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Revive script help

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okey so im making my own revive script now and im not 100% sure if this will work so can any one look at this and tell me if there are any bugs?

_sectimer = 700;

if (!Alive) then { 

_unit addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled",{_this spawn lifeman_Revive_Function;}];
player allowDammage false;

[nil,player,rSwitchMove,"adthppnemstpsraswpstdnon_2"] call LifemanRE;
if (isEast Distance > 5 player) then {
player addAction ["Revive Player","FNC_Revive.sqf"];

while {_sectimer,_Mintimer >= 0 && player getVariable "Lifeman"} do
titleText [format["Life Timer: %1 Sec(s)", (_sectimer) ],"PLAIN"];
_sectimer = _sectimer - 1;
sleep 1;
if (_sectimer <= 0) then {
execVM "Lifeman_Revive\Dead.sqf";
[nil,player,rSwitchMove,"amovppnemstpsnonwnondnon"] call LifemanRE; 
if (player getVariable "Lifeman") then
player allowDamage true;
} else {
player allowDamage true;
[nil,player,rSwitchMove,"amovppnemstpsnonwnondnon"] call LifemanRE;
hintSilent parseText format["<t color='#ff0000'>%1 You are now Revived and still got the same life!</t>", name _tgt];

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