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Black and white saturation

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I am aware that it is possible to change saturation and other various settings by using for example this script inside a trigger:

"colorCorrections" ppEffectEnable true; "colorCorrections" ppEffectAdjust [1,1.9,0,[0,0,0,0],[0.3,0.3,0.8,1.2],[1,1,2.3,1]]; "colorCorrections" ppEffectCommit 1;

What I would like is this: the same saturation you get once the ''mission completed'' screen turns up in ARMA 3 campaign. The dark, black-and white saturation.

Does anyone know how I can get it?

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If you want a relatively simple command, CfgPostprocessTemplates should be viewable from the editor's config viewer and contain a template class for black & white. Then you can set it with BIS_fnc_setPPeffectTemplate:

["templatename", 0, TRUE] call BIS_fnc_setPPeffectTemplate;

0 is the commit time, TRUE means that the effect will be executed globally for every player.

Edit: Oh, scratch that, most of the templates are only added in the development build for Zeus. Well, that effect is applied with:

"colorCorrections" ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0, [1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1, 0], [0.75, 0.25, 0, 1.0]];
"colorCorrections" ppEffectCommit 1;
"colorCorrections" ppEffectEnable TRUE;

"filmGrain" ppEffectAdjust [0.04, 1, 1, 0, 1];
"filmGrain" ppEffectCommit 1;
"filmGrain" ppEffectEnable TRUE;

Edited by Magirot

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Maybe it's a resource effect instead of a postprocessing effect? I can't test it right now.

_layerTestNoise = "mytestnoise" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer;
RscNoise_color = [1, 1, 1, 0];
_layerTestNoise cutRsc ["RscNoise", "BLACK"];

Edit: Without local variables (remove the underscores) if in the editor instead of a script.

Edited by Magirot

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