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Little help please with Capture points

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Hello, I've made few light not popular missions in Arma 2 and thought I'll try to get back into the good old mission making system.

But I've kinda forgotten some of the stuff, but don't worry not going to ask everything.

My biggest problem right now is how to make a fall back capture zone, what I mean is have a area say 1km by 1km and Have Opfor spawning tanks and planes at that area, how can I make it when captured by Blufor that those Opfor Vehicles despawn and re-spawn as blufor Vehicles, but then those once there opfor Items and Vehicles spawn further down the map as in like a leap frog offence type system ? I hope I'm explaining this correctly

And also how do I in-able a progress bar on capturing bases along the map, I've seen it but sure what to search for on this matter if you could just point me in the right direction would be very much appreciated

Thank you.

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