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How do I add extra stores and shops in ARMA 3 Altis Life

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I'm trying to add extra shops and gun stores in ARMA 3 Altis life from TAW_Tonic here:http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?168139-Altis-Life-RPG

As far as I got was I have to use the map editor...but what am I adding. Markers? Triggers? I honestly don't know. Then I edit the mission.sqm, right? I'm relatively new to ARMA scripting, but even newer to ARMA 3 specifically..

Took me a while to get the server itself up, about 10 hours over 3 days. But it's smooth and running well. One issue I had was with the cop_gear NULL values, but a quick tick of a box, it started right up.

So thank you for any and all help. I have a few things I need help with, but one at a time

Edited by midgetgrimm

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You might be better off putting this post in the Altis Life thread as it is specific to that mission.

I mean, some guys here might see it differently and want to help here, but it seems like a wasted effort given that you can post in that thread and actually have people familiar with the scripting for that game-mode reply to you.

Ofc, if others want to help out here then I am wrong :)

Hope you find the help you need.

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Well I answered my own question, so I will post the answer in case anyone else needs it.

Simple, just take your mission pbo and copy it to your arma3 /mydocuments/arma3/usersaved/mpmissions/ in here drop. Alternatively you could just load the editor up, drop one item on the map, then save as test as MPMISSION, and find where it is in your documents.

Once that is loaded hit the tabs on the left, to show all the markers and modules, then simply click on the store/shop/whatever and CTRL+C and then move your cursor where you want the new store and CTRL+V, make sure to add your names, you can just copy those too. Then save

You will notice that only a mission.sqm is there, just copy and overwrite you existing mission.sqm and reupload pbo, and enjoy new map stuff!! I will prob do a vid once I learn more objects!!

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