ODST armor on the arma 3 example models, so idk if this is relevant but heres what i have. i didnt make the armor so im not claiming credit, i just put it on the dude. im trying to get everything working in game but im going on vacation now.



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Looking really good. Can't wait to see this in game.

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Really nice, I'm hoping to see where this goes. I'm quite sad Microsoft would hold back a PC version.

I'm a halo fan and have always dreamt of large scale battles using strategic planning. I can't even imagine dropping feet first into hell.

http://i.imgur.com/yWF4tE6.jpg (244 kB)

I'm sure you've already got one started, but here is a concept piece that I used a while back. I prefer the center one since it is the most commonly used variant of the SOEIV.

http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140409143551/halo/images/a/a0/H3ODST_Pod.jpg (137 kB)

Edited by IndoorBradster

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well, working on some things and here is something that you guys might enjoy. wanted to see what the size limit on some things are and made a UNSC Frigata (reach if im not mistaking). this is 1:1 size in game. this means even bigger ships can be made for arma. granted i broke this ship down into several pieces to make it easy to use, but hell, here she stands, FAR FROM FINISHED!

http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/591412249325214896/39751CC3E76C1A6B3BA17B5B74CDBF24BA9BEF52/ (924 kB)

EDIT: i will add, the actual ship is sitting right above the runway on stratis. hope you guys still enjoy it.

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You should get some help, this mod is looking great. I'd suggest asking a man named BlooCobalt (On steam, he made some pretty HD ODST models) for use.

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i would love to see those ODST as that is one of the elements i want most lmfao. ill add him and see, thanks.

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Please oh please give this to me now!!!! I love the idea, personally being a Halo fanboy since Halo: CE.

Can't wait to see the fruits of you labor. :cheers:

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heres another one. spent the past few hours working on making the frigata smoother and came across some drop pod models for shits and giggles. they are by no means functional but make for a great pic :)


i would love to take arma into the halo universe... ill be working on this

EDIT: was working on some more things, frigate will feature fully functional pelican bays so you and your team can respawn there safely, loadout and either hop on a pelican or head to the ODST drop pod bay (will add eventually).


EDIT for size, so i fit a ch47 into that hangar door, its a tight fit but a pelican is the same length about as a chinook but its a few meters wider. i think it will still fit, tightly, but it will fit :P

Edited by Thedog88

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It's looking awesome, but are you having an issue with the never ending free fall animation above 100m though?

Edited by IndoorBradster

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yes currently im having that issue, but im hoping that by the time this is anywhere near ready for a release it will be fixed.

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I use this line for High Altitude jumps from c-130's. I've used it up to 9000 meters.

In the unit Init:

 [this,"STAND","FULL",{(player distance _this) < 5}] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnimCombat;

It returns the player to the default stand animation. However, there are some issues like getting out of vehicles will cause the player to return to the free-fall until they have removed both primary and secondary weapons. I would consider the free-fall a buggy feature right now, since it can't register when a player isn't falling. Hope this helps.

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thanks for the code, ill have to mess around with it. in the mean time, here is another peek at some progress.

pelicans in the bay, textures are place holders and bay is far from done.


here so you can see how tight the fit is, playing with the idea of launch and retrieval systems but not sure yet


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Wow, that is cramped. I'm sure that pilots can find there way out, it's getting back in that's going to be the challenge. Maybe a forced animation to return it to the bay would be a good idea later on.

BTW: Nice Pelican model, can't wait to see it with some textures.

Edited by IndoorBradster

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Shouldn't be any problem to dock on autohover with a few minutes of practice. The simplest solution is always the best, and in this case no extravagant docking animation is needed, just effort by the user.

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I guess it would be okay if it had proper autohover. But it depends on how the pelican flies, if it flies like the osprey in Arma II, then the auto-hover will only switch to vtol mode, but if it is configured like a helicopter, then the autohover will actually counter the player control to keep velocity down.

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right now the pelican is just a static object that i attached to a little bird >>> lmfao. in my opinion a pelican flies like a mix between osprey, harrier and helicopter, seeing how it has thrusters going into multiple directions to maneuver. that being said i believe the best flight model would be similar to the chinook one. its quick once it gets going but with a heavy feel during slow maneuvering, not saying its maneuvering is limited. i mean i did fly a chinook into this bay fairly easy, as i did the pelican attached to the little bird.

as far as texturing i can do it but i'm hoping to find somebody that will jump onto the project with me. not saying im lazy but it's just me at the moment. so if anybody wants to help out, let me know ;) oh this reminds me, the frigate will have pelican bays on both sides to allow for a total of 12 pelicans to board the frigate at the same time. both bays will have a room adjacent to it for ODST drops. i'm also thinking to add a third room to act like a barrack room or even a command room to plan and gear up for operations. there are also nuke silos on top of the pelican bays that i would like to be operational and maybe even the missile systems on the sides. essentially this thing will be the answer to any of your questions haha. provided i can get everything this far. fingers crossed guys.

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I don't really have any experience on the mod side of things, I'm more of a mission and scripting guy. But I want to learn all the stuff about mods and configs, so once I get the basics down I might be able to help with some stuff here and there. I really want to see this mod turn into something great.

But you'll still need more people, I have no experience making mods, so I'm basically useless right now.

Edited by IndoorBradster

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that being said i believe the best flight model would be similar to the chinook one. its quick once it gets going but with a heavy feel during slow maneuvering, not saying its maneuvering is limited. i mean i did fly a chinook into this bay fairly easy, as i did the pelican attached to the little bird.

This looks amazing I've always wanted the pelican in ArmA 3! As for the flight mechanics I would suggest you use the osprey's handling, but tweak it to when you select autohover it fly's like the chinook and when you deselect it, it will go a little faster than what the current ArmA 2 osprey's speed is in forward mode. I'm looking more into this but I could maybe help out with somethings so let me know.

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