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Multiplayer Coding

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Hello guys, I'm sorry if in these days I opened different threads, but I'm fixing a mission and I'm trying everything, but sometimes I need to ask for help.

Anyway, I got a script that spawn randomly the players around the map, with the possibility to spawn two o more people togheter, I call the script in every unit's init, it works fine in the editor and it works fine when I host the mission, but not when it's running on a dedicated, this is the script:

Private ["_unit","_target"];
_unit = _this select 0; //player unit
call compile preprocessfile "SHK_pos\shk_pos_init.sqf";
_pos = ["mrkGreen",0,["mrkRed","mrkYellow"]] call SHK_pos;
_unit setposATL _pos;
sleep 1;
if (random 1 < 0.30) then {

_target = (playableunits + switchableunits) call bis_fnc_selectrandom;
_unit setposATL (_target modeltoworld [0,-3,0]); //spawn behind the unit - avoid friendly fire incidents.

I tried with isserver and isdedicated, but without luck, could someone help me out?

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How does it behave on a dedicated server then? Nothing happens?

You should put an isServer there in any case because random and BIS_fnc_selectRandom come up with different results on each client running them, and setPosATL is global, so the end result is pointless warping at the beginning, and potentially a reset to the starting position if a join-in-progress player enters the server. But it not working on a dedicated server might be related to something that's in shk_pos_init.sqf. Can you paste the contents of that file?

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How does it behave on a dedicated server then? Nothing happens?

You should put an isServer there in any case because random and BIS_fnc_selectRandom come up with different results on each client running them, and setPosATL is global, so the end result is pointless warping at the beginning, and potentially a reset to the starting position if a join-in-progress player enters the server. But it not working on a dedicated server might be related to something that's in shk_pos_init.sqf. Can you paste the contents of that file?

That file it's working fine when I tested it alone, so it's not that.

Actually now I can't test nothing, because I don't know why my mission wont load on the server anymore, wtf.

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