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createMarkerLocal problem

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In my command engine, I use markers created with the createMarkerLocal command to monitor friendly groups. In single player, it works fine. However, in coop (only 2-man) duplicates of each marker appear (slightly off center but overlapping each other). I have gone over the code several times to make sure I am not calling the same script twice, it seems to be fine. The script should only run on a player's machine.

Has anyone seen a similar problem before? Any ideas on how to fix it?

Here is the code for the relevant script:

_group = _this select 0;
if NOT(local player) exitWith {};
if NOT((side (leader _group)) == (side player)) exitWith {};
// To prevent markers from appearing for excluded groups, uncomment the following line
sleep 3;
_pos = [0,0];
_random = (random 99999999999);
_name = format ["%1%2%3",time,profileName,_random];
_marker = createMarkerLocal [_name,_pos];
//player globalChat _name;
_marker setMarkerPosLocal (getPos (leader _group));

_marker setMarkerSizeLocal [1,1];
_groupType = [_group] call dt_fnc_GroupType;
_markerType = [_groupType] call dt_fnc_MarkerType;
_marker setMarkerTypeLocal _markerType;
_markerName = [_group] call dt_fnc_TrimGroupName;
_marker setMarkerTextLocal _markerName;
_alive = true;
_count = 0;

while {(_alive)} do {
sleep 0.3;
_marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorBlufor";
if (dtcSelectedGroup == _group) then {_marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorGreen"};
_groupType = [_group] call dt_fnc_GroupType;
_pos = (getPos (leader _group));
if NOT(_groupType == "Mounted infantry") then {_marker setMarkerSizeLocal [1,1]; _marker setMarkerPos _pos};
if (_groupType == "Mounted infantry") then {_marker setMarkerSizeLocal [0.5,0.5]; _x = _pos select 0; _y = _pos select 1; _marker setMarkerPosLocal [_x,(_y + 5)]};
_alive = [_group] call dt_fnc_GroupisAlive;
_count = _count + 1;
if (_count > 100) then {_count = 0; _groupType = [_group] call dt_fnc_GroupType; _markerType = [_groupType] call dt_fnc_MarkerType; _marker setMarkerTypeLocal _markerType};
deleteMarkerLocal _marker;

That script is called from:

sleep 5;
_go = true;
_add = false;
_groups = [];
_men = [];
while {_go} do {
sleep 3;
_groups = allGroups;
while {((count _groups) > 0)} do {
	_group = _groups select 0;
	_groups = _groups - [_group];
	_add = true;
	// Add player and player groups to dtPlayers and dtPlayerGroups
	_men = [];
	_men = units _group;
	while {((count _men) > 0)} do {
		_man = _men select 0;
		_men = _men - [_man];
		if (isPlayer _man) then {
			dtPlayers = dtPlayers + [_man];
			if (NOT (_group in dtPlayerGroups)) then {dtPlayerGroups = dtPlayerGroups + [_group]; publicVariable "dtPlayerGroups"};
	if (_group in dtRegistered) then {_add = false};
	if (_group in dtExclusions) then {_add = false};
	if (_add) then {
		dtRegistered = dtRegistered + [_group];
		nul = [_group] execVM "DrongosToolkit\Scripts\Core\MonitorGroup.sqf";
		nul = [_group] execVM "DrongosToolkit\Scripts\Core\PrepareVehicles.sqf";
		if (dtUseMarkers) then {nul = [_group] execVM "DrongosToolkit\Scripts\Core\Marker.sqf"};

Which is in turn called from the following script which is called from Init.sqf (the relevant line is right at the bottom in bold):

// Starts Drongo's Toolkit

// Should be called from init.sqf


sleep 1;

#include "\userconfig\DrongosToolkit\DTconfig.hpp"

dtReady = false;

dtDebug = false;

//dtDrongosArtilleryActive = false;

// Make sure the variable is defined as early as possible for DrongosToolkit\Scripts\Civs\SpawnerAdv.sqf

dtCivilians = false;

// Make sure the variable is defined as early as possible for DrongosToolkit\Scripts\Core\MonitorGroup.sqf

dtCached = [];

dtCacheExclusions = [];

//hint "Drongo's Toolkit v0.7\nMenu key: LEFT WINDOWS";

//dtKey = 0xDB;

findDisplay 46 displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "if (_this select 1 == dtKey) then {null = [] execVM ""DrongosToolkit\Scripts\Core\ShowDialog.sqf""};"];

dtViewDistance = viewDistance;

_westHQ = createCenter West;

_eastHQ = createCenter East;

_resHQ = createCenter Resistance;

// Which dialog should the key default to?

dtCurrentDialog = "Personal";

// Array of items that are recognised as a radio (for commanding, enemy contact messages, etc)

dtRadioTypes = [];

dtRadioTypes = ["ItemRadio"];

// Units that can use the command dialog. If this is empty, anyone can use it.

dtCommanders = [];

// Used by the Command module, defined here as it is checked against in some non-Command scripts.

dtcGroups = [];

// Array of marker for use

dtMarkers = [];

_desiredNumberOfMarkers = 100;

// Use markers to mark groups?

dtUseMarkers = false;

dtAllGroups = [];

dtRegistered = [];

dtExclusions = [];

// For groups that are not available to command

dtcExcludedGroups = [];

dtSmokeGrenades = ["SmokeShellRed","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","SmokeShellYellow","SmokeShellPurple","SmokeShellBlue","SmokeShellOrange"];

dtTransmissionW = [];

dtTransmissionE = [];

dtTransmissionR = [];

dtEndMission = false;

// Array of players

dtPlayers = [];

// Array of player groups

dtPlayerGroups = [];

//dtDebug = true;

dtDebug = false;

dtCurrentDialog = "Personal";

// Array of items that are recognised as a radio (for commanding, enemy contact messages, etc)

dtRadioTypes = [];

dtRadioTypes = ["ItemRadio"];

// Units that can use the command dialog. If this is empty, anyone can use it.

dtCommanders = [];

// Array of vehicles that can be mounted as cargo (this is now set in DrongosToolkit\Scripts\Core\DefineTypes.sqf)

dtTransportTypes = [];

dtExcludedGroups = [];

// For groups that are not available to command

dtcExcludedGroups = [];

dtSmokeGrenades = ["SmokeShellRed","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","SmokeShellYellow","SmokeShellPurple","SmokeShellBlue","SmokeShellOrange"];

dtCommand = false;

dtCommand = true;

dtComms = false;

// Sounds with comms?

dtSound = true;

dtInfoShare = false;

dtObjectives = false;

dtAIcommander = false;

dtWeather = false;

dtCivilians = false;

dtSkill = false;

dtFunctionKeysActive = false;

//dtFunctionKeysActive = true;

if (dtCommand) then {dtUseMarkers = true};

// Camera mode for Command

dtcCameraIndex = 0;

dtcCameraOn = false;

// This is used for the Function Keys option. It requires description.ext in the mission root.

dtMissionRoot = call {

private "_arr";

_arr = toArray str missionConfigFile;

_arr resize (count _arr - 15);

toString _arr


nul = [] execVM "DrongosToolkit\Scripts\Core\DefineTypes.sqf";

nul = [] execVM "DrongosToolkit\Scripts\Core\Functions\LoadFunctions.sqf";

nul = [_desiredNumberOfMarkers] execVM "DrongosToolkit\Scripts\Core\PrepMarkers.sqf";

sleep 1;

nul = [] execVM "DrongosToolkit\Scripts\AiA\Start.sqf";

sleep 1;

nul = [] execVM "DrongosToolkit\Scripts\Core\RegisterGroups.sqf";

dtReady = true;

//hint "";

Edited by Drongo69

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Where and how do you call the script ?

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I added the relevant info to the first post to keep it all in one place.

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May or may not be a problem, or perhaps it copied funny, but your bolded line at the bottom has "sq f", not "sqf".

Edit: And just to be clear, is that last script called from init.sqf with isServer or anything, or are all machines running it?

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Dunno what's causing that, when I edit the post there is no space.

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if NOT(_groupType == "Mounted infantry") then {_marker setMarkerSizeLocal [1,1]; _marker setMarkerPos _pos};

should be

if NOT(_groupType == "Mounted infantry") then {_marker setMarkerSizeLocal [1,1]; _marker setMarkerPosLocal _pos};

I guess, so that it doesn't broadcast the marker globally.

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Good God, how did I miss that? I have been over and over the scripts and the entire system numerous times. I can't be sure until the next time I play coop, but that looks like it.

Thanks Conroy!

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Did that fix it?

It is interesting that a global command that simply edits a parameter broadcasts all parameters that were originally local.

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Any non-local marker command will always transmit all the markersettings.

It's possible to save a lot of bandwidth, when having some global markers, that frequently update, by using local commands, except for the very last one.

This for example only uses a fraction of the bandwidth compared to all commands being global, while having the same effect.

_marker setMarkerAlphaLocal 1;
_marker setMarkerTextLocal "";
_marker setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_dot";
_marker setmarkerColorLocal "ColorBlack";
_marker setmarkerDirLocal 0;
_marker setMarkerSizeLocal [1,1];
_marker setMarkerPos (getPosASL player);

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