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Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

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Thanks to everyone for the bug reports and testing. Here is another one of those test versions for those who are curious. It should fix a lot of the reported issues and etc.


Download Script Test Version Here!!


I am just finalizing most of the little odds and end here and there. Let me know what you think!

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thank you genesis for a new test version!
Tried it. Did not notice arty errors or animation loops anymore. Saw buildings used, smoke, arti, supportcall being used and various maneuvers.
Supportcall it seems only works "against the player"... support only started moving when I interfered in the AI battle.

But the AI still detects me with the first shot immediately (knowsabout == 4).
A simple test mission where AI detects me on first shot with ~5 seconds. Userconfig included.

Also an interesting note... the AI can shoot and hit me before it "knowsabout" me.
aileader knowsabout player > 1 condition is not yet met but I am shot dead already by the same aileader

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Trying to check this mod out, but i cant see any changes compared to earlier. Not sure if im loading it correctly and i have tried both script and mod versions. Tried adding the debug to my init but didnt see any debug stuff while checking with zeus, both on locally hosted MP aswell as on my dedi server.


How can i easily check if the mod is runnig properly? 


Thanks for your awesome work!

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For mod version if you set the debug markers on then there are arrows spawned in the air on you position and so on.
\Arma 3\userconfig\VCOM_AI\AISettingsV2.hpp

//Turn this on to see certain debug messages
//Turn on map markers that track AI movement
VCOM_UseMarkers = true;

AI throwing smokes when engaged is also a good sign.

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Just tested the following Patrol scripts with latest version of VCOM_AI and pleased to say no issues. Units were spawned with leader set to call the following script, and  

all performed flawlessly, with VCOM_AI taking over when units became aware of emeny.





USPS - Ultra-simple-patrol-script




Keep up the great work there genesis92x

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For mod version if you set the debug markers on then there are arrows spawned in the air on you position and so on.

\Arma 3\userconfig\VCOM_AI\AISettingsV2.hpp

//Turn this on to see certain debug messages
//Turn on map markers that track AI movement
VCOM_UseMarkers = true;

AI throwing smokes when engaged is also a good sign.



My AI tosses smokes and move smart, but when debug and track is on nothing shows. Its like the userconfig isnt loading properly. But its in my A3 root, should it be somewhere else?

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Hi! Awesome mod, I'm having an issue with invisible walls over bodies. Happens on main and dev branches of the game. No other mods active.

A consequence of this is that if someone dies next to a vehicle (e.g. a soldier disembarking from a truck) it will destroy that vehicle if the vehicle is moved or hit.


Edit: using addon version, haven't tried the script version


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Hey guys,

I'm quite unsure if I should use the script or the mod version. 

Is there any big difference? Is the mod version supperior? Why?


Many Greetings

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I would use the script, this way you can easily remove it and it comes with the added benefit that your entire server doesn't need to download the mod. There is no real difference in performance. Literally, the mod version runs the exact same scripts. Open the pbo if you don't believe me.



The only plus side with the pbo is if you want the VCOM AI on a mission you cannot or do not want to edit (example, the Apex campaign).

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Found another bug. When using the enableSimulation command on units with pre-placed waypoints, they tend to forget where they were supposed to go when they have their simulation turned on and just stand there. Tested in vanilla and it worked perfectly. Used both the script and .pbo versions as well.

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Hey Genesis,


2 things:

somehow ( I think someone already mentioned this  :unsure: ) GUER doesn't like Blufor no mater what, At this point I'm quite sure I checked the friendly value a hundred times :P.


I stumbled across this piece of Code.

private ["_Unit", "_UnitSide", "_Array1", "_ReturnedEnemy"];
//Created on ???
// Modified on : 8/19/14 - 8/3/15

_Unit = _this;
_UnitSide = (side _Unit);
_Array1 = [];
	if ((side _x) != (_UnitSide) && !((side _x) isEqualTo CIVILIAN)) then {_Array1 pushback _x;};
} forEach allUnits;

_ReturnedEnemy = [_Array1,_Unit] call VCOMAI_ClosestObject;
if (isNil "_ReturnedEnemy") then {_ReturnedEnemy = [0,0,0]};

//_Unit setVariable ["VCOM_CLOSESTENEMY",_ReturnedEnemy,false];

Maybe this would fix this issue. But as I have no Idea ( :huh: )if or better what it could possibly break as I don't even know 10% of the code,  soooo I thought I ask nicely :)  Maybe it could help

private ["_Unit", "_UnitSide", "_Array1", "_ReturnedEnemy"];
//Created on ???
// Modified on : 8/19/14 - 8/3/15

_Unit = _this;
_UnitSide = (side _Unit);
_Array1 = [];
	if (side _x getFriend _unitSide <= 0.6) then {
		if (!((side _x) isEqualTo CIVILIAN)) then {_Array1 pushback _x;};
} forEach allUnits;

_ReturnedEnemy = [_Array1,_Unit] call VCOMAI_ClosestObject;
if (isNil "_ReturnedEnemy") then { _ReturnedEnemy = [0,0,0]};

//_Unit setVariable ["VCOM_CLOSESTENEMY", _ReturnedEnemy,false];

An other thing... Not necessarily fixable by you as you don't have ACE as requirement: AI that is unconscious, will still lay down Mines. Coudn't understand the whining of the community about the Mines I'm playing with for days.  :D  :D




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Hello, I'm using VCOM_AI on my dedicated server with ALiVE and a Headless Client. It is working and it works well, although I can't seem to disable blufor AI from calling the ALiVE blufor arty emplacements. I have the userconfig file in my server's root file as such.


A:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\userconfig\VCOM_AI\AISettingsV2.hpp


The option for AI to use arty is set to false. I also have -filepatching in my servers startup line and have allowedfilepatching set to 2. It seemed to work when I tested in multiplayer in the editor. It dosent seem to work when deployed through the dedicated server, leading me to believe it has to do with the server side user config.

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@crewt. Thanks for the post, but...


You have an old version of VCOM, Please update. I already fixed that issue.

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Okay guys. Here is the newest VCOMAI for both scripts and mod.


Vcom AI Scripts 2.7


Vcom AI Mod 2.7



Vcom AI Changelog

*NEW* The first revision of AI rearming is now in. AI will attempt to grab nearby ammo when low.
*NEW* Added "VCOM_AIMagLimit" to the config. When the AI reach this number of mags left, they will begin searching for ammo.
*NEW* VCOM_AIDEBUG = 1, now makes the AI talk about what is going on. Although this is funny/cute, it is purely for debug purposes to see what is going on during combat or to see how the AI are. THIS IS MESSY. Large numbers of AI will cause problems.
*NEW* When entering combat, AI now wait 30-120 seconds before calling for help. If the group is destroyed before this timer, no help is called for.
*NEW* Added Vcom_ActivateAI variable. When set to false (Vcom_ActivateAI = false) no AI new AI will be processed by VCOMAI. This variable can be toggled on/off dynamically.
*FIXED* AI getting stuck when exiting combat and refusing to move. (Thanks hyzoran!)
*FIXED* AI getting stuck when Enemy is too far away. (Thanks hyzoran!)
*FIXED* AI getting stuck when no enemy's present on the map. (Thanks hyzoran!)
*FIXED* AI friendly factions firing upon friendlies. (Thansk autigergrad! Thanks S.Crowe for a fix!)
*FIXED* Dismiss waypoints are improved.
*FIXED* AI will not properly call for help when coming under fire.
*FIXED* AI should be less willing to jump from helicopters to end their lives sooner.
*CHANGED* AI will not instantly know the where-abouts of a unit when coming under fire. They will always know the *general* direction of fire, but not the exact position of the unit. So they will still be able to return suppresive fire after they re-collect themselves.
*CHANGED* Civilian AI's removed from VCOM's interactions by default. (Thanks Vasily!)
*CHANGED* AI should prefer sticking close to their squadmates in most situations, but still willing to spread out to flank and get into cover.  (Thanks hyzoran!)
*CHANGED* AI call for help ranged increased from 800 to 1000 by default.
*CHANGED* AI hearing gunshots reduced from 800 to 500 by default.
*OPTIMIZATION* VCOM AI is now less demanding on resources. However, most tests show an average impact of ~6-10 FPS with 215 AI present on a map.


Barring any major issues, these will be the "official" releases.


Thank you!

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@crewt. Thanks for the post, but...


You have an old version of VCOM, Please update. I already fixed that issue.


Ups! In that case this was embarrassing   :mellow:. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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No don't be sorry. You provided a fix... most people just bitch and complain.

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hi there,


first off great mod! vcom_ai makes fighting against ai much more interesting ;)


but i need some information about your mod and armas locality:

i saw that you sort your active units only local on one specific machine. my question is do you somehow transfer those informations to other clients.

so e.g. when i have my server and one headlessclient and one blufor unit is local on each machine do they still call for each others support if needed?




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Thank you Genesis for the update!
Rearming is a well needed addition. Tried it and it works! I think all of the features work fine but the supersniper AI is still plaguing me.

I'm being always fired upon with my first shot... prone, night, silencer, 600m distance, 1 missed shot towards some private class unit = I am being instantly fired upon.
Am I really the only one with this godmode AI problem? Any ideas how I might further investigate this?
And the AI shoots me even when he does not "knowsabout player", so it's like not even unit skill related.

Also VCOM_HEARINGDISTANCE = distance shooter is immidiately detected when shooting. "enemy knowsabout player == 4" instantly.

Also with addons I got a underfined variable in exp: _mags in realmself.sqf line 32


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Am I really the only one with this godmode AI problem? Any ideas how I might further investigate this?


What is difficulty? AI Level 'Expert'? Or custom and if what is Skill and Precision?

Also try the Pre-created Difficulty Settings on the frontpage. Or make your owne.

If you test on a Server, check the difficulty of the Server.

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The difficulty/skill is set to the minimum everywhere. In the game settings, in the editor and even with F5 modules. A skill of 0.2
Tried the Pre-created difficulty setting, but same results. Btw this config is missing an };
Singleplayer only. Also "VCOM_AISkillEnabled = false;" doesnt change anything. It's like it's not skill related.


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Tried this mod today again (script version) but it seems that its not using the settings in the userconfig file. Ive turned on both Debug and Tracking but i cant see either anywhere.

Where is the debug info shown? 


Im using RHS factions, would this interferce with the ai control? 

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So, please be easy on me......


I saw the old tutorial for vcom on how to install it. Has that changed at all? I see everyone speaking about a config file. Do I need to create one?

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So, please be easy on me......


I saw the old tutorial for vcom on how to install it. Has that changed at all? I see everyone speaking about a config file. Do I need to create one?


If you are using the script version you can edit the VCOMAI_DefaultSettings.sqf in the functions folder to alter the default behaviors.

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