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Division Schnelle Kräfte [GER-SOF]

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The German ARMA 2 Clan "Division Schnelle Kräfte" or short [DSK] was founded 20/03/13 and belongs to a small part of the German communtiy which is trying to simulate a German quick-reaction-force of spezialized- and specialforces based on a real unit from the german armed forces.

We are trying to follow the path of our real counterpart. To achieve this goal we built the entire unit upon a MilSim-structure (for example: ranks in use, equipment in use, commands and radio-simulation and so on) to make all of our members virtually trained members of a virtual military force. Of course, we have a mixed kind of community-members: both former and still active soldiers as well as civil people attempting to become what they all want: a german virtual soldier who is able to handle stressful situations, have a wide-spreaded force with lots of tasks and always a new operation he has to succeed at all times.


The Division Schnelle Kräfte was modeled after the real Unit which includes several elements that the Federal Republic of Germany makes it possible to respond quickly to crises and these forces we are displaying virtually.

  • 3./ Fallschirmjägerbattaillon 263 (spezialized airborne paratroopers, comperable to the 75th Ranger Regiment)
  • 4./ Kommandokompanie (Kommando Spezialkräfte) (GERSOF)
  • Mittleres Transporthubschrauberregiment 25 (Helicopter Regiment with SOF Air Rotary Wing)
  • Kampfhubschrauberregiment 36 (Combat Helicopter Regiment, CAS Element)

Basic requirements for the application summarized:

  • minimum 18 years (average age between 18-35 years.)
  • Armed Assault 2 with the expansion Operation Arrowhead available .
  • TeamSpeak 3 installed .
  • headset available .
  • Weekly 6-8 hours of time for training, fighting and the general community live.
  • Speak the German Language.

More about the candidate phase can be found here: http://dsk-arma2.de/karriere/mitglied-werden

TeamSpeak IP: 213 239 198 163

Homepage: www.dsk-arma2.de

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/DivSchnelleKraefte

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DSKArma2?ref=hl



Hauptmann (OF-2)

Commander Division Schnelle Kräfte

Edited by DSK-Red

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