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Clans: Let's play ARMA 3...with OTHER clans?

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1) I am sick of playing with 5-6 people, or on a public server with D-bags. You probably are too.

2) I own a badass server cluster. It's part of the business I run. I host dedicated ARMA 3 servers w/ headless clients on this cluster, and they can support huge missions. I know what I am doing when it comes to running servers, because it's how I feed my family. Trust me on this one. Games will be smooth unless the mission just plain sucks.

3) I own a teamspeak server. With 100 slots. We can meet here to play ARMA together. I'm usually connected 24/7 (May be AFK sometimes)

4) There doesn't seem to be a place where "your friends can meet my friends and we can BE friends".... and play missions with 10-20 or more people. I have to jump TS to TS and beg people to play. Fuck that shit. I'm tired of it and if you play with other people outside of your group, you're probably tired of it too.

5) I have a website, with a forum. This is a great medium for people from other clans to come and post a game they want to arrange on the calendar, or make a post about it on our forums for the other clans that come here looking for clan vs clan or clan coop clan games.

I have set up a network with these resources that I pray will serve the ARMA community in clan game matchmaking and ARMA social networking. We already have a few clans that hang out here, we want to grow.

What I am asking you to do:

Have a representative of your clan (preferably the "leader") come and register with my network Called the "medius network". www.tmnclan.com . Why register? So you can post your games that you want to set up on our forums and see the posts other people made about games THEY want to set up (When, which server, the situation and rules, etc.), *and* so I can have your email, so I can send mass emails about upcoming games that have been scheduled etc. and keep you informed on the latest activity, so you don't miss out on a good game! We're a server and communications medium, not a clan, or a RP unit. I run servers, I restart servers, I load new missions onto servers and help troubleshoot shit. I'm not a clan leader. Just so we're clear. This post isn't about joining my little clan. :-) Registration is strictly so we have a way to keep communication centralized between all small clans.

You don't have to "join" us...that's an option tho. We really just want clans to have a place to congregate...maybe even meet other small clans, and then play big missions on our dedicated servers.

What is in it for you:

Clan Vs. Clan & Clan w/ Clan Coop Match-Making, Schedules Games and Organized Gaming. On Dedi servers for smooth play. Your Missions that YOU picked / made, loaded on OUR dedi servers. Managed by ME. A professional nerd. And a knowledgable volunteer staff of sysAdmins. They help too :-)

Every day, with a little luck and dedication from me and you both, we can utilize the mediums I provided here, for free, to conspire new missions and have missions planned out with more people than just 5-10 players. The rules of each mission will vary depending on the people conspiring to make it up. if for example, CLAN 1 and CLAN 5 got together and made up a mission, then the mission could be scheduled for time on a DEDI SERVER for play with CLAN 1, CLAN 5 and any other clan that was willing to play by CLAN 1 and CLAN 5's rules. You see? IF you are into SERIOUS arma 3 play...arrange a SERIOUS game on a dedi server....if you are into CASUAL ARMA 3....that's why we have MULTIPLE DEDICATED SERVERS and you can arrange a CASUAL GAME!

You are welcome to come and hang out on our TS for free. You can even call it "home" if you want. IF you DO call it "home" i'll give you your own sub-channel and CHANOPS in it, and you can lock it. No strings attached, easier access to more people IMHO.

All I ask for all my money, time, work and free hardware is that occasionally, you let me join in on a game with you. I'll play by your rules. :-)

Chkout the website and forums and see how legit this is. I've put in a TON of work and a good chunk of change. All I want is to have big games like SHACKTACK in ARMA 2 (OK, Maybe not THAT big) without having to blow certain glitterati of the ARMA scene for a chance to play.

Getting long again. Hopefully that is a bit more clear and to the point.

Hope to see you around sometime. Let's play fucking arma already.

Edited by Fr33d0m
This post has been edited to add the clarification of WHY we would need you to "sign up" for something.

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I like it, at first glance. I'll run it past my guys and see what they say.

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I like it, at first glance. I'll run it past my guys and see what they say.

Hell that's all a guy can ask. I appreciate you man. I'm usually in the TS, drop by and say hello anytime!

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It's all good. I understand what you're doing.

There are tons of small Arma groups that are small for a multitude of reasons. Some like to play with their own selection of mods. Others didn't like being the low men on the totem pole somewhere else and decided to become instant officers in their own group. In many cases it's a matter of ego getting in the way of merging with other groups. People don't mind new guys joining with them, but wouldn't be so crazy about joining a different group and losing their 'identity'. If you're the leader of a group you don't want to be cut out of the leadership clique if you merge with a new clan.

It's a good idea, getting our small groups together and forming a collective where reasons for being small can be preserved, all the while getting in on some larger-scale action. Maybe something more 'official' and organized and be worked on eventually.

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This is an amazing offer. I'll run it up the flagpole at my clan's next meeting.

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Looks an interesting concept, i shall mention it to the other CO's of FUSION.

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Awesome!! We'd love to set up some games! Hope to see you guys around!!

---------- Post added at 20:48 ---------- Previous post was at 20:46 ----------

It's all good. I understand what you're doing.

There are tons of small Arma groups that are small for a multitude of reasons. Some like to play with their own selection of mods. Others didn't like being the low men on the totem pole somewhere else and decided to become instant officers in their own group. In many cases it's a matter of ego getting in the way of merging with other groups. People don't mind new guys joining with them, but wouldn't be so crazy about joining a different group and losing their 'identity'. If you're the leader of a group you don't want to be cut out of the leadership clique if you merge with a new clan.

It's a good idea, getting our small groups together and forming a collective where reasons for being small can be preserved, all the while getting in on some larger-scale action. Maybe something more 'official' and organized and be worked on eventually.

Couldn't have said it better myself brother. That's exactly it!

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Tonight I had the chance to register on the forums at tmnclan.com and messaged Fr33d0m for a forum section for my group. We still have our own private forums, but I look at this section that I asked to be created as an embassy in a new land. We're not moving over, but we do have an outpost in this new place. I hope others decide to join this endeavor.

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Awesome!! We'd love to set up some games! Hope to see you guys around!!

---------- Post added at 20:48 ---------- Previous post was at 20:46 ----------

Couldn't have said it better myself brother. That's exactly it!

I just passed this on to 82AB and Big Red One.

I hope it catches on.

The few clans who are truly active don't have big numbers. The clans who have big numbers ... are prolly dorks. /*please don't throat-punch me for that. #JustSayNoDiss*/

Edited by Tremblay
added quote from Fr33d0m

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I just passed this on to 82AB and Big Red One.

I hope it catches on.

The few clans who are truly active don't have big numbers. The clans who have big numbers ... are prolly dorks. /*please don't throat-punch me for that. #JustSayNoDiss*/

We definitely appreciate you brother! Like BadHabitz said, small clans are usually small for a reason. There isn't a reason, however, why small clans can't join in on bigger games while remaining the small clan they are. We've already had a few nice games just on pick-up status alone! So it's having a decent reception I think. We're trying to organize the ALiVE Saturday thing, it's coming along with no real hiccups to speak of, so all in all, looking good! Hope to see you guys around as we continue to grow!

Drop by anytime brother! I'm usually in the TS, and it's usually got players in there evenings (around 5:30-6:00 CST is when people usually start showing up)

Edited by Fr33d0m

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hey i know you said you're sick of playing with public players and such, but i am a fairly responsible player who has yet to join a clan and was wondering if i could possibly join in on this? if clans are regularly hosting organized missions on these servers it sounds like a great way to enjoy the true experience that is arma and to also find a nice group. it would be pretty cool to be able to like look at a calender and say "oh hey group XYZ is having a mission on server ABC at time 12:34 i can jump in and join them for a night of fun gaming"

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hey i know you said you're sick of playing with public players and such, but i am a fairly responsible player who has yet to join a clan and was wondering if i could possibly join in on this? if clans are regularly hosting organized missions on these servers it sounds like a great way to enjoy the true experience that is arma and to also find a nice group. it would be pretty cool to be able to like look at a calender and say "oh hey group XYZ is having a mission on server ABC at time 12:34 i can jump in and join them for a night of fun gaming"

Absolutely!! There is no regulation requiring a player to be part of a group to play here! All you need to do to be part of the fun is sign up on the forums so U can access the calendar and receive emails about games, etc.! Then simply come and hang out!

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Hey Fr33d0M, are you still around man?

BadHabitz has taken a break from our group for the time being, but I am still interested in arranging games now and then.

I noticed that your http://www.tmnclan.com/ website has actually gone down, and has been replaced with the one at http://www.mediusgaming.com/

Is this the new main page from now on?

(P.S. Thanks for the PMC focused missions and assets, there pretty kick-ass!)

Edited by ENJAM

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Yeah let me mention it to my Aviation Leader/Aviation Commanding Officer. He's the only one I can really connect to with a good idea. Let me do some research on your clan more. May I ask. Do you guys know how to use mods,download,play,etc?

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