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Bingo Fuel: what are the consquences of my decision?

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The bingo fuel mission, may i refresh your memory, is that one you take the cistern but it's empty and you hit a CSAT site to get a full cistern.

when you get the cistern there are two options.

i deliver it to miller or to the FIA.

what will happen in the future if i choose delivering to the FIA? what about miller?

P.S.: I've already tried killing the officer and then delivering the cistern but i'm simply always late for the convoy :P

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Give fuel to FIA but not Miller = Miller's CTRG team is unable to kill the CSAT officer and that means additional troops patrol Neri when you meet up with him to go to Stratis. The FIA quadbike driver will take you as close as possible to the drop-off point (the half-constructed building just beneath the hill with the small shrine).

Give fuel to Miller but not FIA = CTRG is able to kill the CSAT officer and there won't be as many troops patrolling Neri. The FIA quadbike driver will only drop you half-way to the insertion point (which means you need to walk for an additional minute or so to get into the AO).

Blow up the CSAT officer yourself and hand over fuel to the FIA = Less troops in Neri and FIA will drop you off as close as possible to the AO.

Edited by drebin052

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