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Editor Help - Placing Buildngs

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Hey there modders! I'm looking for a way to be able to place larger buildings and houses in using the editor.

For example:


I'd like to be able to place that in, but I cannot find it under "Empty". Let me know if someone can guide me in the right direction.

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Put this in your debug console:

spawnedHouse = createVehicle ["Land_FuelStation_Build_F", position player, [], 0, "can_collide"];

You might want to make yourself invincible while spawning 30 tonne objects onto your position though! ;)

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Is there any other way to place these object directly without having to go around it?

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Place a "helipad (invisible)" /// found under Objects (Signs)///

Give it a name that makes sense to you. //object

INIT of the Helipad:

object= "Land_Airport_Tower_F" createVehicle position this; 
deleteVehicle this;

object setVectorup [0,0,1]; //sets the building vertical

object setDir 180; //sets the direction the building faces

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You could use HTUNE's objects and manually place them on the map even giving the direction you want, just means you would have to preview every now and then to see if it is in the correct place and facing the right direction.


that is unless you are actually wanting to spawn them in??

Using this code that alky_lee mentioned is perfect aswell, I use it for pretty much everything I want to place so that it aligns horizontally and doesn't look naff when in game.

object setVectorup [0,0,1]; //sets the building vertical

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