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Helicopter Feedback (Dev branch)

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Because glass is usually only present in the pilot cabin, which is an area that especially in combat helicopters does get and deserve some extra protection (a random bullet taking out the engine, or fuel, or tail rotor may still result in an overall salvageable situation instead of a total loss - a random bullet taking out the pilot probably... doesn't). The rest of the aircraft cannot be protected at the same level due to weight constraints.


My question was rhetorical... and glass has the worst armor/weight ratio on a vehicle. If one is to believe wikipedia, the hull of the eurocopter tiger protects against up to 23mm autocannon projectiles

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Probably another case of the writer reading that certain components are rated to take X caliber and then assuming it covers the whole of the aircraft...that mistake seems to happen a LOT...

Edited by NodUnit

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Here is a great thread that discusses enhanced weapon implementation for all air, but helicopter specifically.

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Probably another case of the writer reading that certain components are rated to take X caliber and then assuming it covers the whole of the aircraft...that mistake seems to happen a LOT...

Very true. But, to be realistic, also modeling every piece inside helicopter is rather terrible task. Content creators may assume that "in general, this area should contain enough stuff to stop certain caliber of weapons from piercing it" and model really key parts that are physically vulnerable - engine, gearbox, transmission rotors, fuel supply, electronics and weapons (it's possible to create mod that would handle damage to weapons for example :P)

Example source

PS. Similar sources were used also for armoured vehicle damage modeling across A3 development.

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We understand. It must be frustrating for you too. :239:

...and the engine is only capable of doing things that the hardware can physically do (i.e. number crunching). I think people need to be reminded of this (not you Tonci87 but some people on game forums don't seem to understand this). It'd be great to just keep throwing features into a software engine with no thought of the spending of your hardware 'budget', but that's not how things work in reality (until quantum computing becomes reality of course!)

zGuba, the reduction in flying 'efficiency'* of helos seems like an easy thing to implement? Is it?

* By flying efficiency, I'm meaning the behaviour of a helo when the collective is dumped. Choppers in A3 seem to keep flying without dropping a lot when the collective is dropped.

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It's more about time management than difficulty. When time allows, everything can be accomplished.

Guess what we lack :(

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It's more about time management than difficulty. When time allows, everything can be accomplished.

Guess what we lack :(

More Developers?

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It's more about time management than difficulty. When time allows, everything can be accomplished.

Guess what we lack :(

Buying time is a piece of cake for BIS now.

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The new main branch update is rolling out soon, any news on when the Countermeasure mode for aircraft will be fixed?

Edit: Resolved!

Edited by DarkSideSixOfficial

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We are looking for more :icon_twisted:


Maybe you need to offer more cash :p

Seriously though those positions have been open for quite some time now, I sincerely hope you find someone willing and passionate enough to join your team.

BTW, do you have open positions in QA? That would be my prefered line of work :p

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I think..no I did in fact shed a tear of joy amidst heavy mouth breathing.

Curious to what features may be selected but its nice to see that one of my arguements rang true (that the system is optional) which gets me hopeful for controls...sling loading and the idea of firing from vehicles, 3D editor?

Oh man...I need to lay down.

Edited by NodUnit

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Shooting while they are slingloaded? That would be funny.

I´m simply looking forward to the day when someone makes Dwardens Avatar a Mod. :p

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Better yet here is a better question. With the addition to the TOH FM, i'm curious. Will this mean that we will get the realistic start of of the helicopters? I would love it if we could look around the helicopter more and interact with certain things, while some other things are still in scroll menu form, giving us the best of both worlds.

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I would be happy just having the TOH cockpit without the flight model, so the fact that the FM is coming as well is a dream come true.

also I find that picture of those sling loaded people hilarious :D

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awesome news. i never was much into toh to be honest but current fm is kinda arcady. i'd appreciate sth more challenging.

Sent from mobile

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Hopefully this means rolling wheels/brakes and working shock absorbers.

Fingers crossed.

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First I went woohoo. Then I went what does TKOH Flight model mean? Today TKOH basically models a mechanical helicopter with a tail-rotor. For choppers like the Hellcat, Pawnee, Mo-Hawk, and Orca, the current TKOH FM would work fine. But what about fly-by-wire choppers like the Blackfoot, and the Ghosthawk(I'm assuming UH-60M flight controls here) should their control inputs behave differently? With TKOH FM will I finally be able to yaw the Blackfoot at over 100 knots, and fly it latterly at greater speed like the original Comanches. What about the MI-48, and its coaxial rotors? I crank on the collective in TKOH I need to be compensating with pedals to counter the torque. I shouldn't have to do that with the MI-48.

I'm glad to see they are providing a better flight model. But I hope they aren't simply going to go with the light/medium/heavy flight models in TKOH, and they are also modelling in some of the intricacies of some the other choppers that don't quite fit that mold.

Oh if ARMA 3 TKOH FM did add a coaxial rotor model, how about an S-97 variant for Nato? :)

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Have an issue here regarding the gun convergence for the light attack helicopters.

vote here: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=18702

I've been flying the Wy-55 a lot lately, and it's been really difficult killing infantry because of this issue.

Great idea the_Demongod. Seems to be working on my machine as requested ;)

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BI could simply watch a video of the KA-52 at MAKS airshow to get a basic idea of how Coxail rotor HELO's work. As for fly by wire HELO's... isn't the NH-90 the first fly by wire in production, made by the Eurocopter group? Not sure how Fly by Wire works in HELO's, but it'd be intersting to see with the TOH-FM.

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