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Synchronize triggers with cutscene

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I have a problem.

I am trying to synchronize a quite complex cutscene that involves a lot of triggers that must fire of att exactly the same time, or else, the whole cutscenes fails.

The mission ends with a helicopter ride. Once the helicopter reach a certain waypoint, it fires of a trigger, and it also fires off ''intro15.sqs''. When that trigger is fired, a civilian unit runs through a couple of other triggers. These triggers is placed in line with each others so they fire off at the same time. Unfortunately, there is something wrong. For example, the trigger that handles music never fire off. At other times certain triggers fire off to late. Sometimes the ''intro15.sqs'' in the waypoint fires off to late, sometimes to early.

Is there any better way to do this?

What I would like to is this: I want the helicopter to fly through and fire off one trigger. When that trigger activates, I want the intro15.sqs to fire off, AND, I want an object to SPAWN ammidiately inside all the other triggers and activate them. Because using waypoints to active triggers isn't always exact in timing. Using civilians to run throug a couple off triggers isn't always exact in timing either.

Timing is vital in this cutscene, and if it isn't perfect, I have to scrap the whole mission from my campaign, and then I have to scrap all 15 mission in my campaign. I'm really frustated right now and I need an expert's help!

Edited by Cyper

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Well, there are several solutions. An easy one would be naming the first trigger (like first_trigger), then use the following command as condition in the other triggers.

triggeractivated first_trigger

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Well, there are several solutions. An easy one would be naming the first trigger (like first_trigger), then use the following command as condition in the other triggers.

triggeractivated first_trigger

Thanks! I didn't know it was that simple. Now there is only problem left: how can I trigger the cutscene? The best solution would be to trigger the cutscene in the same trigger, but cutscenes can't be triggered it seems. Using waypoints is not that reliable.

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There is about 8 different triggers I want to activate. I tried using

triggeractivated [trigger1, trigger2, trigger3]

but it didnt work

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I came up with another idea but it did not work:

I thought that I let an object be moved into a trigger in order to activate the trigger.

So I used this:

object1 attachTo [object2,[0,0,0]];

The thought is that when trigger1 is activated, object1 is re-located into a zone where I have all the triggers I need activated triggers, and therefore object1 activates all the triggers.

But it does not work. Is it because I use ''attachTo''? Is there any script such as ''MoveTo''?

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