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Does the function <terrainIntersectASL> use my internet connection?

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Good morning,

i want to make a script for a client, which checks if there is an intersection between two players. Therefore i want to use the function<terrainIntersectASL> on my Arma 2 client to check this case. Does this function use my internet connection to ask the server or will this case be checked by my client only?


Edited by feldmaus

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I can't fathom the reason why you need to know this peculiar fact, but I strongly assume that this command is being run and calculated locally - your client knows the position of all objects on the map (otherwise you couldn't use any other function without creating massive server load) and as your game engine renders all the objects, using this function will locally (on your machine) calculate if there are "map-polygons" between the two given locations/objects.

This could be utter nonesense I'm talking about but I personally would let the client calculate this bit of information if I were to program that function ^^

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