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Zeus Feedback and Suggestions

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Love Zeus! Here's some thoughts on what I think would make it better:

  • Press Fx2 to toggle remote control of a Unit. (F sets camera focus, so Fx2 seems like the right fit)
  • Hold ALT while right clicking to set a custom waypoint. Have a look at chessmaster42's excellent curator preset mod (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?176116-Curator-Presets-Mod)
  • Allow multiple Zeus to ping on the map. Sometimes we need to work together quickly to build a scenario on the fly, it would be good to ping an area to highlight it temporarily.
  • remove animals from the view. They don't need to be visible. Ever.
  • Not in play: Allow me to place units/structures but don't spawn them yet. I just want to get them into position when I have a spare moment so that I'm ready to go when the time is right.
  • Forward face placement arrow: When placing a unit or structure like a check point, it's tricky to know what way it is facing as the outline is feint and the rotation is a bit hit and miss. A clearly visible 'north' arrow of the object which could double as a rotation handle would do the trick
  • Toggle Vehicle lights/collision lights/flashlights with L:
  • Global Unit placement settings: Gets tedious having to edit each group I place to set their movement to limited (or whatever). Let me configure it at anytime for all future unit placements.
  • Set helicopter height before placement: Even just a simple modifier like holding ALT to initially set the elevation to 200m would work well. Right now, spawning air units at sea will drown the poor souls.
  • Move objectives to the top: Objectives are hidden in both the placement menu on the left and the Zeus menu on the right. They need to be prominent and quickly accessible.
  • Preset collections (shareable with other Zeus's on the same faction during the mission): In the Zeus menu, allow the user to create their own collection folder of Units/structures. For example, I might create a group called "OPFOR Checkpoint". In it I would have the checkpoint structure, some OPFOR sentry units, a supply truck, chem lights, flares and some ambient objects. This would save me from having to drill through the Zeus menu to pull stuff together.
  • Preset placement (shareable with other Zeus's on the same faction during the mission): when I've placed some units/structures, allow me to select them all and 'Save Placement'. I can then recall this placement from the Zeus menu in the future - similar to how the camps work.
  • Scenario checklist (shareable with other Zeus's on the same faction during the mission): A good Zeus mission is made up of multiple scenarios. Each scene plays out with a bunch of things will happen. For example, I set up an objective to take out an AA emplacement, as the players are on route I fly over a chopper which gets promptly shot down over a forest. This is the start of a rescue mission of the downed pilot who makes a distress call. During which an enemy search team is deployed to find the downed chopper and so on. To pull something like this off, you need at least 2 zeus. To co-ordinate, we need a script of the scene. A checklist would allow us to create and share how the scene is to play out, take ownership of action items in the list (by ticking), then be able mark the item as complete. This would allow me to come up with fun scenarios offline, then share them with other Zeus's when we're doing a mission together. Preset collections and placements could be linked to a checklist (a scene) so that all Zeus players would have the units/structures for that scene easily available.

Edited by RuairiAU

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