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Guided Artillery Shells never hitting or completely disappears

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Hello everyone...

I don't know if this ever really got resolved and has just taken a back seat and has been forgotten,but I decided to play around with the arty today. Normal rounds I can get to hit within a few meters without the computer, laser guided are always on spot... but the "GUIDED" rounds never seem to hit their mark or even come close at all? Last I remember about it is they are supposed to autoseek a target? I don't know but if someone could fill me in that would be great. :yay:

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On my mission I lased from a SDV (Submarine). Arty doesn`t hit shit with the laser-marker spot on. Did try with Scorcher. Rounds were way off or never hit bottom.

Also tried CAS with A-164. It won't even attack. WTF is wrong?

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I've been running Arty and other tests here-


and am also having trouble with guided shells. After leaving the barrel they're supposed to pop fins for guidance and uplink to a GPS satellite which is supposed to guide them on to the target coordinates you gave them, but they often miss by a wide margin or get lost. (you hear a dull 'crump' somewhere in the distance)

Laser-designated shells are more reliable but I think you have to designate a spot on the target which the incoming shell can "see". For example putting the spot on the south wall of a building isn't a good idea if the shell's coming in from the north. Roofs seem to be better.

Same with laser guided bombs and missiles from aircraft; but my main beef with them is that you sometimes have to keep designating the spot for a very long time until the AI bot pilot sees it and attacks.

I'm still running more tests.

Edited by PoorOldSpike

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