marcatore 20 Posted October 10, 2015 Hi Robalo, I've a question for you. From at least 2 or 3 weeks we have a problem that , at begin, I related to MCC. The problem is that using its mission generator with the "kill HVT" task, this is going to autocomplete after some minutes. I've reported to MCC mod creator (here you can find my post with some video that show the problem) and it reply me that probably it was related to ASR (I think that he said like this because our mods list is very short: ACE, ACRE2, CBA, MCC, ASR) So, I've followed his suggestion and in fact the problem was gone away. I don't know if you used MCC , if you know it. I don't know if it's really an ASR problem or not... I just aks you if you have time to check it. Anyone here that use MCC and have this kind of problem? Or that could test with ASR on and off? Thanks in advance for your support Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LykosMactire 298 Posted October 10, 2015 Hi Robalo, I've a question for you. From at least 2 or 3 weeks we have a problem that , at begin, I related to MCC. The problem is that using its mission generator with the "kill HVT" task, this is going to autocomplete after some minutes. I've reported to MCC mod creator (here you can find my post with some video that show the problem) and it reply me that probably it was related to ASR (I think that he said like this because our mods list is very short: ACE, ACRE2, CBA, MCC, ASR) So, I've followed his suggestion and in fact the problem was gone away. I don't know if you used MCC , if you know it. I don't know if it's really an ASR problem or not... I just aks you if you have time to check it. Anyone here that use MCC and have this kind of problem? Or that could test with ASR on and off? Thanks in advance for your support that issue is simply the ai falling off a building or glitching into the floor, its a common arma bug Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marcatore 20 Posted October 11, 2015 you're right but actually not always. If you look to the videos in the post linked, you'll find that AI try to kill him...sometimes with a tank ( :) ) sometimes firing him.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yupi 15 Posted October 13, 2015 HI Robalo, Thank for your awesome AI mod. I started playing Arma after a very long break with going through all VR trainings and currently go through Showcases. And I have a few comments/issues. Not sure if they are mission related of mod related. But it's better to share them I guess. 1) The firefights are much better than I previously experienced in vanilla in any of the previous Arma games and original OP. They are long and intense. But it looks like that the player and AI comparing to vanilla AI. With your mod in showcase missions(may be, the AI rank/level of the opponent is very low?) it looks like the AI is too inaccurate instead of being godlike accurate in vanilla. If the distance is 200+meters and I notice the AI firing at me I even stopped moving to cover. I know that it is very unlikely that it will hit me in 10 secs and it's enough to aim and kill the enemy. The question is, to make the AI more accurate should I make the AI setting Custom and make the AI accuracy as 0,6 or 0,7. Will it make the AI slightly more accurate? 2) In Scuba showcase after I was noticed the AI helicopter noticed me and shoot a bit. The problem is no matter what I did, it knew my location. I could swim at the low depth for a few kilometers, and it would follow me and start shooting once I get out. I tried to hide in the trees. I was successful and it didn't shoot but it still was "following"(of course, it just flew over, turned back and flew over again. But always above my position even if it could not see me to open fire) me and started shooting once my cover stopped being good enough. Again, it could be just a mission script. But if not and that is a general AI behavior, that doesn't look perfect. 3) Another issue with the same helicopter in Scuba mission is that it was never able to hit me. It fired a few hundreds of volley overall through my playthroughs of the mission but always missed. Again, it could be a mission script, so the helicopter always follows you and scares with the volleys of fire but lets you live. If not, it's accuracy is a bit too low, I guess :) 4) In the Combined Arms I encountered a mission breaking bug. When we capture the camp and repelled the attack my team(led by AI) was ordered to move back to LZ. But it didn't move at all. Again, don't know if it is a mission bug or caused by mod. But I suspect that it could be because of Team merging script. Is it working for the AI teams which consists of real players? Could it be that my team merged to another team and so the waypoints and scripts for the original team stopped working? I guess that merging team behaviour is great for generic and dynamic mission firefights but could break some linear scripted missions. Is there any way I could manually switch off this functionality? EDIT. I found a way to turn it off in config. EDIT2. That was a mission bug. 5) How is the "copymystance" working? I mean in cases when you are in a firefight and you get up to run to cover, will it make AI to stand up, as well or will they stay prone and continue firing? And vice versa, if you lay down to start shooting, will the AI be able to run to cover or will they lay down, as well? Thanks again for such a great mod! Alex. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Psilocybe 3 Posted October 15, 2015 Hi Robalo!I am having a couple of issues understanding this mod.The coefficient of a group is decided by the number issued to a faction (ie, 1.0) by the Class skills, with your SF, SF2 Regulars and what not? So 1.0 would be what you see is what you get, and 0.5 would be 50%? For example aiming[] = {0.50, 0.10}; spotting[] = {0.65, 0.20}; general[] = {0.90, 0.20};1.0 gets the full benefit, but if it was say, 0.5 for the faction then they would get up to half of the values indicated? The second thing I am struggling with is the classes, where are they defined, what determines who is SF, Regular, Civilian and what not? I play with the Middle Eastern Conflict mod, I have added them to the sets, but I am curious to know who is what.Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Azza FHI 50 Posted October 15, 2015 here is our one for reference. it is setup for SF to be very hard, regulars to be normal and militia to be slightly easier. maybe give that a try and go from there. imo dont worry too much about how it works, just find the right values and go from there. remember that in game skill slider has an effect on general AI skill. /* ASR AI3 server-side settings; these settings are only applicable on servers and single-player sessions this file must be found in <game folder>\userconfig\asr_ai3\ for most settings, 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled Mission makers can control these features by setting these global variables in init.sqf */ asr_ai3_main_setskills = 1; // Override AI skills based on their unit type (faction, training etc.; 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled) asr_ai3_main_joinlast = 0; // Groups left with only this number of units will merge with nearest group of the same faction (set to 0 to disable) asr_ai3_main_removegimps = 0; // Units unable to walk for this time will separate from their group to prevent slowing it down (time in seconds, set 0 to disable) asr_ai3_main_rearm = 0; // Enable basic AI rearming (resupply radius in meters; set to 0 to disable feature) asr_ai3_main_gunshothearing = 1.1; // Gunshot hearing range coefficient (applied to shooter's weapon sound range; 0 will disable the feature) /* Units are classified into skill sets between 1 and 10 By default, a lower level number means a better skilled unit Levels 8-10 are special: - 8-9 are for pilots - 10 is for trained snipers */ asr_ai3_main_sets = [ // for each level: skilltype, [<min value>, <random value added to min>] [ "general",[1.00,0.0], "aiming",[1.00,0.0], "spotting",[1.00,0.0] ], // 0: super-AI (only used for testing) [ "general",[1.00,0.0], "aiming",[0.70,0.0], "spotting",[0.80,0.0] ], // 1: sf 1 [ "general",[0.85,0.1], "aiming",[0.35,0.2], "spotting",[0.35,0.1] ], // 2: sf 2 (recon units, divers and spotters) [ "general",[0.80,0.1], "aiming",[0.30,0.2], "spotting",[0.30,0.1] ], // 3: regular 1 (regular army leaders, marksmen) [ "general",[1.00,0.0], "aiming",[0.60,0.0], "spotting",[0.80,0.0] ], // 4: regular 2 (regulars) [ "general",[1.00,0.0], "aiming",[0.50,0.0], "spotting",[0.70,0.0] ], // 5: militia or trained insurgents, former regulars (insurgent leaders, marksmen) [ "general",[0.65,0.1], "aiming",[0.15,0.2], "spotting",[0.15,0.1] ], // 6: some military training (insurgents) [ "general",[0.60,0.1], "aiming",[0.10,0.2], "spotting",[0.10,0.1] ], // 7: no military training [ "general",[0.80,0.1], "aiming",[0.25,0.2], "spotting",[0.35,0.1] ], // 8: pilot 1 (regular) [ "general",[0.70,0.1], "aiming",[0.20,0.2], "spotting",[0.30,0.1] ], // 9: pilot 2 (insurgent) [ "general",[0.90,0.1], "aiming",[0.70,0.3], "spotting",[0.90,0.1] ] // 10: sniper ]; asr_ai3_main_levels_units = [ [], // 0: super-AI (only used for testing) ["o_recon_f","o_recon_m_f"], // 1: sf 1 [], // 2: sf 2 (recon units, divers and spotters) [], // 3: regular 1 (regular army leaders, marksmen) ["o_soldier_tl_f","o_soldier_f","o_soldier_at_f","o_medic_f","o_soldier_aar_f","o_soldier_aat_f","o_soldier_ar_f","o_soldier_a_f","o_soldier_m_f","o_soldier_sl_f","o_soldier_lat_f","o_soldier_gl_f"], // 4: regular 2 (regulars) ["i_soldier_sl_f","i_soldier_lat_f","i_soldier_ar_f","i_medic_f","i_soldier_m_f","i_soldier_f","i_soldier_a_f","i_soldier_tl_f","i_soldier_gl_f"], // 5: militia or trained insurgents, former regulars (insurgent leaders, marksmen) [], // 6: civilians with some military training (insurgents) [], // 7: civilians without military training [], // 8: pilot 1 (regular) [], // 9: pilot 2 (insurgent) [] // 10: sniper ]; asr_ai3_main_factions = [ // default coefficient for unlisted factions is 1, meaning no change ["BLU_F",1], ["USMC",1], ["BIS_US",1], ["BIS_CZ",1], ["BIS_GER",1], ["BIS_UN",1], ["PMC_BAF",1], ["BIS_BAF",1], ["OPF_F",1], ["RU",1], ["BIS_TK",1], ["INS",1], ["BIS_TK_INS",1], ["IND_F",1], ["CDF",1], ["IND_G_F",1], ["GUE",1], ["BIS_TK_GUE",1] ]; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robalo 465 Posted October 15, 2015 Hi Robalo, I've a question for you. From at least 2 or 3 weeks we have a problem that , at begin, I related to MCC. The problem is that using its mission generator with the "kill HVT" task, this is going to autocomplete after some minutes. I've reported to MCC mod creator (here you can find my post with some video that show the problem) and it reply me that probably it was related to ASR (I think that he said like this because our mods list is very short: ACE, ACRE2, CBA, MCC, ASR) So, I've followed his suggestion and in fact the problem was gone away. I don't know if you used MCC , if you know it. I don't know if it's really an ASR problem or not... I just aks you if you have time to check it. Anyone here that use MCC and have this kind of problem? Or that could test with ASR on and off? Thanks in advance for your support So you're saying the HVT dies right away ? Do you know how ? you're right but actually not always. If you look to the videos in the post linked, you'll find that AI try to kill him...sometimes with a tank ( :) ) sometimes firing him.. Sounds like a mission issue, perhaps a very high negative rating ? Or wrong side ? Sould be interesting to see how the unit is created. To yupi and rainf, I have written a quite long reply to all your questions using multiquote and when I hit send the forum said I had no permission and my browser ate my post. Sorry. On the up side these are questions that have been asked and answered before, do a bit of search. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marcatore 20 Posted October 15, 2015 The HVT dies in different ways... but in the 4 videos I've posted in the MCC thread, at least for 1 of them is visible that he's a treat for the AI and someone fired him. In the others, the AI take some Search&Destroy instruction visible in the waypoint "SAD" that point in the HVT location. In one of them there is a tank that try repeatetly to kill him inside an house. I'm really sorry but I don't know how the unit is created...but I can ask to MCC author and report to you... Thank you for the interesting on this... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deltafiveone 11 Posted October 17, 2015 Is anybody else getting a failure to locate the userconfig file asr_ai3_settings.sqf at startup with the latest dev branch versions? I quadruple checked that my asr_ai3 userconfig files were properly seated. Or am I the only one receiving this issue... Could it be related to this?: "Tweaked: Scripting commands - change wording of the local keyword to private for consistency and to avoid confusion." I haven't dove deep enough into the asr_ai3 .hpp(s) but have went back to stable branch and the problem goes away... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ruPal 143 Posted October 17, 2015 Check file patching thread. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deltafiveone 11 Posted October 17, 2015 Thank you Sir. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aciddnx 0 Posted October 18, 2015 Hi!I'm currently trying to add this mod to a mission I use with some of my friends but I just can't do it. I am absolutely not a modder and I know almost nothing about arma3 editor and mods, the frist problem is here...My question is simple: What do I have to do to make this mod work with a scenario of mine? I am hosting a mission (DCG by Sensei) on my computer, which is working with ACE and some other mods but I just can't add this one inside the mission.Pretty sure it is something really simple but...Thanks a lot(please excuse my english) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lordprimate 159 Posted October 18, 2015 Hi! I'm currently trying to add this mod to a mission I use with some of my friends but I just can't do it. I am absolutely not a modder and I know almost nothing about arma3 editor and mods, the frist problem is here... My question is simple: What do I have to do to make this mod work with a scenario of mine? I am hosting a mission (DCG by Sensei) on my computer, which is working with ACE and some other mods but I just can't add this one inside the mission. Pretty sure it is something really simple but... Thanks a lot (please excuse my english) you launch it just like you would ACE.... its a mod you dont ADD it to anything excpt the GAME as a WHOLE.. There is no script version of asr_ai... so add the folder name to your launch params.. and your good to go.. make sure the userconfig is set up... IE ; -mod=@cba_a3;@ASR_AI3;@ACE3; 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robalo 465 Posted October 19, 2015 The HVT dies in different ways... but in the 4 videos I've posted in the MCC thread, at least for 1 of them is visible that he's a treat for the AI and someone fired him. In the others, the AI take some Search&Destroy instruction visible in the waypoint "SAD" that point in the HVT location. In one of them there is a tank that try repeatetly to kill him inside an house. I'm really sorry but I don't know how the unit is created...but I can ask to MCC author and report to you... Thank you for the interesting on this... Sounds like it's created with wrong side/faction or rating, since it's considered hostile by the AI guards. I can't see how the mod would influence that. Is anybody else getting a failure to locate the userconfig file asr_ai3_settings.sqf at startup with the latest dev branch versions? I quadruple checked that my asr_ai3 userconfig files were properly seated. Or am I the only one receiving this issue... Could it be related to this?: "Tweaked: Scripting commands - change wording of the local keyword to private for consistency and to avoid confusion." I haven't dove deep enough into the asr_ai3 .hpp(s) but have went back to stable branch and the problem goes away... It's because of this: "Changed: Script commands loadFile*, htmlLoad, prepocessFile*, exec* now consider file patching settings"Solution: In SP, you will need to start game with -FilePatching In MP, you need to start the server with -FilePatching 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DaViSFiT 21 Posted November 8, 2015 Hey Robalo, any news on the rhs comp. config? Can i / we help you with that? are rhs units completly unaffected by your mod atm? perhaps a "default act" for none known ai units would be good. better low values with your mod than using the normal ai routine. Last problem ;) We use ace, they increase the engagement range for units so they now attack/return fire from bigger ranges. But what about the accuracy combined with your mod? They now attack from 700m away and do hit. While your mod have e.g. hitskill 0.2 with 400m in mind, ace increases the range but 0.2 still is set on the unit right? On that range 0.05 (0.02 with stronger wind but after 1 MAG they better stop fire because of wasting it) would be better but what can WE do? I mean, 700m is okay for suppressing, we also use mg on that ranges to pin them down but not everyone can snipe them away like the ai can. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lordprimate 159 Posted November 9, 2015 numrollen, i use tpwcas with asrai. the way i test how accurate i want my AI to be is by using the Supression effect from tpwcas. basically I set the ai's skill way down and would walk into their line of site. Based on 1) if they even activated the supression effect 2) how long was the supression effect activated for "ie, how accurate is their fire") 3) how long they supressed me before they actually landed a hit... so i would walk out in from of enemy AI and let them shoot at me. i would wait and time how long the supression effect would be active. and how long it took them to actually hit me. so to shorten the story after testing for Several hours one day i came to the conclusion that for me. I like the AI precision to be set at 0.5. to lengthen the story, I use 0.5 because the AI will shoot at you, you will be supressed you will need to make accurate fire before they land a hit but you. you cannot linger in the open, but you will NOT be killed outright by an ai 700 m away with an ironsight ak. now i said all this because I too use ace3 and i honeslty havent changed my AI Precision setting at all. and i find i still get the same results. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DaViSFiT 21 Posted November 9, 2015 Did you change your ai precicions for all ai's to 0.5 and you dont get killed? :P Or didnt you change anything? And is somewhere set that at this ranges the accuracy is only e.g. 30% of the default hit skill? Beside that this dont help me at all, an ai with 50% hit chance would be to much for us and would make it even more pointless. we normally dont fight against robocop that can hit me with iron sight on 700m. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lordprimate 159 Posted November 9, 2015 numrollen maybe your missunderstood me ill try to be clearer. I set my precision in the .ARMA3profile for ALL AI. I DONT want AI to NOT be able to hit me ... that would be stupid.. and pointless as i could just run around and do what ever i want and not get shot.... I DO want my AI to be able to shot on my possition. supress me and hit me if i dont move to cover... that makes things interesting.. And I DO want the ai to be able to hit me. if a .50 chance of AI hitting you is TOO MUCH i cant help you because anything less is just too fucking easy... I set their precision at 0.50 because it ADDS fun to the game... your NOT one shot by an AI at 700m with ironsights... they lay down supressive fire send flanking units, and close the gap and attack you... with a 0.5 precision you have the oppertunity to have prolonged gunfights, its awesome and everyone in my community LOVES IT... sorry i couldnt be of assistance. good luck on your AI settings. p.s. with a precision =0.5 the ai waste almost a WHOLE mag before landing ONE hit on a leg or an arm at 100m-300m..... at 700m there pretty much just suppressing. if they land a hit its because your(whoever is playing) are a fool and stoodin one spot too long... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Azza FHI 50 Posted November 14, 2015 I have been pulling my hair out over this problem and have finally figured it out. If you are using the RHS compatibility pbo with ASR then this will cause all AI to be unable to use pistols correctly, after they run out of primary weapon ammo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alanford 27 Posted November 15, 2015 Has this project been abandoned? Robalo hasn't posted in ages, and there have not been any updates to this either. And the fixes and enhancements that raptoer has posted nearly half a year ago have also not yet been included. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vafana 116 Posted November 15, 2015 And the fixes and enhancements that raptoer has posted nearly half a year ago have also not yet been included. Yes, they are included here: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lordprimate 159 Posted November 15, 2015 Has this project been abandoned? Robalo hasn't posted in ages, and there have not been any updates to this either. And the fixes and enhancements that raptoer has posted nearly half a year ago have also not yet been included. Open your eyes... Rabolo just posted a month ago... how is that AGES...? and how is this mod ABANDONED... ?? I honestly feel as though you have NO clue what you are talking about... Rabolo updates his mod when he sees fit/ has the time to.. not posting EVERYDAY ... does NOT mean that he has abandoned this mod!!! Its only been a month... wholy shit ... Oh and Further more... the enhanced version that raptoer has posted was just released .... IT IS NOT A HALF A YEAR OLD...... you obviously cannot read dates and times... its like a week or to old as it was JUST posted in its own thread recently... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robalo 465 Posted November 15, 2015 I'm working on this from time to time. This isn't my only Arma3 project either. Just need to review all the changes before pushing another update but time is limited, plus I'm having some fun building shelters in FO4 :) Will probably get back to it towards the end of December when I have taken a bit of vacation from work. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
raptoer 66 Posted November 17, 2015 Has this project been abandoned? Robalo hasn't posted in ages, and there have not been any updates to this either. And the fixes and enhancements that raptoer has posted nearly half a year ago have also not yet been included. I decided to post it independent so it could get some feedback prior to going into the main ASR_AI. They're complicated and determining their full effects and subtleties can be difficult. After a month of not looking at the code I went back and found I barely understood any of it. Also please consider this: The changes we make to the AI have many subtle repercussions that are hard to predict due to the way that we are interacting with the engine. For the most part each change we make requires us to repack the mod, restart arma and reload the scenario. As you can imagine this can make changes a little slow. This is doubly so if you have locality issues to deal with (I managed to bypass dealing with those) because now you have to get 2 clients and a server. It took me probably 1 month to write my changes, then another two weeks here and there to re-write sections of it. There also haven't been many engine changes related to AI for a while, while they did introduce one new scripting command that could have been useful for me it ended up being useless for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Azza FHI 50 Posted November 21, 2015 @robalo - is it possible to make the AI throw more smoke. I remember that was one of the main attractions of ASR a few versions back, but it seems you have removed that feature? is it because the vanialla AI are supposed to have that feature now? one thing is for sure, i havent seen an AI throw a smoke grenade in the last ~4 months, and they all have smoke grenades in their kit. Even if you could advise me on some code which we could use via a custom addon or script that would be awesome. edit - ive found fnc_throwsmoke in 0.9.24, can you advise on how we can integrate that function into the current ASR or is that not possible? cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites