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left handed bindings

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Are there any players out there that are left handed (in real life) and have a set of decent keyboard bindings? I have a friend who will not play Arma, because there are too many controls (like having to hold ctrl to change stance, grenade type etc etc.). he usually uses the arrow keys.... I wonder what other left handers have adopted to as keyboard binds to make the game "playable", or what they find hard about being left handed and how the solve it.

I would of thought it would be a case of painstakingly finding something that works for you (which i would of done) but it seems he doesn't have the patience, and i know that he would really enjoy the game if he could get over it. Thanks in advance left handers....

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I believe playing ARMA with the arrow key cluster will be very challenging.

The numpad could work though... 1-9 is similar to the QWEASDZXC cluster and then there’s /*-+,0 and Enter, the Insert-Pagedown cluster and arrows nearby for additional commands.

Maybe he should consider buy a Logitech G13? I’m not sure if there are any ambidextrous keypads but the G13 is except for the thumbstick which could be used for less urgent commands.

The G13 has more than enough keys.

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I dont really see why you would need to use the arrow keys if you are a lefty. If your desk is small WASD may be a bit cramped, but it wouldnt be all that hard to change it too IJKL and surrounding keys.

I have played with left and just used the default WASD setup, though rarely (usually play with right).

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all commands you can free bind - i dont see a problem except the time for chance the keybind to the other side.

i have made a little easier with a g700 mouse - i have now ctrl + mouse wheel for chance stances up and down.

ctrl + mouse wheel left - right for chance stances for lean

chance sight from first to 3rd is on mouse buttons on the side and firemode / weapons chances. reload / optic modes / weapon down / go down and the optic distance settings

for copters up and down - countermeasures / weapons chance and target look and view chance.

is very faster and easier now ^^ so i need for the most needed things only 8 keys ;)

Edited by JgBtl292

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I've played with arrow keys all throughout my gaming life, having long fingers I don't have any problems reaching the keys. 6-block for stances, num pad for view, range adjust, zoom, reload and step over. The problem I have currently is, that some commands cannot be unbound from the hardcoded ones. I'm doing fairly well, but I assume for someone who tries to get into Arma 3 setting up left handed keys is a nightmare.

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