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Missing objects on map by using different Binarizers

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Hi there :)

Got a question for you:

I have my terrain with some vegetation and now a few objects. Now, if I binarize my island with BinPbo from Arma 2 the ingame map looks like this:

http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9959158/Arma/Issue1-BinPbo.jpg (168 kB)

You see trees and objects. But all are only A2 objects or custom. No A3 objects. Actually my player is right in front of a stone shed from A3 structures, but it only shows in the game.

If I then binarize with Addon Builder or using PboProject and using the A3 engine to binarize the ingame map looks like this:

http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9959158/Arma/NoObjectsOnMapButIngame.jpg (162 kB)

No objects. Nada. I still see them in game but not on the map. If I hover over the position of the objects in the editor it displays "House" and like that.

So question is, what I'm doing wrong? I need to see both A2 and A3 objects ingame. So far no method is revealing the A3 objects. The A2 objects and custom objects have been UnPbo'd with Mikero's ExtractPbo to P, while the A3 objects are extracted through Arma3P. Newest version for both ExtractPbo and Arma3P.

Really hope it's simple but I just can't find the solution at the moment.

Help :)

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Hi EgilSandfeld,

some debugging questions:

1) can you see the objects with buldozer for Arma3?

2) Did you try loading MOD All in Arma?

3) otherwise to point 2) put pbo containing object (plants etc.. ) in the same directory of the addon of your Island.



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1 - Yes I see all objects with BD for Arma 3 yes

2 - Haven't tried that. My terrain depends on A3MP, and it is from there I've extracted models to P drive.

3 - Can't see the point of putting the depent PBO into my island directory? I see all models fine in game, just not on the map or editor map.

Hope that sheds some light on it :)

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We'll first off id keep using pboproject.

But when using pboproject if u click the button setup at the bottom left and go to where it says island builds does it list the folder a3?

You'll need that listed and any other pbo folders you use that you have converted from a2. Hopefully that will help.

Anything in your rpt logs by the way?

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This is in my setup page:

Workspace: P:\

and below:


In my main PboProject it's:

Output mod folder: [...steam folder]\@Bornholm

Source Folder: P:\ES\Bornholm

Check in: Strip Log, Full Build and Check Externals

This is from the Bornholm.log after it completes:


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Started to respond initially then for whatever reason everything I typed got deleted.

Here's my responce from Skype.

I have ca in my a3 work folder as well but only for using the mlods bis release and mikeros movefolder which will change all path in a p3d file and copy the required textures and rvmats to the new folder you choose

So obviously ca would need to be present for those files to be found

However you cannot just place those objects on the terrain they will not work as the configs are for arma2 not arma3

You have a few options. You can use the mod @cup which is upgrading all a2 objects to a3 which will then require you to have that mod running as well with your island or

You can port whichever objects you require on your island to a3 yourself

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Okay I think I'm starting to understand the thing with configs versions between a2 and a3. Is there a released version of Community Upgrade Project? If so do I just extractPbo that mod to P:\?

I have a fair amount of different objects that I'm going to use from both A2 and A3, so I think that would be the easiest?

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Yes exactly!

I think these is a released version. Check the thread in the mod area.

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Seems they don't yet which is fair enough.

What would it take exactly to convert let's say a standard tree model from a2 to my a3 map? How do I go on about it?

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You'll need Mikero's "MoveFolder" tool - plus any other "required" tools... from HERE

Then you'll need a copy of your old CA folder from your Arma 2 Tools P:\drive - paste that onto your Arma 3 P:\ drive

* Remember - the Arma 2 models don't exist in Arma 3 - you CAN'T just use this CA stuff on a terrain and expect it to work in-game - the only reason you're putting it on P:\ is to make models packs from, since everything, including the tool you'll be using, assumes that all work happens on P:\ *

Now you have a P:\CA to draw textures from, but the models themselves are still the original Arma 2 binarized ones...

What I did at this stage was to download the Arma 2 mlod samplemodels and overwrite all the models I was interested in using in P:\CA with the mlod models... Now, if/when you use the more complex "Crunch from config" option in Move Folder you'll be drawing on the unbinarized models too - which is what you want...

However, for something simple like a tree pack where the models have no config.cpp, you can use the simpler "Crunch from p3d" option... Here's how...

* Make a folder - P:\YourTag\My_Trees_Pack

* Go to P:\CA\Plants2\Trees - pick the trees you want (they're mlods now, remember :)) - copy and paste them into your new folder - JUST the .p3d models themselves...

* Run MoveFolder

*Set "Destination" to that new folder (ie: P:\YourTag\My_Trees_Pack)

* Tick the "Move CA/A3" box (it's now gonna look on P:\ for a CA folder and - it'll find one! :))

*Click - "Crunch from P3d content" - wait 15 seconds....

* You're done!

The Mighty Mikero's Magical Movetool will search the models for paths to textures and rvmats - go to that location in P:\CA and fetch them, dump them in a data folder in your new pack, then repath all internal rvmat references to this new location, then repath all internal references within each model to their new texture & rvmat locations - no further work required...

(Done manually, the same job would take 15 minutes or more per model!)

Now you can add those models - from that new location - to Terrain Builders template library and use them on a terrain...

Technically, this will be a separate addon so it needs a config, even though plants generally don't...

This will do - edit the name, save as "config.cpp" and drop it in the trees pack main directory beside the models


class CfgPatches
 class my_trees_pack
   units[] = {};
   weapons[] = {};
   requiredAddons[] = {};

When you pack your island to go in-game - pack that folder too - as a separate addon pbo, and drop it in the same modfolder...


Edited by Bushlurker
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Hey Bush. Excellent tut on how to get proper models! Thanks so much :) I'm currently stuck in MoveFolder when crunching. It says "File does not exist to copy: ca\data\penetration\foliage.rvmat". I have no clue which model need it.

Know where to get it?

I'm doing this for models from praa and your summerplants as well. They would be a2 objects as well, I think. All at the same time,very clever ;)


it's definitely in my CA folder - at that path, with a matching foliage.bisurf...

sounds like an incomplete unpack of CA originally.... you should be able to unpack your Arma 2 .pbo and get the missing files...

Or rip them out of CAA1 maybe, or there's also the textures packs that BI released to match the A2 models - files might be in there

doesn't really matter which particular model needs it - tho "foliage" sounds like veg - as long as it's found by MoveFolder and relocated to your new modelspack the model in its new location will be able to locate and use it


Thanks again :) Found CA.pbo which contained data. Awesome :) Now the issues are with summplants, that it won't find eg. "sum_plants\bush\data\b_salix2s_1_non.paa".

But I guess that's because MoveFolder is still looking in P:\ca ?


it might depend on the summrplants addon you used.... there were two originally released - one for "general users" and one for "addonmakers"

basically though, if the model has an internal path which reads "sum_plants\bush\data\b_salix2s_1_non.paa" then move folder will look to that location for that file...

All the "Fetch CA/A3" button does is to "also" fetch any CA content the model might rely on...

like - you make a oil barrel - its your model and it's pathed to your texture, but for penetration values etc you might path to that CA\data folder we were just talking about and use a preset .bisurf..

That model would have texture dependencies pathed to your barrel addon folder, but other dependencies pathed to CA content

If you were making an Arma 2 addon that would be fine - in-game in Arma 2 the CA content is there - the model will find it

For an A3 modelpack the CA content will not be there - the model will look to CA\data\wherever for that bisurf file and fail with an error

So in a case like that it would be best for ALL the stuff the model need to be within its own modfolder

Ticking the CA box in Move Folder will fetch all that other "CA\Somewhere" content too - and localise it along with everything else - making your addon entirely independant of CA, or A2

In the case of these tree packs - it's CA models, using CA textres - and everything is in CA somewhere - so again - ticking "Fetch CA" just makes sure EVERYTHING is grabbed, moved and localised

Summplants were an inbetween case - they use some usermade textures which will be inside the summrplants folder, and for the stuff that didn't require tweaking to make the plants "summr" it just calls on the standard CA files... MoveFolder will need access to both sources to relocate them successfully

an added complication is that the summrplant models are "pre A2 samplemodels" - so they're binarized...

---------- Post added at 16:37 ---------- Previous post was at 16:26 ----------


For something tricky like "buildings" I do a 2 stage process to catch the stuff that isn't in the config

like above...

Make a folder - P:\YourTag\My_Buildings

Go to P:\CA\Buildings - copy all models - paste them in your new buildings folder

Run MoveFolder

Set "Destination" to that new folder

Tick the "Move CA" box

Click - "Crunch from P3d content"

all models now have their assets & rvmats and they're all repathed...

Then I go back to MoveFolder

Set the "SourceConfig" path to P:\CA\Buildings

Click "Crunch from config"

this basically just does the same job over again, so no harm done - the bonus being that those models which WEREN'T mentioned in the config are already present, and already done

The other bonus being - if you now look in P:\YourTag\My_Buildings you'll find an at least partially repathed config which is a handy start

If you're only wanting to grab a few models from that folder then again - a combination of one or the other or both methods should get all the material transferred with at most, some config work left to be done

---------- Post added at 16:42 ---------- Previous post was at 16:37 ----------

So dear reader, I found the missing summplants .rvmats in the summerplants replacement pack mod, moved the missing files into my P:\summplants; crunched again and it worked out. Success!

Now I'm binarizing the terrain to see what has happened and see if objects are visible now.

Big thanks to both M!lkman and Bushlurker for explaining :)

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Big Thanks to Mikero! - Without his MoveFolder tool, moving a dozen models from one location to another would take - literally - all day!!!... With MoveFolder you're done and gone in 60 seconds... ;)


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How would i go about getting plants i've gotten from @a3mp and put on my island to show up in the game without running a3mp addon?

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You could make your own "mini-@a3mp" with just the plants you want from the Arma 2 mlod models & textures release by following the instructions above.

Then you'd add your new plantspack to TB as a template library...

You'd then need to swap the @a3mp models that are currently on your terrain for your own new ones...

Then, again, as above - you'd binarize your plant pack as a separate pbo and include both in your island modfolder in-game...


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I think i undestand now. That makes a lot of sense. Ill try that tomorrow. Thanks again Bushlurker <3

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We're investigating at the moment, but it seems like a3 will not show on the map. I got a2 objects to show now at least which is a step in the right direction :)

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The other bonus being - if you now look in P:\YourTag\My_Buildings you'll find an at least partially repathed config which is a handy start

If you're only wanting to grab a few models from that folder then again - a combination of one or the other or both methods should get all the material transferred with at most, some config work left to be done

What is there to do with the configs then? I'm using some buildings from A2 (or a lot actually). What do I need to do with the configs?

Currently this is what's in the config.cpp:


//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.49

//Tue Apr 29 10:55:49 2014 : Source 'file' date Tue Apr 29 10:55:49 2014



#define _ARMA_


enum {

DestructNo = 0,

DestructBuilding = 1,

DestructEngine = 2,

DestructTree = 3,

DestructTent = 4,

DestructMan = 5,

DestructDefault = 6,

DestructWreck = 7


//Class P:\ES\BornholmObjects\config.bin{

class CfgPatches


class CAStructures_PMC


units[] = {};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 1.54;

requiredAddons[] = {"CA_PMC","CABuildings","CABuildings2","CAStructures","CAStructures_E"};

magazines[] = {};

ammo[] = {};




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I have imported a few houses with MoveFolder and I see them perfect in the TB and in Game.

But not the objects on the map, neither the A3 or A2 objects.

I have the same problem as Egil.

I used pboproject and controlled in the setup the paths to my addons in P drive.

Then I tried Addon Builder, but I don´t see any objects on the map. :mad:

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Hmm with this method the A2 objects should displ ay on the map. A3 objects has a bug and not showing them on the map currently. There should be a ticket for it somewhere.

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Yes Egil i see the Light .... :rolleyes:

i got it working with the great Tools from Mikero :yay:

Only the Arma 3 Objects is not showing "f....g Bug!" :mad:

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hehe :)

Yeah well I guess by the time we have finished our island, maybe the devs have put back the icons for our A3 models.. Hint hint Devs!

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Hmm with this method the A2 objects should displ ay on the map. A3 objects has a bug and not showing them on the map currently. There should be a ticket for it somewhere.

Here is the link to the ticket for anyone that hasn't up-voted it yet.

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