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[MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

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18 minutes ago, Viper_Legion said:

dialog box pops up and say “it’s not a wreck”.

Because it is not a wreck. This vehicle isn't fully destroyed. Get the Adv. Engineer slot and use ACE interaction directly on the vehicle and select Full repair (https://ace3mod.com/wiki/feature/repair.html).



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The vehicle was definitely destroyed, has the red map marker and all. Does the Vic need to be next to the red box? Or the green flag map marker?

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3 minutes ago, Viper_Legion said:

The vehicle was definitely destroyed, has the red map marker and all.

The object found is not a wreck: /core/fnc/log/repair_wreck.sqf#L34

5 minutes ago, Viper_Legion said:

Does the Vic need to be next to the red box? Or the green flag map marker?

Near the flag (http://vdauphin.github.io/HeartsAndMinds/InGame-documentation#respawn)


I think you have an other object around the green flag closer than your vehicle wreck.

You could take a look to the array returned by in debug console:

nearestObjects [btc_create_object_point, ["LandVehicle", "Air", "Ship"], 10]


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So I have the logi point and red box completely separated from the rest of the base (300m away). Tow a wreck to it and still say it’s not a wreck. And the debug console says btc_helo_1 is closest. I’m confused.



edit: maybe just figured it out, I’m really stupid

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2 minutes ago, Viper_Legion said:

Tow a wreck to it and still say it’s not a wreck.

So the objects is not a wreck, damage is not equal to 1 (/core/fnc/log/repair_wreck.sqf#L34)

5 minutes ago, Viper_Legion said:

And the debug console says btc_helo_1 is closest.

Also, btc_helo_1 is the Chinook which is the only exception, it will respawn after 30 seconds (#2-add-respawn-to-vehicle-or-boat), so you don't have to repair the wreck, just wait 30s


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okay, well I don't understand how it cant be a wreck, a map markers was created saying its a wreck and it did a full ace cook off. I had previously had the Chinook sitting on the btc_create_object_point, so i fixed that. I took a short video (less than a minute) showing the issues. Im sorry, but im having difficulty understanding, even though the solution is probably really simple.


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yea this is after i moved it, its returning vehicle 2 which is the blown up one. i didnt realize until a second ago that was the create object helo pad haha


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You need to find what is the first element in the returned array. This is an object in the radius of 10m around the btc_create_object_point

You could use Zeus and use the ACE add editable object to find the object

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6 hours ago, Carlos Leung said:

How to save structures place by Zeus


This is already handle (https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/blob/master/%3DBTC%3Dco%4030_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis/core/fnc/eh/CuratorObjectPlaced.sqf#L29-L30)


6 hours ago, Carlos Leung said:

ACEX Fortify tool to H&M database system?


Not for now, I think you could use the event documented here (https://ace3mod.com/wiki/frameworkx/fortify-framework.html#21-listenable)

Something like this in https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/blob/master/%3DBTC%3Dco%4030_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis/core/init_server.sqf

["acex_fortify_objectPlaced", {
	params ["_player", "_side", "_objectPlaced"];

	[_objectPlaced] call btc_fnc_log_CuratorObjectPlaced_s;
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;

may it works



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some people reported me that, some times, Contact DLC is required to play the mission. Of course, they have not bought it so the cannot play. The curious thing is that this issue is solved by closing arma 3 and launch it again, but this does not solve the issue permanently. 

Also, I've noticed that the mission is not using the player's default face.


Any ideas why this could be happening?



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11 minutes ago, PabloDMA said:

some people reported me that, some times, Contact DLC is required to play the mission.

Never notice this. May be you edited the mission.sqm with the Contact DLC launched ? Then a dependency has been created

Or may be when you start the dedicated server with Contact DLC ?

Also, I don't own the Contact DLC


10 minutes ago, PabloDMA said:

Also, I've noticed that the mission is not using the player's default face.

I don't have this issue I think, I saw some player with their own face



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I would like to add TFAR Jammer scripts to EMP side missions EMP object, Is it possible?

Jam Radios script for TFAR created by Asherion and Rebel
Version 0.2.0
Available from: https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/203810-release-radio-jamming-script-for-task-force-radio/

This script will jam radios for all players within a given radius of a jamming vehicle
Jamming is stronger nearer to the vehicle, while less strong at the edges of the radius
NOTE: It is recommended to call this script from initPlayerLocal.sqf if you want to run the script from mission start.

0: ARRAY of object(s) (Required)- Entity(s) that will cause the radios to be jammed.
1: NUMBER (Optional)- Range of the jammer in Meters. Default is 1000.
2: NUMBER (Optional)- Strength of the jammer. Default is 50.
3: BOOL (Optional)- Enable Debug. Default is False.
Example: jamRadios = [[JAMMER],500] execVM "TFARjamRadios.sqf";

if (!hasInterface) exitwith {};
waituntil {!isnull player};

//Define the variables along with their default values.
_jammers = param [0, [objNull], [[objNull]]];
_rad = param [1, 500, [0]];
_strength = param [2, 50, [0]] - 1; // Minus one so that radio interference never goes below 1 near the edge of the radius (which is the default for TFAR).
_debug = param [3, true, [true]];

//compare distances between jammers and player to find nearest jammer and set it as _jammer
_jammerDist = {
	_jammer = objNull;
	_closestDist = 1000000;
		if (_x distance player < _closestdist) then {
			_jammer = _x;
			_closestDist = _x distance player;
	} foreach _jammers;
_jammer = call _jammerDist;

// While the Jamming Vehicle is not destroyed, loop every 5 seconds
while {alive _jammer} do
    // Set variables
    _dist = player distance _jammer;
    _distPercent = _dist / _rad;
    _interference = 1;
	_sendInterference = 1;

    if (_dist < _rad) then {
		_interference = _strength - (_distPercent * _strength) + 1; // Calculat the recieving interference, which has to be above 1 to have any effect.
		_sendInterference = 1/_interference; //Calculate the sending interference, which needs to be below 1 to have any effect.
    // Set the TF receiving and sending distance multipliers
    player setVariable ["tf_receivingDistanceMultiplicator", _interference];
	player setVariable ["tf_sendingDistanceMultiplicator", _sendInterference];
    // Debug chat and marker.
	if (_debug) then {
		deletemarkerLocal "CIS_DebugMarker";
		deletemarkerLocal "CIS_DebugMarker2";
		//Area marker
		_debugMarker = createmarkerLocal ["CIS_DebugMarker", position _jammer];
		_debugMarker setMarkerShapeLocal "ELLIPSE";
		_debugMarker setMarkerSizeLocal [_rad, _rad];
		//Position Marker
		_debugMarker2 = createmarkerLocal ["CIS_DebugMarker2", position _jammer];
		_debugMarker2 setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON";
		_debugMarker2 setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_dot";
		_debugMarker2 setMarkerTextLocal format ["%1", _jammer];
		systemChat format ["Distance: %1, Percent: %2, Interference: %3, Send Interference: %4", _dist,  100 * _distPercent, _interference, _sendInterference];
		systemChat format ["Active Jammer: %1, Jammers: %2",_jammer, _jammers];
		//copyToClipboard (str(Format ["Distance: %1, Percent: %2, Interference: %3", _dist,  100 * _distPercent, _interference]));
    // Sleep 5 seconds before running again
    sleep 5.0;
	//Only run this if there are multiple jammers.
	if (count _jammers > 1) then {
		//Check if all of the jammers are still alive. If not, remove it from _jammers.
			if (!alive _x AND count _jammers > 1) then {_jammers = _jammers - [_x]};
		} foreach _jammers;
		//Check for closest jammer
		_jammer = call _jammerDist;

//Set TFR settings back to normal before exiting the script
player setVariable ["tf_receivingDistanceMultiplicator", 1];
player setVariable ["tf_sendingDistanceMultiplicator", 1];


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6 hours ago, Carlos Leung said:

I would like to add TFAR Jammer scripts to EMP side missions EMP object, Is it possible?

Jam Radios script for TFAR created by Asherion and Rebel
Version 0.2.0
Available from: https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/203810-release-radio-jamming-script-for-task-force-radio/

This script will jam radios for all players within a given radius of a jamming vehicle
Jamming is stronger nearer to the vehicle, while less strong at the edges of the radius
NOTE: It is recommended to call this script from initPlayerLocal.sqf if you want to run the script from mission start.

0: ARRAY of object(s) (Required)- Entity(s) that will cause the radios to be jammed.
1: NUMBER (Optional)- Range of the jammer in Meters. Default is 1000.
2: NUMBER (Optional)- Strength of the jammer. Default is 50.
3: BOOL (Optional)- Enable Debug. Default is False.
Example: jamRadios = [[JAMMER],500] execVM "TFARjamRadios.sqf";

if (!hasInterface) exitwith {};
waituntil {!isnull player};

//Define the variables along with their default values.
_jammers = param [0, [objNull], [[objNull]]];
_rad = param [1, 500, [0]];
_strength = param [2, 50, [0]] - 1; // Minus one so that radio interference never goes below 1 near the edge of the radius (which is the default for TFAR).
_debug = param [3, true, [true]];

//compare distances between jammers and player to find nearest jammer and set it as _jammer
_jammerDist = {
	_jammer = objNull;
	_closestDist = 1000000;
		if (_x distance player < _closestdist) then {
			_jammer = _x;
			_closestDist = _x distance player;
	} foreach _jammers;
_jammer = call _jammerDist;

// While the Jamming Vehicle is not destroyed, loop every 5 seconds
while {alive _jammer} do
    // Set variables
    _dist = player distance _jammer;
    _distPercent = _dist / _rad;
    _interference = 1;
	_sendInterference = 1;

    if (_dist < _rad) then {
		_interference = _strength - (_distPercent * _strength) + 1; // Calculat the recieving interference, which has to be above 1 to have any effect.
		_sendInterference = 1/_interference; //Calculate the sending interference, which needs to be below 1 to have any effect.
    // Set the TF receiving and sending distance multipliers
    player setVariable ["tf_receivingDistanceMultiplicator", _interference];
	player setVariable ["tf_sendingDistanceMultiplicator", _sendInterference];
    // Debug chat and marker.
	if (_debug) then {
		deletemarkerLocal "CIS_DebugMarker";
		deletemarkerLocal "CIS_DebugMarker2";
		//Area marker
		_debugMarker = createmarkerLocal ["CIS_DebugMarker", position _jammer];
		_debugMarker setMarkerShapeLocal "ELLIPSE";
		_debugMarker setMarkerSizeLocal [_rad, _rad];
		//Position Marker
		_debugMarker2 = createmarkerLocal ["CIS_DebugMarker2", position _jammer];
		_debugMarker2 setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON";
		_debugMarker2 setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_dot";
		_debugMarker2 setMarkerTextLocal format ["%1", _jammer];
		systemChat format ["Distance: %1, Percent: %2, Interference: %3, Send Interference: %4", _dist,  100 * _distPercent, _interference, _sendInterference];
		systemChat format ["Active Jammer: %1, Jammers: %2",_jammer, _jammers];
		//copyToClipboard (str(Format ["Distance: %1, Percent: %2, Interference: %3", _dist,  100 * _distPercent, _interference]));
    // Sleep 5 seconds before running again
    sleep 5.0;
	//Only run this if there are multiple jammers.
	if (count _jammers > 1) then {
		//Check if all of the jammers are still alive. If not, remove it from _jammers.
			if (!alive _x AND count _jammers > 1) then {_jammers = _jammers - [_x]};
		} foreach _jammers;
		//Check for closest jammer
		_jammer = call _jammerDist;

//Set TFR settings back to normal before exiting the script
player setVariable ["tf_receivingDistanceMultiplicator", 1];
player setVariable ["tf_sendingDistanceMultiplicator", 1];



Here is where EMP are handle : /core/fnc/spect

Good luck!

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Hey All, I am attempting to get a Hearts and Minds Vietnam mission up and running on my server - Is anyone able to explain what vdauphin means on this page http://vdauphin.github.io/HeartsAndMinds/faction_player "Migrate all playable slot to the desired side in /mission.sqm." I am not trying to change the west or east aspect of the players just attempting have everyone spawn with nam era uniform / vehicles and get any gear they need out of the ace crate. I went in via eden editor and gave everyone a loadout with an unsung bdu /changed over the pre-existing vehicles but when spawning for real it seems it still kits them out with full NATO weapons / gear. I am working off of the latest =BTC=co@30_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis.pbo.zip I copied down and changed to .DaKrong so other than the map everything is still default for my .pbo. Thanks in advance.

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6 minutes ago, Easy D said:

I went in via eden editor and gave everyone a loadout with an unsung bdu /changed over the pre-existing vehicles but when spawning for real it seems it still kits them out with full NATO weapons / gear. I am working off of the latest =BTC=co@30_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis.pbo.zip I copied down and changed to .DaKrong so other than the map everything is still default for my .pbo.

Hearts and Minds use a auto loadout system depend on trait, medical level (if fracture is allowed, split is added and so on), color and hour of the day (by night you have dark skin, in Tanoa you have green skin during the day). So at any time a player join, he has the loadout fitting the day or medical setting of the server. You can disable it directly here: /core/def/param.hpp#L314-L318


You can change skin of player here: /define_mod.sqf#L42-L58 to fit your need


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On 2/29/2020 at 5:46 PM, Vdauphin said:


Here is where EMP are handle : /core/fnc/spect

Good luck!

But  TFAR still works when I near EMP object with my teammate.



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2 hours ago, Carlos Leung said:

But  TFAR still works when I near EMP object with my teammate.



I don't know

May be replace _jammers by btc_spect_emp

Ask to the author to understand how does it work?

Good luck

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On 3/2/2020 at 4:49 PM, Vdauphin said:


I don't know

May be replace _jammers by btc_spect_emp

Ask to the author to understand how does it work?

Good luck

I need the ammo box (near the EMP container) Variable name to make the jammer work.

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3 hours ago, Carlos Leung said:

I need the ammo box (near the EMP container) Variable name to make the jammer work.

btc_spect_emp is an array of all EMP objects.


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The Hearts and Minds mission 1.20.1 hotfix is here!

Now H&M requires CBA and ACE3 only. But there is also a RHSUS version!


Changelog :

  • Param.hpp and Mission.sqm not changed.
  • FIX: Chemical damage lag when a lot of units are contaminated (@Vdauphin).
  • FIX: ACEX Fortify objects not saved (@Vdauphin).
  • FIX: Several Chinesesimp entries and missing entries for EMP (@GoldJohnKing).

Have fun!!!

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The Hearts and Minds mission 1.20.2 hotfix is here!

Now H&M requires CBA and ACE3 only. But there is also a RHSUS version!


Changelog :

  • Param.hpp and Mission.sqm not changed.
  • FIX: Now ace_medical_treatment_advancedBandages is not a bool since ACE 3.13.1 (@Vdauphin).

Have fun!!!

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Heya Vdauphin,


My community is experiencing a major issue with H&M ever since ACE3 updated. The self interaction menu in H&M is looking like this:



And what happens is when you use the self interaction menu, everyone ends up suffering a massive amount of lag. I went from 40fps to 2fps instantly the moment I used the self interaction menu, but only when playing H&M. We are running a Linux server, so I am not sure if this is a reason for it or not. But wanted to just let you know, especially to also see if anyone else is or has experienced something like this and maybe track down a fix.

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