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Loading a script from a .pbo addon [A2]

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Guys, this is a moronic question but what's even worse is that no amount of googling, searching, or even de-pboing other addons could solve my issue: in the end of the day I would still go back to the same "cannot load x\path to file\file.sqf" problem.

Now, since I don't want to bother anyone here with an overtly long copy paste of my scripts, config.cpp I'll keep it short: is there a guide out there that simply teaches one how to make an addon from scratch and load a script from it? All material I've found was either too in-depth or related to ArmA 3.

Thanks a lot and my apologies in advance if this question has been asked before.


So I've found a satisfying method:


Edited by Nife

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x\path to file\file.sqf"

Where you say X, do you have a drive letter based path here. all paths should either start "\addonname\filename" or "addonname\filename" there is never a P:\ or whatever.

to LOAD a script use the ExecVM for example, depends what the script is.

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if your pbo is named example.pbo, you load "example\scripts\init.sqf"

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I guess this was very poor explaining on my part so allow me to try again a bit better:

The whole problem is that I am trying to make my own addon, which is simply a script that is automatically loaded if the user chooses to start ArmA with it. I'm pretty familiar with SQF syntax at this point so the script itself isn't the problem as after testing it locally everything works as planned, but rather how to organize your folders, what to write in your config.cpp and which program would be recommended for packing it together in a .pbo file (currently using EliteNess but there may be something more efficient).

It should be a fairly simple question but the lack of documentation made it a tad harder for me.

Thanks again for the attention.

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