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Just got a server for my group - have a few Q's

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So it's been a learning curve, but I've just figured out how to get some mods happening after ripping my hair out! (Forgot to put the @Mod in the servers command line!)

So, how do I know which mods need to be uploaded to the server, and which only need the keys added?

eg Apparently CBA needs to be uploaded, but JSRS only requires keys ? :confused:

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There are 3 basic categories that addons come under.

  1. Clientside addons
  2. Serverside addons
  3. Common Addons (My terminology to better explain where they are required)

1) Clientside Addons

These addons don't create classnames that can be accessed from the mission editor

They are created to give additional benefits to the player and utilise existing classnames and add scripts to enhance what is already there

For example

shack tactical hud. (An absolute must have)

Sound mods

JSRS is a clientside addon sound mod, however it has a bug which can cause addon dependancy to a mission, if when developing a mission, the developer is running JSRS

The server will need to host the .BiKeys in their keys folder to allow the players to connect with that addon

2) Serverside Addons

These are the same as clientside addons but designed specifically to only run on the server.

3) Common Addons

These are Addons that create an addon dependancy in the missions. They do this because they define new classnames (Typically but not exclusively: Units, vehicles, weapons, objects )

If the mission developer uses these new classnames in his mission by adding them in the mission editor, the arma3 engine automatically adds entries into 2 arrays in the mission.sqm called



This makes it a requirement for both the server and the client to run those addons. If the client does not have the addons, then they will be kicked from the server once the mission is loaded

Or alternatively, if they aren't on the server before the mission is loaded they wont be able to connect.


This is a bit of an oddball

It is actually a common addon, but depending on how it is used, it can actually fall into any of the 3 categories

  • If a mission maker uses content from it then it becomes a common addon, but doesn't normally create addon dependancy, code that requires it simply doesnt work on any machine that isn't running it, it will likely throw up an error but most likely wont crash the client.
  • If a serverside addon uses it, then it becomes a serverside addon
  • If a clientside addon uses it, then it becomes a clientside addon

It may be better to explain it as Clientside-serverside combination addon.

It was primary designed for common useage in missions, where a lot of typically defined variables and functions were all predefined for you.

It was extensively used to initiate addon scripting with their pre and post init extended event handlers. However since the implementation of CfgFunctions Pre and post init, useage of @CBA is becoming less common.

It has a miriad of other uses but for simplicity, I wouldnt have any mission makers utilise any content within it unless it is part of your common pack and therefore a must have for all of your members.

Kudos to the CBA devs though, it was a must have at one point and am sure this ignited the response from B.I to add cfgFunctions

We run both a clientside addon pack called @Zclient and a common addon pack called @Zcommon

@Zclient listings are as follows


Edited by Terox

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Thank you very much Terox, if there were a 'thanks' button, I would hit it a thousand times!

Would you mind if I asked further questions?

Such as, there is a mission vote timer when we log onto the server. Is there a way to disable/shorten that timer?

Ideally, I'd like it that only the server admin (me) can choose which mission we play.

Thanks again!

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afaik you cant tun that off, if an admin is logged in it disables that

Always have an admin logged in. If there isn't an admin about either shut the server down or allow chaos.

You could always password it

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Thanks again Terox :) I am the only one with the admin password, I'll have to remember to log in each time I join!

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