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I need help with body detection and hinting...

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Well, the body detection part is already done, but my problem is really simple, i need to hint how much bodys i found at the moment, but for some reason, is just failing...


i just had to put on init.sqf that officers = 0

feel free to copy this code ;)

// These are the special variables passed by the action script.
_actHad = _this select 0;  // Object that had the Action (also _target in the addAction command)
_actUsed = _this select 1;  // Unit that used the Action (also _this in the addAction command)
_actID = _this select 2;  // ID of the Action

// Use them to remove the action.
_actHad removeAction _actID;

// This will prevent other actions from being shown now.
bodySearched = false;
officers = officers +1;
publicVariable "bodySearched";
hint ( str officers + "/2 officers killed");
// And here we complete the task for the player.
if( Officers == (count searchAblebodies ) ) then {
["TaskSucceeded",["tskofficer","Find and kill enemy officers"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
["tskofficer", "Succeeded"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; 
["tskofficer",["Good Job! you eliminated all enemy officers, and found all their access passwords!.","Find and kill enemy officers","empty!"]] call BIS_fnc_taskSetDescription;

init code:

// start the briefing.
execVM "briefing.sqf";

// body found yet?
bodySearched = false;
officers = 0;
// which bodies can we check?
searchableBodies = [Of_1, Of_2];

// This adds the actions.  _target is a special variable that means "the thing with the action on it".
// The condition at the end means the player won't see the action till the target is dead and the bodies haven't been marked as searched yet.
{ _x addAction ["Search Body","searchBody.sqf",[],1,false,true,"","!alive _target && !bodySearched"]} forEach searchAbleBodies;

Edited by locko1997
Solved problem

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