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Any way to turn off enemy markers in High Command?

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Playing CO-OP missions on DUWS mission and I'm using the High Command function a bit, but I think it's too easy-mode to have enemy markers on my map/HUD when it's up...is there a way to turn enemy markers off? I've tried looking for mods that do this, but found none, also tested many stock-game difficulty options to no avail.

Any help/guidance would be appreciated.

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While on topic of HC, is it just me or are we unable to issue mode/formation etc of our subordinates?

I, unfortunately do not know of any way to turn off the enemy markers AbortedMan.

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I was hoping for customizable map icons as well. In fact ideally I would like to do more than just be able to turn them off. In certain modes I like the fact that enemy shows up on my map and in certain cases it could be very useful to have that function.

For instance…My headset broke and so I’m reduced to playing with a pair of old Sony Walkman speakers until I decide on what headset I want to buy.

Because of this I think it would be great if there was an option to have nearby enemy icons appear when they make noises. (i.g. Shooting, reloading, talking, and walking.) Although unrealistic because you would have to be looking at your map, it would help provide a bit of situational awareness to those lacking directional sound.

Note: I don’t think the positions on the map should be exact…but instead just provide a general direction, just show the blip moving around wherever they are in direction to you. On easy mode it would show up as a friend or enemy but on normal and all other modes it would show up as purple (Unknown). …Unless they are talking.

In addition, I would have changed the map difficulty levels to something more like this…

Easy: Your icon and friendly icons are always shown on the map. Enemies in your direct line of sight appear on EVERYONE’s map.

Normal: Your icon and friendly icons are always shown on the map. Enemies in your line of sight appear only on your map.

Hard: Only your icon and persons (Friend or enemy) who are in your direct line of sight appear on the map.

Hardest: No icons appear on the map (Yours, friendly, or enemies) You must mark everything manually.

For the hard and hardest settings to work with AI there would need to be some kind of Position Check feature where the AI would radio their grid and it would show up on the map. In HARD mode, friendly icons would appear as stationary blips until the next Position check, turning from a dark color to a faded color after 10 seconds. In the HARDEST mode, friendly icons would appear as stationary blips but only for about 10 seconds.

I’m still hoping for this to happen too.

This is my suggestion for the map symbols.

Basically you would have 10 save slots for your most commonly used symbols. Along with the symbols you can also save what color and what text are accompanied with them by simply typing in the text, picking the color and dragging the symbol to an a empty slot WITHOUT hitting OK.


Open the map and double click on the spot you would like to mark as you normally would.

Simply use the up and down arrows like normal to change the symbol.

Choose the color by clicking on it with your mouse cursor.

If you'd like to save text with the symbol, simply type what you want in the text bar.

If you don't want text then just leave the text bar empty.

Once you have everything set up, simply move your cursor over to the big symbol and drag it to an empty slot. DO NOT HIT OK unless you also want to place that symbol on the part of the map you double clicked on.

If you only want to save symbols BUT not place a marker on the map at that time you would simply hit cancel to close the window after you've saved your symbols to the save slots.

To clear a save slot you must move the cursor over the slot and press delete. Simply dragging a different symbol over a filled slot WILL NOT replace it. This is to prevent accidental replacement during "Oh crap I'm getting shot!" combat. 30xipmf.png

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I'm a bit surprised to see that even the hardest difficulty settings still allow a big "shoot me" sign on enemy groups in 3D space with no option to turn them off.

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Wow, apparently this topic on this forum is easily hijacked...

There is seriously no one that has come across a mod or setting that removes enemy icons from HC? I've scoured the internets and found nothing. Surprising!

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