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Congratulations on the release, Kydoimos! I hope to give this a playthrough on the weekend.

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@FR_Helios - hi matey!


Regarding the missing STR_Campaign_title - I can't seem to replicate the issue - are you loading the mod locally from MODDB / Armaholic? If that's the case, it might be the issue. It should be alright if you use the method here (plus, at least someone will see the PDF I've made, lol!)


On the subject of the description.ext, try using this as a template:

class Campaign
	name = "$STR_Campaign_Title";
	firstBattle = Missions;
	disableMP = 1;
	enableHub = 1;
	briefingName = "$STR_Campaign_Title";
	author = "Kydoimos";
	overviewPicture = "\Resist\Overview\Overview.paa";
	overviewText = $STR_A3_StageAOverview;
	class MissionDefault
		lives = -1;
		lost = ;
		end1 = ;
		end2 = ;
		end3 = ;
		end4 = ;
		end5 = ;
		end6 = ;
	class Missions
		name = "$STR_Campaign_Title";
		cutscene = ;
		firstMission = M_01;
		end1 = ;
		end2 = ;
		end3 = ;
		end4 = ;
		end5 = ;
		end6 = ;
		lost = ;
		class M_01: MissionDefault
			end1 = M_02;
			template = M_01.Stratis;
			briefingName = $STR_RE_Title;
			author = "Kydoimos";
			overviewPicture = "\Resist\Images\Loadscreen\LoadMission_01.paa";
      			overviewText = $STR_RE_Mission_Description;
		class M_02: MissionDefault
			end1 = M_03;
			template = M_02.Altis;
			briefingName = $STR_ER_Title;
			author = "Kydoimos";
			overviewPicture = "\Resist\Images\Loadscreen\LoadMission_02.paa";
      			overviewText = $STR_ER_Mission_Description;
		class M_03: MissionDefault
			end1 = M_04;
			briefingName = $STR_AT_Title;
			author = "Kydoimos";
			overviewPicture = "\Resist\Images\Loadscreen\LoadMission_03.paa";
      			overviewText = $STR_AT_Mission_Description;
			template = M_03.Altis;
		class M_04: MissionDefault
			end1 = M_05;
     			briefingName = $STR_ON_Title;
			author = "Kydoimos";
			template = M_04.Altis;
			overviewPicture = "\Resist\Images\Loadscreen\LoadMission_04.paa";
      			overviewText = $STR_ON_Mission_Description;

		class M_05: MissionDefault
     			 briefingName = $STR_JN_Title;
			author = "Kydoimos";
			template = M_05.Altis;
			overviewPicture = "\Resist\Images\Loadscreen\LoadMission_05.paa";
      			overviewText = $STR_JN_Mission_Description;

I'm thinking that ought to do the trick for you!


And best of luck with Blood Brothers! Be sure to let me know when you've released it! :D

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@Harzach - thank you, matey! I'm anxious and excited with the release! Anxious because I'm bound to have missed some bugs and excited because, well, it'll soon be time to do something new! :D

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Great to see this thing finally out :D

And also great to hear you'll be making something new :)

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Really enjoying the addition of the new content, really adds to the uniqueness of the campaign.

Switched back to main branch to give this a proper go.


General Notes:

I noticed that the mission names in game i,e. in the Map screen are shown as M_04 etc. instead of the actual respective misson name.

I think tension music should carry on regardless, loop or restart until the next music cue. Currently, when the music finishes there tends to be this noticeably quiet void.








Mission Specific:


Roads End:

Nothing noticeably wrong, though the music issue I mentioned is particularly evident here. Loved the gun case addition!


Essential Requisite:

No problems, though I notice you've disabled use of the MG on top of the first base... darn it! :P that was my go-to move for dealing with the reinforcements.


Approaching Thunder:

I liked the addition of fire barrels at the fuel station in the early release of this mission, just wondering why they were removed?


Options None:

Had a show-stopper just now, where the task to destroy the advancing tanks failed to complete.

I think also if the tanks are disabled, which friendly AI often manage to do, this should also count as destroyed.


It's currently a bit of a faff trying to get hold of the kit (mines etc. ) from the tables around Knight, general ARMA action menu frustration.

I think the AP mines aren't particularly useful here as, in my experience, the AAF troops rarely get anywhere near the town.


I think removing the Claymores altogether would be a good idea, as the vanilla implementation is practically useless.

If they were indeed, movement activated or the player could choose the order in which to set them off, (some mods allow this) they might prove useful but as it stands they are dead weight, and one more item to sift through when setting up the mission.


There's a comment made by Coleridge at the beginning of the mission: "I feel pretty stupid wearing this", which threw me. I picked up a cap in the previous mission where he says "I hope no-one sees me wearing this", is it something to do with that? I'm not sure why he would feel that way about a cap.


Anyway that's as far as I've got so far. Going to give Options None another run, see if I get caught by the show stopper again, maybe it was a one off.


Edit: Tried it another couple of times, and it gets stuck at the tank destruction task.




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Thanks you very much for your help :)


I download your campaign in armaholic (not tested with steam workshop). Maybe I'm alone with this little problem ^_^


My description.ext

class Campaign
    name = "$STR_NavySeals_Title1";
    firstBattle = NS_01;
    disableMP = 1;
    enableHub = 1;
    briefingName = $STR_NavySeals_Title1;
    author = Helios;
    overviewPicture = "NavySeals_Chap1\Img\chap1.jpg";
    overviewText = $STR_Seal_desc;

    class MissionDefault
        name = "$STR_NavySeals_Title1";
        cutscene =;
        firstMission = NS_01;
        end1 = ;
        end2 = ;
        end3 = ;
        end4 = ;
        end5 = ;
        end6 = ;
        lost = ;

        class NS_01
            Victory = NS_02;
            Defeat = NS_01;
            Defeat2 = NS_01;
            template = NS_01.Stratis;
            lives = -1;
            briefingName = $STR_Title1;
            author = "Helios";
            overviewPicture = "\NavySeals_Chap1\Img\M01.jpg";
              overviewText = $STR_Description1;
        class NS_02
            Victory = NS_03;
            Defeat = NS_02;
            Defeat2 = NS_02;
            template = NS_02.Stratis;
            lives = -1;
            briefingName = $STR_Title2;
            author = "Helios";
            overviewPicture = "\NavySeals_Chap1\Img\M02.jpg";
              overviewText = $STR_Description2;
        class NS_03
            Victory = NS_04;
            Defeat = NS_02;
            Defeat2 = NS_02;
            template = NS_03.Stratis;
            lives = -1;
            briefingName = $STR_Title3;
            author = "Helios";
            overviewPicture = "\NavySeals_Chap1\Img\M03.jpg";
              overviewText = $STR_Description3;
        class NS_04
            Victory = NS_05;
            Defeat = NS_04;
            Defeat2 = NS_04;
            template = NS_04.Chernarus;
            lives = -1;
            briefingName = $STR_Title4;
            author = "Helios";
            overviewPicture = "\NavySeals_Chap1\Img\M04.jpg";
              overviewText = $STR_Description4;
        class NS_05
            Victory = NS_06;
            Defeat = NS_05;
            Defeat2 = NS_05;
            template = NS_05.Stratis;
            lives = -1;
            briefingName = $STR_Title5;
            author = "Helios";
            overviewPicture = "\NavySeals_Chap1\Img\M05.jpg";
              overviewText = $STR_Description5;
        class NS_06
            Victory = NS_07;
            Defeat = NS_06;
            Defeat2 = NS_06;
            template = NS_06.Altis;
            lives = -1;
            briefingName = $STR_Title6;
            author = "Helios";
            overviewPicture = "\NavySeals_Chap1\Img\M06.jpg";
              overviewText = $STR_Description6;
        class NS_07
            Victory = NS_08;
            Defeat = NS_07;
            Defeat2 = NS_07;
            template = NS_07.Altis;
            lives = -1;
            briefingName = $STR_Title7;
            author = "Helios";
            overviewPicture = "\NavySeals_Chap1\Img\M07.jpg";
              overviewText = $STR_Description7;
        class NS_08
            Victory = NS_09;
            Defeat = NS_08;
            Defeat2 = NS_08;
            template = NS_08.Altis;
            lives = -1;
            briefingName = $STR_Title8;
            author = "Helios";
            overviewPicture = "\NavySeals_Chap1\Img\M08.jpg";
              overviewText = $STR_Description8;
        class NS_09
            Victory = NS_10;
            Defeat = NS_09;
            Defeat2 = NS_09;
            template = NS_09.Zargabad;
            lives = -1;
            briefingName = $STR_Title9;
            author = "Helios";
            overviewPicture = "\NavySeals_Chap1\Img\M09.jpg";
              overviewText = $STR_Description9;
        class NS_10
            Victory = NS_10;
            Defeat = NS_10;
            Defeat2 = NS_10;
            template = NS_10.Altis;
            lives = -1;
            briefingName = $STR_Title10;
            author = "Helios";
            overviewPicture = "\NavySeals_Chap1\Img\M10.jpg";
              overviewText = $STR_Description10;

class Awards {};

class Penalties {};

I don't know why my overview texts doesn't display, campaign works fine except that.  :huh: 

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@Electricleash - hi mate! I'm afraid you may have fallen victim to a bit of a major error I made today - I uploaded an old PBO which had an error right about where you are in the campaign! Sorry! It should be sorted now!


Regarding the mission titles in the map screen, I'll check that out - should have a fix tomorrow. As well, Coleridge's comment about the hat - that's a bug relating to the old PBO. It should happen once, if you pick up an enemy hat - and that's it. Should be sorted now! Let us know if you spot anything else - I'll look into your post, point by point, and see what I can do :D



EDIT: Just uploaded a fix for the mission names via Steam Workshop

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@Helios - I'll check it out tomorrow, mate - I have a few ideas you can try! :P I'm sure we can find a fix

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Glad to finally see this packed. And thanks for giving me way too much credit. ;)


I had much fun over the past two hours, playing it in one piece. Made it to Options None today. I've also encountered a few minor bugs, no gamebreakers, just small stuff. Running on stable with CBA + Blastcore enabled. For example, Knight here seemed to have some trouble with his animation in Essential Requisite:




Then there's Oakland not wearing a vest in Approaching Thunder. Not sure if intended or mistake in the config:




And finally, again in Approaching Thunder, two apparently misplaced wooden walls in a building in the village of can't-remember-the-name:


2015-12-17_00003u6sq0.jpg 2015-12-17_00004dos8l.jpg


Apart from that, it went smoothly. Only thing I wished for was to have the action menu enabled in the sewers. Wanted to go for my pistol instead of the huge ass marksman rifle but I wasn't able to switch weapons. Keep it up!

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I'm having trouble with the first mission, when I go to retrieve the toolkit from the AAF support truck, once I get close the commander says "Coleridge where the fuck you going? Get back here." and if I get closer to the truck, the task of getting the toolkit from the truck fails and the mission ends, saying I disobeyed orders.

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I was reading the 'screenshots guide' on your Web site, lots of good useful material in there. Not sure if I have the patience to learn Blender, I have way too many hobbies, but nice of you to put all that there.

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@Electricleash - hi mate! I'm afraid you may have fallen victim to a bit of a major error I made today - I uploaded an old PBO which had an error right about where you are in the campaign! Sorry! It should be sorted now!


Regarding the mission titles in the map screen, I'll check that out - should have a fix tomorrow. As well, Coleridge's comment about the hat - that's a bug relating to the old PBO. It should happen once, if you pick up an enemy hat - and that's it. Should be sorted now! Let us know if you spot anything else - I'll look into your post, point by point, and see what I can do :D



EDIT: Just uploaded a fix for the mission names via Steam Workshop

Cool man, will give it another run through when next I get a chance.

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@All - hiya chaps - will respond to each post indivdually tonight - got a few campaign issues, revolving around a corrupted game file! Bear with me! :P

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@Helios - hi mate, regarding your string issue - do you have OverviewText = $------string-------; in your mission description.ext as well? If not, try adding a separate description .ext to the mission folders and see if that does the trick - worth a shot!

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Glad to finally see this packed. And thanks for giving me way too much credit. ;)


I had much fun over the past two hours, playing it in one piece. Made it to Options None today. I've also encountered a few minor bugs, no gamebreakers, just small stuff. Running on stable with CBA + Blastcore enabled. For example, Knight here seemed to have some trouble with his animation in Essential Requisite:




Then there's Oakland not wearing a vest in Approaching Thunder. Not sure if intended or mistake in the config:




And finally, again in Approaching Thunder, two apparently misplaced wooden walls in a building in the village of can't-remember-the-name:


2015-12-17_00003u6sq0.jpg 2015-12-17_00004dos8l.jpg


Apart from that, it went smoothly. Only thing I wished for was to have the action menu enabled in the sewers. Wanted to go for my pistol instead of the huge ass marksman rifle but I wasn't able to switch weapons. Keep it up!


Ah, mate - where'd I be without you? :D Yeah, that was a corrupted animation file with Knight! Shame - you missed a great new intro there, lol! Should have all problems fixed now, just trying out the update.


Regarding the action menu in the sewer - glad you mentioned it - I have very big plans for that scene and it's what I'm working on next. At the moment, it's a little gimmicky, but... well, you'll see - you're going to love it!

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I was reading the 'screenshots guide' on your Web site, lots of good useful material in there. Not sure if I have the patience to learn Blender, I have way too many hobbies, but nice of you to put all that there.


Ah, thanks for reading it mate! Just glad a few people found it! lol - pleased you found a few bits useful! :D

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Alright, finished it. And I re-ran the briefing scene of the second mission. Love the custom animations, even if some are mostly static. As always, the details are stunning!


Also had a few minor issues in the last two missions. First this probably misplaced bunker around Selakano. (It was before the attack.)




And then a couple of script errors in Options None:

 Error in expression <0 + (speedX/1)>
 0:02:05   Error position: <speedX/1)>
 0:02:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: speedx
 0:02:05 Error in expression <0 + (speedY/1)>
 0:02:05   Error position: <speedY/1)>
 0:02:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: speedy
 0:02:05 Error in expression <0 + (speedZ/1)>
 0:02:05   Error position: <speedZ/1)>
 0:02:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: speedz
 0:02:05 Error during compilation of config.bin/CfgCloudlets/CannonFired2.moveVelocity
 0:02:05 Error during evaluation of expression _moveVelocity in CannonFired2
 0:02:05 Error in expression <0 + (speedX/1)>
 0:02:05   Error position: <speedX/1)>
 0:02:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: speedx
 0:02:05 Error in expression <0 + (speedY/1)>
 0:02:05   Error position: <speedY/1)>
 0:02:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: speedy
 0:02:05 Error in expression <0 + (speedZ/1)>
 0:02:05   Error position: <speedZ/1)>
 0:02:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: speedz

// I cut the stack here for the sake of visibility. 

 0:04:55 Error in expression <_this reveal [player, 0.35]>
 0:04:55   Error position: <reveal [player, 0.35]>
 0:04:55   Error reveal: Type Array, expected Object,Group
 0:04:55 Error in expression <_this reveal [player, 0.35]>
 0:04:55   Error position: <reveal [player, 0.35]>
 0:04:55   Error reveal: Type Array, expected Object,Group

And another stack from Judgement Night:

0:32:24 Error: Failed to open file resist\sounds\wav\flare_burning.wav
 0:32:24 Audio Stream: Cannot load sound 'resist\sounds\wav\flare_burning.wav'
  0:35:38 Error in expression <o_Doors.sqf"

Sleep 1;

playSound [""Door"",true];>
 0:35:38   Error position: <Door"",true];>
 0:35:38   Error Missing ]
 0:35:38 File Resist\missions\M_05.altis\Scripts\Romeo_Doors.sqf, line 7


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Hi mate, I have "overviewText = $STR_string_example;" in my campaign folder and my all missions folder.


I extract your .pbo for see your structure, it's the same. (one description.ext per mission and one description for my campaign)

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@IndeedPete - ah, matey! You are nothing short of fantastic! Thanks so much - that's some great bug hunting! lol, ah, that bunker - do you know, that placement was intentional - and looking at it, I just think the location is all wrong! :) Sorted those stack errors though, well spotted! I'm such a sucker for copy and paste errors - that door sound issue was a classic copy from the mission file, hence the double ". Tsk tsk, mate, I'm getting lazy!


@Helios - that is truly bizarre! Do you think you could send me your XML file? My email's Cerberus_Creative@Outlook.com. Drop me a line and I'll see if I can get it sorted?


@armyguy277 - hi there! I haven't updated any armor values personally, but I believe things have been developed by BIS in that area :) I think the damage system is meant to make more sense now - it's had a lot of fine-tuning!

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sorry i should of clarified the custom reskined armour you have included is broken by 1.54 update which means you die in one hit to any thing

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@armyguy277 - hi there matey, yes, this is to do with the new damage system. The vests I created should inherit their values from the existing vanilla vests, which means the only difference is the texture :) I'll certainly double check for you, however - just in case I've missed something!

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Just got myself some freetime to check the new release - amazing work, Kydoimos! Unmatched attention to detail!


Hope you're looking for some constructive feedback, just like last time I've provided you with some! :P


Replaying the camp and I think you forgot to remove the overwhelming and, sadly, immersion-breaking wildlife. They're storming the place :D

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