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1 million bullets... Your story of the first 4 weeks of the ALiVE War Room

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INFO: ALiVE War Room (alivemod.com)

TL;DR - All your data are belong to us

DTG 220001ZAPR14


If you were not aware, 4 weeks ago the ALiVE mod team launched the ALiVE War Room as part of the ALiVE Beta. The War Room tracks ALiVE game events and player/group performance and allows for things such as post combat debriefings and review. We have had an unbelievable number of players and groups register.

In just 4 weeks we have 326 groups and 2624 players registered with the War Room. We have recorded over 1,000,000 shots fired, 250,000 events, over 82,000 enemies killed in just over 2000 operations.


We thought we'd share some of the highlights! You will need to sign up to ALiVE War Room to access many of these links




Rath from Critical Response International (CRIT) is leading the way with a huge 3109 kills over 82 operations. His weapon of choice is the Mk48 where he has scored over 1500 kills. He doesn't spend much time in vehicles (just 3.8 hours out of his 55 total hours) but when he does he can be found using the .50 cal. HMG (killing over 200 enemies from the position of gunner).

Deuce from Whiskey Bravo is our leading aviator with over 1800 total kills, most from either an FA18 (420 kills), A10 (165 kills) or the AH64 Apache (129).


Other honorable mentions are Byerly from CRIT, Vike, watar from SWEBAT and Scorcher from The Gaming Freakz who rules the air from an AH-9 with over 570 killls.[/td]









Watar from SWEBAT has a killer avatar









[td]Tier 1 Marksmen

We track every kill and indeed the weapon and distance of those kills. We have some extraordinary examples of sniper skill from the last 4 weeks. The top shot is a kill using an SVD from 4km by Serza of BoSA Gaming, unfortunately it appears a freak data accident occurred here - we are still working on the bugs! Anyway as you can see the following guys are clearly leading the way with shots over 2km with in game rifles.


Flash from one of our Japanese clans J.A.P.S registered a kill from 2544m during an BCO24_insergency_V30&map=fallujah&clan=J.A.P.S."]anti-insurgency operation (6.37pm real time) in Fallujah.

Trixie managed to get a couple of kills over 2km during an operation on Stratis with an M320.

Finally, Gecko6 with VRC took out an anti-tank soldier from 2km with an M107 during Classified Operations in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas.




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Flash one our leading marksmen is part of the J.A.P.S. team based in Japan.









We have had an overwhelming response from groups. With over 300 now registered we have over 100 groups actively streaming data to our data service, including leading realism group VCB (featured during the Zeus live stream), long time UK group Kelly's Heroes, VRC, the huge US based 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force, popular Canadian based 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion and the very active Delta Force.


Delta Force are leading with kills, but some of their leading squad members have now transitioned to CRIT. Delta have over 10000 confirmed kills from just 27 operations!

UK based 3 Commando Brigade also have around 10000 kills but from 47 operations. They are making heavy use of vehicles to inflict damage across Takistan, Qom, Sahrani and Fallujah.

The 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion are also wreaking havoc, this time from the skies with over 11 hours of jump time under their belts. Recording almost 5000 kills from 52 operations, the Canadians have also put down plenty of lead with over 86000 shots fired.








Whiskey Bravo are one of the leading groups in operational tempo








We have been busy improving the features around mission analysis and debriefing. Initially, this is simply the ability to review a set of events on a map. This powerful tool allows groups to replay each and every key event in game along a time line. Expect this feature to in the future include things such as movement tracking (showing all units movement throughout the mission) as well as more graphical representation of player or vehicle states.


Delta Force are leading the way in regards to operations. 15 missions have been run as part of Operation Dark Star in Fallujah. Delta cleared almost 8000 enemy AI from Fallujah using ALiVE with just 99 losses.


Other operations that standout are 2nd MEF's operation in Takistan and 1st Canadian's insurgency campaign also in Takistan. Finally, Kelly's Heroes campaign across Altis called Demarcation Line has seen a record number of vehicles and aircraft destroyed by the Brits.

Jumps, Dives and Vehicles

So, who has the most combat dives I hear you ask!? Well its Roxor the esteemed leader of 2nd MEF with 9 dives.

Our combat jump leader is a toss up, between guys that ejected ... and those that were actually jumping! D Locker for the 88th Airborne looks like a solid bet with just 8 jumps to his name.

Other than top guns, we have some guys who have been driving around in tanks and APCs. Cpl Dregar from 2nd MEF has clocked over 10 hours in the Marshall and Panther, making him the most experienced driver.

Wrapping Up

There's lots of interesting data we're capturing as part of ALiVE and certainly there are still bugs to be fixed and things to be ironed out around data. In game events are just the start. We will continue to improve our data system and we hope to bring true persistence to our MP games in the next release. We're keen to hear from you about the data that really matters. We don't want to make Arma into a BF3 killboard fest, we're looking to provide you guys with information that allows you to enjoy, improve and understand your operations in Arma 3.

For those of you that haven't signed up to ALiVE War Room, please do so. You can create a group on the site and register your game server for data access. The ALiVE mod is made up of optional modules, and only the Data module is required to benefit from the War Room. We encourage all Arma 3 players out there to sign up and start tracking your mission performance today!

We thank all those groups and players for your support as we take War Room beyond its 1,000,000 shots fired and into the future!


The ALiVE Mod Team.

Edited by Tupolov

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Great job guys... :) We wouldn't all be having so much fun if it wasn't for ALiVE :@)


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I actually registered just to say thank you to all of the ALiVE dev team and everyone else who supports them. ALiVE completely changes ArmA 3 into a magnificent beast that just can't be explained in words - you have to see it for yourself.

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I actually registered just to say thank you to all of the ALiVE dev team and everyone else who supports them. ALiVE completely changes ArmA 3 into a magnificent beast that just can't be explained in words - you have to see it for yourself.

Hi Rath, Thanks for your kind words, we are glad you're enjoying it. :)

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Serza from BoSA gaming here.

Just got pointed to this thread.

My SVD shot is indeed bollocks, I'm sure that kill happened by an APERS Bounding Mine (I'm a sniper AND an big-badda-boom guy) while I was holding my SVD in my hands. In addition, it was a friendly-fire incident (Bloody AIs and my mine placement. They don't mix...) - I'm almost certain there were no hostile personnel within five kilometers of my location at the moment of the kill.

I don't think the SVD's 7.62x54 would even fly that far, hehe. I'll see if I can do a legitimate shot from such a distance once I sort out my life.

And no, it does not help that I specialize in marksmanship, rather than long-range anti-mats.

P.S.: My whole profile is one big lie, as I see. I can tell you I fired a whole lot more than 12 shots and played a lot longer. Well, it's not like I'll be loosing much, if an ALiVE admin sees this, feel free to erase my stats. They're not true, as none of the weapons I've fired show up.

Edited by Serza

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We are still working through the issues with data :) I'll clean up your stats Serza.

We are noticing not all stats are being captured as server admins are not closing down missions correctly.



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So single players can register too? I was under the impression it was only for groups.

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You mean that restarting the server box doesn't work ?


oops.. yep that would be me...

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So single players can register too? I was under the impression it was only for groups.

Individuals can register. In fact you can even apply to groups via the War Room if they are accepting recruits!

You need to play on a registered server for your performance to be captured.



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