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Cropping in MicroDEM to a Specific Size?

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I've imported some DEM data from ASTER and I'm trying to crop it down to a specific size (5120m x 5120m) so that I can export it and convert it to an .xyz heightmap, but the trouble is I can't figure out how to crop it down to a specific size. Everywhere I go in the program needs some coordinates like northing and easting or has some weird set up like rows that seem to correspond with nothing. I'm honestly at a loss for what to do.

All I want to do is use GDEM data to create an .xyz heightmap. If anyone has an easy way to do that where I will still have atleast half of my hair still attached by the end of it (as in I didn't rip it out prior to finishing) then please, for all that is good and holy TELL ME! Thank you.

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