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Has anyone cracked the campaign save file?

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Well, I've now lost all my weapons sad.gif and I'm wondering if anyone has been able to make an editor to change the values in the campaign save to rebuild your stock-pile. I glanced in the save game files and there seems to be a lot of values for different objects, but I have 0 programing experience so I can't even start to crack these files.

Hopefully someone is making that effort so that the campaign is playable. I don't like the idea of reverting back to a previous cutscene b/c I've had some lucky missions since the last one where I wiped out the enemy so I don't want to go back and replay the same mission over and over again to replicate the results, then to have my inventory wiped out in that mission b/c I'm replaying it sad.gif


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Well, the issue is not cracking it, but reencoding it.

The save file can be decoded by one of the two desqm tools used for decrypting the official campaign files. You get perfectly readable code. Herein lies the catch. The game *will not* read the decoded material, but tries to decode the decoded material, which naturally results in junk.

A way around this problem is to edit the save file using a hex editor that supports inserting (and of course changing) bytes in the middle of the save file, to get you that extra toy or goodie you may need.


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I was gonna ask pretty much the same kinda thing, but I want to know if anyone has a sucsessfull gamesave that has a goodly amount of weapons includeing the NVG's and Bizon that us poor sufferers could download?.

I see all the posts about this subject getting closed. I can understand closing moan and repeat reporting threads, but threads where people are trying to get past it, find a solution should be sacrosanct (IMO wink.gif that is).

Would using a sucsessful gamesave work?. or does the bug strike 'after that', so to speak?.

I started the mission with a PK as well!. I never used a PK in the previous mission! tounge.gif ...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (BoonieRat @ Aug. 02 2002,05:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I was gonna ask pretty much the same kinda thing, but I want to know if anyone has a sucsessfull gamesave that has a goodly amount of weapons includeing the NVG's and Bizon that us poor sufferers could download?.

I see all the posts about this subject getting closed. I can understand closing moan and repeat reporting threads, but threads where people are trying to get past it, find a solution should be sacrosanct (IMO wink.gif that is).

Would using a sucsessful gamesave work?. or does the bug strike 'after that', so to speak?.

I started the mission with a PK as well!. I never used a PK in the previous mission! tounge.gif ...<span id='postcolor'>

I believe the bug strikes when you revert the game. after you do a mission without changing your loadout. You then only have what is in your hands. Must have something to do with the fact if you don't change your loadout, then the campaign egine doesn't do something, then when you revert it drops all your extra stuff.

As for the campaign I do hope someone figures out what values to change with a hex at least and I would love to see an actual editing program released with a nice GUI and everything to change the values within the file smile.gif That would also help the people that get to missions where they have to be stealthy, but don't have a bison etc.


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I did'nt revert, but I did'nt change the load out either. that sounds more feasable. I saved the 'Users' folder it don't make any difference. it strikes when it feels like it,(I'm gonna try experimenting with the load out wink.gif

The only way to get round it is to revert to 'Field Exercise' (is that the one??) and carry on. I've reverted to it about five times now! tounge.gif ...

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