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Locking Houses. Assign with UID.

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I need some major help. I got houses custom made on my island life server but i don't know how to get it to work. The house does not lock. I have the maphousekey.sqf but it does not seem to be working and i do not know what is wrong.

_house  = ((_this select 3) select 0);
_housename = ((_this select 3) select 1);
_uid = getPlayerUID vehicle player;

_unit = _this;
_dist = 10;
_marker = "";
{_range = ((getMarkerPos _x) distance (player));
if (_range < _dist) then 
{_dist = _range; _marker = _x};	
} foreach Homearray;

switch true do
case (_marker == "sample"):{if(_uid == "") then {[_house,_housename] execVM "maphouse.sqf";} else {player groupchat "This is not owned by you";};};

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