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Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

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Since the latest arma patch the reduced accuracy does no longer work, aimbot ai is killing the players again...very bad for coop.

Or maybe the check for spawned units is broken since the last update, but something is wrong.

Can someone confirm that, looks like BIS screwed up again...

Edited by Wiggum

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Sounds great Genesis92x !

I hope you can fix the behavior with patrol scripts, i just noticed that sometimes the spawned ai group will also not use the formation the patrol script tells them to use, instead they use the "default" one (wedge).

(the whole thing about patrol behavior is really just a cosmetic one but i think its important for mission designers)

And i dont know if this is already fixed but whith the current version i never saw the ai use smoke grenades.

Im very excited about the new Hold waypoint behavior, that sounds cool !

The AI will now use their proper formations!

The AI will now use smoke grenades!

And I am excited about showing off the new Hold waypoint behavior.

It turns out that AI, on a dedicated server, were not executing the scripts properly. Damn...Whoopsie.

He did help answer your question, which you haven't thanked him for.

To Genesis, thanks for the reply! If you don't mind, I'm wondering if I could my problem with the AI running all over the place by changing the sequence of commands in the AIWAYPOINT file? From my layman's understanding of the file, would I be wrong to say that it not only handles the AI flanking behaviour but also the cover-seeking and skill settings?

Hmm, yeah. If you want to control the AI more - look for scripts that say "ReactToFire...". These scripts control the AI finding cover which can cause them to "run around" like you are describing. And you are right, the scripts also controls the cover-seeking, skill settings, and more

I guess I am dealing with a bunch of guys who cannot read unless is it spelled out for them verbatim. To the original question at hand. After conducting a lot of tests on a hosted multiplayer with friends, we did not notice any issues running EOS with VcomAI. The tracking worked well even when units were spawned in dynamically. This script is very nicely done. Much gratitude to Genesis

Thanks Chondo! That's good to know... I will have to tell people that it's not too bad to use with EOS.

Just some update on the setcaptive.

Seems i had seen wrong about that they were it. However, they are civilians.

It works well without the vcomai, then they are not shoot by their "keeper".


Having a soldier that has "dowatch" on one of the hostages and is like 1500m away.

I have VCOM_AIWarnDistance = 500;

But then when i shoot some enemies futher away than those 500, after some minute, they start shooting the hostage that is Civilian. Why is that?

_Is testing the vcomAI on my mission now, looking for some bugs to report that i might find, so maybe updating this reply later with more if i find._

However, vcomAI seems a step closer to better AI, well done!

Bug 1: AI shooting civilian hostage, that the player in the mission is to save and extract. This has happend to me 3/3 times now. Further away than the AIwarndistance. Happens a little after im detected. Never happens with original AI. ///This MIGHT have been caused of another unit that somehow unlucky was hitting the Hostage/Civilian with bad aiming, checking it out further

*Update on this one again.

Did watch this one again with Camera and a friendly AI getting detected while i was watching the hostage the whole time.

So. I have one Hostage that is Civilian placed (no setcaptive since its not needed with civilian). Guarding the hostage i have one enemy (OPFOR) that has "dowatch" on the hostage. The hostage is also placed in "Surrender" animation.

This seems to work until i or my friendly unit (BLUFOR) gets shot by the enemy. Even though they are much further away than the "AIWarnDistance" they still react when one of their own OPFOR forces starts to shot. Even though they not in same group or is within "AIWarnDistance" (Look Bug 3 also). So when one of their own starts shooting a BLUFOR (Still further away than the "AIWarnDistance") it takes some secounds and then the "Guard" to the hostage starts to kill the hostage with some slowly placed shots on him. This breaking the mission completly.

So, in short, When BLUFOR is detected and shot at by OPFOR, even if it is further away than "AIWarnDistance", the Guard (OPFOR) that watches the Hostage/Civilian and has "This Dowatch Hostage" start firing on the hostage after a short amount of time.

This breaks the mission. However. It works perfect with Vanilla AI which is kind of sad since this AI mod seems great otherwise.

Bug 2: AI seem to be alerted even if im one hitting a enemy with a SILENCED weapon with one shot within "AIWarnDistance". Also if they survive 2 shots for max 2-3 sec and the rest doesen't, enemies 200 meters away start running towards me that is behind hills, even though they have not heard or seen a bullet.

Bug 3: "AIWarnDistance" doesen't seem to apply when enemy starts shoot. When the enemy starts shooting at you (even with AIWarnDistance 100) is alerted even though they are like 20x that away from you they start running towards your position. Ignoring the "AIWarnDistance"

Bug 4: This seems also to do other weird things with the Civilians that is hostage when OPFOR detects or starts shoting BLUFOR. They could for example start from being "Enablesimulation off" to be "on" and start to run around, roll around and acting like a soldier, doing weird animations with weapon even though they don't have one.

I think its when the Enemy starts shooting at you, when all this weirdness starts. Have tested it like 50 times with vanilla AI. Everything in the mission works. But with this, it seem to interfere with more things.

As i said, the Hostage can suddenly start to run around even if they have "simulation off" and is set into a "surrender" animation. The Opfor could also start shooting them randomly when any Blufor on the map is detected. As i said, even if they further away than "AiWarnDistance". That doesen't matter it seems.

So somehow, when enemy starts to fireing at me or another BLUFOR, things starts to go into madness

Thank you for such a massive log haha!! I can not guarantee that I am going to fix all these issues in a single version but I will use this to look into the problems and resolve them as quickly as possible.

Just another idea:

Maybe you can add the option to disable the AI Warn Distance and other scripts on a unit/group but still use the reduced accuracy settings !

Because noone likes to play with this arma3 aimbot ai anyway... ;)

Yes! I think this is a good idea...next update I will have this feature in

Hey, has anyone got this working smoothly with ALIVE mod?

Heres what i am seeing:

I create multiple playable groups. I have used the INIT command (this setVariable ["NOAI",1,false];) also the HOLD waypoints so the groups stay where they are. However when a battle is happening all those groups go running. I confirmed this is from this MOD because if i use bCombat it works just fine.

This should be fixed in the next version :)

Since the latest arma patch the reduced accuracy does no longer work, aimbot ai is killing the players again...very bad for coop.

Or maybe the check for spawned units is broken since the last update, but something is wrong.

Can someone confirm that, looks like BIS screwed up again...

Yes :< This should be fixed in the next update...Hopefully I can get the AI a little more bearable.

Thanks to EVERYONE who posted! Thanks for everyone being so awesome, I am going to upload a little video with the updates

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That Update sounds huge... :)

Do you know why the reduced accuracy settings no longer work, is it a BIS bug (since 1.22 patch) or did they change scripting commands that messed up your check for spawned units ?

Edited by Wiggum

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The AI will now use their proper formations!

The AI will now use smoke grenades!

And I am excited about showing off the new Hold waypoint behavior.

It turns out that AI, on a dedicated server, were not executing the scripts properly. Damn...Whoopsie.

This will be great, I have actually went back 2 versions because the ai actually were more to my liking back then and they still pop smoke, Also the fastmovers and choppers will actually attack ground units, awaiting your latest version with baited breathe. Keep up the great work mate.

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The AI will now use their proper formations!

Thank you for such a massive log haha!! I can not guarantee that I am going to fix all these issues in a single version but I will use this to look into the problems and resolve them as quickly as possible.

No problem hehe, my fingers just goes on and on never stops when i start :D

However, i could try to maybe help you out to easier find the problems i said by doing some example missions with them then upload to Workshop and share. That may be much easier for you.

Edited by FortuN

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Made a Bug Test mission.


Here you can find both report #1 and #4. Just extract the pbo if you want to experiment further with it. Get it into the Editor also so you can see with "Camera" function how they start shoting civilians when you start to shoot


Now also added one more mission that shows the bugs


This displays error #2 plus some more i found (Read Workshop description how to test it). Also, in both missions you are in godmode = Allowdamage false, so don't be afraid to get shot at.

Also, the mission where i noticed it if you want to test the original (you can find more there probably) is here


Hope it helps! :)

Edited by FortuN
Added one more

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That Update sounds huge... :)

Do you know why the reduced accuracy settings no longer work, is it a BIS bug (since 1.22 patch) or did they change scripting commands that messed up your check for spawned units ?

It was my fault, I made a mistake in the scripts and the dedicated servers never ran the AI scripts at all!

This will be great, I have actually went back 2 versions because the ai actually were more to my liking back then and they still pop smoke, Also the fastmovers and choppers will actually attack ground units, awaiting your latest version with baited breathe. Keep up the great work mate.

Thank you! I hope it was worth the wait

No problem hehe, my fingers just goes on and on never stops when i start :D

However, i could try to maybe help you out to easier find the problems i said by doing some example missions with them then upload to Workshop and share. That may be much easier for you.

Uploading missions will definitely help once I start looking at these bugs...hopefully this week. It really helps me narrow down the bugs quickly and efficiently.

Genesis, thanks a lot for all your efforts here. Your scripts are a blast.

I appreciate the support! It means a lot to me :> Thanks for the post!

Made a Bug Test mission.


Here you can find both report #1 and #4. Just extract the pbo if you want to experiment further with it. Get it into the Editor also so you can see with "Camera" function how they start shoting civilians when you start to shoot


Now also added one more mission that shows the bugs


This displays error #2 plus some more i found (Read Workshop description how to test it). Also, in both missions you are in godmode = Allowdamage false, so don't be afraid to get shot at.

Also, the mission where i noticed it if you want to test the original (you can find more there probably) is here


Hope it helps! :)

It does! I will start taking a look into these bugs this week. Thank you for the support!!!

Thanks to everyone for the posts!

AI Pack Download UPDATE

- Version 1.08

- Version 1.08 ADDON

- Version 1.08 ADDON - ARMAHOLIC


-Added new artillery function, AI will call artillery for support if enabled and is present on the map.

-Individual units can now have their own response ranges and other settings configured independently of others. The settings in the init.sqf act as only defaults now. See 1st post for new variable settings

-Fixed bug where scripts would not even run on dedicated server.

-Fixed a few error message popping up

-Reworked HOLD waypoints. AI will no longer leave the area they are in. AI will garrison more effectively or spread out if all of the group can't fit in a single building. AI are forced to either crouch or stand inside buildings to prevent AI shooting through walls

-AI are more aggressive with planting explosives on occupied buildings

-Added debug option to track AI movement in map. *BE CAREFUL WITH THIS. IT SPAMS MARKERS AND CAN CAUSE EXTREME LAG WITH LOTS OF AI. See 1st post for new variable settings.

Please let me know about any bugs

I will also be releasing a series of videos about how to customize the AI for those who have little scripting practice :) So look for those

Edited by Genesis92x

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Thanks for the update !

//These commands can be used to change specific AI or groups.
this setVariable ["VCOM_Unit_AIWarnDistance",200,false];
this setVariable ["VCOM_Unit_USESMOKE",1,false];
this setVariable ["VCOM_Unit_Artillery",0,false];

I think for groups it is enough to put it in the group leaders init, correct ?

Or do we need it in every soldiers init or will this work ?

enemygroup1 setVariable ["VCOM_Unit_AIWarnDistance",200,false];

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Updated version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Oh great, now I have to continue playing arma, making missions and using this script AND add arty and make missions more dynamic and creative. Geez, thanks a lot genesis!

seriously, cant wait to try this, you had me at "update". :)

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Yeah, ArmA is close to unplayable with its Aimbot AI, thats why the most important lines of code in this script are:

VCOM_MediumAcc = _Unit setSkill ["aimingAccuracy",(0.10 + (random 0.1))];
VCOM_MediumShake = _Unit setSkill ["aimingShake",(0.40 + (random 0.1)) ];


Oh, and a question:

//Prevent helmets from coming off. 1 is on.
VCOM_AIHelmet = 0;

So does 1 prevent the helmets from coming off or disable this feature ?

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Thanks for all the hard work you've put into writing these scripts! They really make ArmA much more realistic. I have one request though:

Can you make it so units with a "Hold" waypoint are able to get into empty static weapons and vehicles? I feel like that is the only thing this mod is missing.

Thanks again for the mod, I will be using it in all missions that I make.

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Hey Genesis! Thanks for the update! Unfortunately it seems that there are still some bugs on a dedicated server. The AI are now using smoke grenades and drop on their sides if they are hit but the helmets still don't come of and the downing systems doesn't seem to work (the bots won't be unconscious but die directly).

Edit: Tested the issue again. On a local server everything works fine. The scripts seem to work on a dedicated server, only if I spawn new AI as Zeus. But the AI that is initially spawned by the mission won't still use the downing system/drop their headgear. It seems that those AI squads won't communicate with each other either (not sure if this is really the case)

Edited by aushilfsalien

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Another idea:

Could you maybe add a flare feature ?

So the enemy uses flares in nighttime ?

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As I said in previous post, for me, the action still needs to be corrected as a unit. The groups are undone and the leaders sent soldiers to death alone do not seem to act as a cohesive unit.

The addon is very good, has many improvements in AI behavior, but something as basic detracts from the finish. A combat unit does not send waves of lone soldiers to kill the enemy, it is not effective. Should move in groups of fire, and keep a line of fire and some formation.

This is my suggestion to try to improve the addon, which in itself is already very good.

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Even if some features might still be buggy with the current version I have to thank you again for your mod! It's awesome! The AI moving as buddy teams like legolasindar mentioned would be great. Maybe this could depend on the general squad skill.

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May I say this is the best and most complete the script has been, smoke is being used, flanking manoeuvres are back as they were, the getting up from unconsciousness is much more realistic and have left it on now, shamefully I have yet to have the enemy demo my building (but I will keep tempting them) Back to adjusting communication distance now so there is someone left in the AO when we attack rather than every enemy coming to us.

Unlike the gentleman above the enemy do flank in smaller groups on my mission and I personally feel the broken smaller groups is the strength for me as we continually find ourselves being caught in crossfires from 2 or 3 directions where normally having them attack in a large group allows us to lay down some artillery or well positioned grenades takes them out. I guess to some extent the ai will react differently depending on mission parameters ie: is it a domination or insurgency or tactical type mission so you will never keep 100% of people happy as we all want something different from our missions.

As much as I want some realism in my game my primary need from anything I add to a mission is to make it more fun and more challenging and sir you have done that for me in this script.

As someone mentioned above, helmets are not coming off and the downing system is not working in a dedicated server environment, I will do some communication testing tonight to see what is happening there.

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As much as I like this mod, the falling down could perhaps be covered by tpw_mods or now perhaps with zooloo75s Ragdoll'd mod?

Squad cohesion is very important, as is effective use of stances and hard cover. I've been watching KAI videos (although KAI is not released for Arma3 yet) and they have a very human-like response, where AI can decide NOT to attack if odds are overwhelming. MCC GAIA also has the ability to have whole group flanking based on an enemy value. Again something like this would also be good in your mod.

Any mods that make the AI tougher to outwit/play against, whilst still not being aimbots is surely a good thingTM.

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First of all, I like a lot of the things in this AI. It has some great ideas.

I like the idea behind the way vcomai handles hold waypoints, but there seem to be something not quite right.

I have been testing it a bit and have found that it seems to break missions that uses hold waypoints and possibly switch trickers.

To demonstrate I've created a little mission: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oe6mycv8a6x7tys/_test_AI_02.Stratis.pbo

If you first run it in vanilla arma, then you'll see what it is supposed to do.

Then run it with vcomai enabled.

The switch tricker doesn't make the AI continue from the hold waypoint to the next move waypoint.

When they have stopped talking, they should start moving on from the hold waypoint to the next move waypoint, but that doesn't happen. They stay at the hold waypoint. It is as if the switch is broken.

Is this an issue with the way the hold waypoints are being handled right now or something else?

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I play SP a lot and noticed that when i (the main unit) dies and i switch to another playable unit on the same sqaud, the unit i am controlling seems to spit out its own commands over what i want the AI to do. Anyone experience this?

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