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So i found THIS which is a old thread about IED where multiply of bombs is listed up, but i dont find it "dangerous enough" so i tried to do it with a satchel, but with no luck.

So do anyone know how to use a satchel charge as a IED

The script im using is here:

bomb="Class name of explosive" createVehicle (getPos IED); deletevehicle IED;

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Use a mk82 bomb rather than a satchel. Satchels and other placeable weapons don't work in the way you hoped.

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Added: New version of demo charge (class DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo_Scripted) that may be touched off by scripts (see http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=15023)

Scripted demo charges were added in the recent ArmA III stable build update.

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What should say in the trigger i have, to spawn and explode the bomb?

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//Something like this:

class DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo_Scripted: DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo


triggerWhenDestroyed = 1;


//What it does is it allows the mission maker to create a stick of C4

c4 = "DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo_Scripted" createVehicle _position;

//and detonate it without any hassle and basal

c4 setDamage 1;

This is what the description of the feedback report I linked in my previous post. Not exactly sure if you'd need to make a script and then call it through a trigger's On Activation or if it's just simple init field/on act commands that don't require calling any scripts.

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Here is a small list of explosives you can use

------ Lots of damage




------ stops a marshall


------stops a hunter




------ low damage








To create the explosion just use

_iedPosition = [1234,5678,0]; //some position you want to blow up
_explosive = "Bo_Mk82";
_explosive createVehicle _iedPosition;

Or use the new scripted charges ^^^^

Edited by brians200
Missing equal sign

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haha that type of damage is what im looking for Brians thanks!!!

ALSO thanks for you Phronk to get me visit KK's website!


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