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I´m running into a problem with my editor-tidy-up addon for IF, can you help me out guys?

The following config snippet shows how i´m removing the classes "Craters, IF Misc 2, Mounted Weapons, Minefields, Mines".

Theres also a cfgVehicles section (not shown here) that puts each item associated with removed vehicle classes into another vehicle class.

Everything worked, except for removing class Structures (which only holds the EP1 dirt wall), and all of the Object (bla) classes below my A2OA comment.

Was thinking it might have to do with Structures being some internal arma thing that cannot be removed, but then again, it did work on the standard Mines class!

class CfgVehicleClasses {
//"IF Misc 2" and "Craters" removed / contents put into "IF Misc"
//	class lib_misc1 {
//		displayName = "IronFront: Misc";
//	};
class lib_Objects2 {
	scope = 0;
//		displayName = "IronFront: Misc 2";
class lib_coredata {
	scope = 0;
//		displayName = "IronFront: Craters";
//"Structures" removed / contents put into "Buildings"
//	class lib_Objects {
//		displayName = "Buildings";
//	};
class Structures {
	scope = 0;
//		displayName = "Structures";
//"Minefield" and "Mines" removed / contents put into "Mines and trip-wires"
//	class LIB_MineClass {
//		displayName = "Mines and trip-wires";
//	};
class LIB_MineFieldClass {
	scope = 0;
//		displayName = "Minefield";
class Mines {
	scope = 0;
//		displayName = "Mines";
//"Mounted Weapons" removed / contents put into "Static"
//	class static {
//		displayName = "Static";
//	};
class lib_static_weapons {
	scope = 0;
//		displayName = "Mounted Weapons";

//removal of A2OA classes
class Helpers {
	scope = 0;
//		displayName = "Objects (Helpers)";
class Furniture {
	scope = 0;
//		displayName = "Objects (Furniture)";
class Military {
	scope = 0;
//		displayName = "Objects (Military)";
class Signs {
	scope = 0;
//		displayName = "Objects (Signs)";
class Small_items {
	scope = 0;		
//		displayName = "Objects (Small)";

Any help would be appreciated :confused:

edit: ooooh, gonna have to check my cfgPatches/requiredAddons for any missing links!

Follow up question: Is there an idiot-proof way to find out what exactly i need in there?

edit2: requiredAddons line inflated to this:


still no joy :E

Edited by Mr Burns

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