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[MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

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We have been having a persistent bug when we have tickets enabled. We will save a mission, then come back, and we spawn in as seagulls. Not only that, but we spawn in as seagulls before BTC even initializes, so our bases, arsenal, and everything is gone; it is just an empty map. Turning off tickets brings our progress back and we are able to play again. I have no idea what is going on. This bug will happen even when we have all of our tickets left. Could you please point us in the right direction? Is this an Arma issue? Is it a potential mod issue? I really can't even begin to figure out where this is rooted. I can upload RPTs if needed, but I'm not sure they will be helpful.


EDIT: We fixed it. It was a simple, misplaced comma in our paramaters between the 30 and 40 tickets option. I am bald from pulling my hair out, but we're fixed. 

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We have an issue with dedicated server, when we launch it we have no working arsenal, no AI spawning, No missions popping up, you just spawn there and do nothing.

how can we fix that?

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13 hours ago, Noble 3-1 said:

We have an issue with dedicated server, when we launch it we have no working arsenal, no AI spawning, No missions popping up, you just spawn there and do nothing. 

Looks like you wrongly setup your server or mission

13 hours ago, Noble 3-1 said:

how can we fix that?

May be join the A3 Official discord, they may have some clue


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The Hearts and Minds mission 1.23.7 hotfix is here!

Now H&M requires CBA and ACE3 only.


Changelog :

  • Mission.sqm/Param.hpp not changed.
  • FIX: Server Freeze on cache destruction (@Vdauphin).
  • FIX: Updating french translation (@Omega974).

Have fun!!!

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Is it possible to add the random option to "Add armed vehicles in Hideout" and "Add armed vehicles in Side mission/Cache" parameter?

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1 hour ago, Cptan.Marcos said:

Is there a way to "cross out" one or two cities that I do not want to be used by the mission?

You can create more marker like this: http://vdauphin.github.io/HeartsAndMinds/Prevent-AI-from-spawning-near-the-base

Or you can create a blacklist of city https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/blob/master/%3DBTC%3Dco%4030_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis/core/def/mission.sqf#L142



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The Hearts and Minds mission 1.24.1 MAJOR update is here!

H&M requires CBA and ACE3.


Changelog :

  • Param.hpp changed.
  • Mission.sqm not changed.
  • Add: Persistent explosive (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Special variable for food (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: EMP affect more electronic (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Tag on abandoned vehicles (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Penalty when killing surrendered or captive military (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: btc_hideout_cityID in mission.sqf to manually define cities where hideout will spawn (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Update faction list (@Vdauphin).
  • FIX: Dynamic Groups Init creating players without groups (@mrschick).
  • FIX: Don't propagate chem on object declare has string (@Vdauphin).
  • FIX: Damage after dropping an object while running (@Vdauphin).
  • FIX: Bombers follow enemies (@Vdauphin).

  • FIX: Ream not available when ACE rearm is set unlimited (@Vdauphin).



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Hello once again mighty Vdauphin!


Group has been having a hard time with prisoners. We'll take captive an enemy AI that's been downed, heal them up, bring them back to the logistics point to process them for a ticket.


Sometimes though, the enemy AI can't be processed for a ticket. The system will state there's no alive prisoner present.


Releasing the enemy AI will reveal that they're no longer opfor, but have become blufor.


Any insights on what's happening?

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15 hours ago, Robert Tyburne said:

Hello once again mighty Vdauphin!


Group has been having a hard time with prisoners. We'll take captive an enemy AI that's been downed, heal them up, bring them back to the logistics point to process them for a ticket.


Sometimes though, the enemy AI can't be processed for a ticket. The system will state there's no alive prisoner present.


Releasing the enemy AI will reveal that they're no longer opfor, but have become blufor.


Any insights on what's happening?


No idea, you should try with only CBA and ACE3


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Yo @Vdauphin!


What am I doing wrong here? Trying to add a custom location.. .

btc_custom_loc = [
[[1383.9,2356.9,0],"NameVillage","FOB Akhund",20,20,true]


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3 hours ago, bodybaq said:

Yo @Vdauphin!


What am I doing wrong here? Trying to add a custom location.. .

btc_custom_loc = [
[[1383.9,2356.9,0],"NameVillage","FOB Akhund",20,20,true]




Please check example: https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/blob/master/%3DBTC%3Dco%4030_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis/define_mod.sqf#L3

Looks like you define twice the radius



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The Hearts and Minds mission 1.24.2 hotfix is here!

H&M requires CBA and ACE3.


Changelog :

  • Param.hpp changed.
  • Mission.sqm not changed.
  • FIX: Use ACE Progressbar for Interactions (@mrschick).
  • FIX: Update faction list and add Colombian mods (@Vdauphin).
  • FIX: Backpacks with integrated Wirecutter can Break Doors (@mrschick).
  • FIX: Stringtable typo (@Vdauphin).
  • FIX: Suicide/Drone bomber compatibility with KJW_Imposters (@mrschick).
  • FIX: "Cached" typo and improve time/weather interaction conditions (@mrschick).



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Hello @Vdauphin

Any way to turn down the time for "breaking door" with wirecutter?

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The Hearts and Minds mission 1.24.4 hotfix is here!

H&M requires CBA and ACE3.


Changelog :

  • Mission.sqm/Param.hpp not changed.
  • FIX: Side mission repair errors since ACE 3.18.0 (@Vdauphin).
  • FIX: Side mission kill broken since ACE 3.18.0 (@Vdauphin).
  • FIX: IED overlap sometimes (@Vdauphin).
  • FIX: Typo (@Vdauphin).
  • FIX: Autosave after all players disconnect does not always work (@Vdauphin).



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We are here, again in November, for some news about the H&M major release from the past 2024 release and next 2025.


Tag extension:

  • Now civilian will tag your abandoned vehicle.



Reputation extension:

  • Malus when killing surrendered or captive military.
  • Reputation bonus when player put civilian killed by player in grave near a religious building.





More respawn option:

  • Respawn interaction is available outside the base and can have a timeout upon player connection.

New side mission:

  • Side mission massacre inspired by Bucha massacre (Ukraine). You are required to retrieve all deceased civilians and transport them to a cemetery adjacent to a church.



Under the hood:

I hope you will enjoy!

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