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_x removeItem "G_Combat" problem

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if(side _x == independent) then {

_x removeItem "G_Combat";


} foreach (allUnits);

The above is attached to a trigger that occurs shortly into the beginning of a mission.

I did not include "removeGoggles this;" into the int field of my custom units. I've covered Stratis with custom loaded Independent units.

I thought allowing the game to randomize what eyewear would add to the immersion during a mission.

Well, then I saw the first guy just wearing a baseball cap and the "G_Combat" goggle. It just looks bad, I'm not a super editor but the above works like a charm for me on a variety of other fixes. (like removing NVGs from a side I don't want or enableIRLasers true ect. ect.)

However, when I initiated my test trigger to make sure the above worked I was returned with the following message, after a brief but noticeable pause:

No entry 'config.bin/CfgWeapons.G_Combat'.

So, is there another item that produces the "G_Combat" appearance? OR does anyone know a way I can remove this item from the menu of random eyewear the game gives units without having to track everyone of my hand placed bots and give them all a new line into their int field?

I actually was planning to release this mission but I want to finish perfecting the look before I do. This is holding me up.

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The Biki documentation is incomplete. No surprise there. :)

I think you might be running into a locality problem. What's the locality of the units you want this to work on and what's the locality of the script?

edit: Oh, I see that'd probably not your problem. :) Apologies for not reading whole posts while posting from a tiny screened laptop. :)

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Ah. No easy way to accomplish my goal of removing this pesky G_Combat goggle?

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if ( side _x == independent && { goggles _x == "G_Combat" } ) then { removeGoggles _x };

} foreach allUnits; 

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