solostah 10 Posted April 3, 2016 So class Missions { class whatever { template="TakIns_1G.Takistan"; // ensure this doesnt end in .pbo, common error. ensure it ends in .worldname difficulty="regular"; }; }; missionWhitelist[] = {"TakIns_1G.Takistan"}; Does class "whatever" need to be something different since im playing insurgency/takistan ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ufopilot 5 Posted April 3, 2016 I´m certain that the server isn´t loading AiA properly in your case,mate Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EO 11272 Posted April 3, 2016 So class Missions { class whatever { template="TakIns_1G.Takistan"; // ensure this doesnt end in .pbo, common error. ensure it ends in .worldname difficulty="regular"; }; }; missionWhitelist[] = {"TakIns_1G.Takistan"}; Does class "whatever" need to be something different since im playing insurgency/takistan ? If you are running just one mission on the server is there any need for the "missionWhitelist".....? This is what I have in my server.cfg and everything works out okay. class Missions { class Mission1 { template="Rav_MP_Test.Altis"; //Make sure the mission you want to set is located in the server's MPmissions folder! difficulty="veteran"; }; }; :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 898 Posted April 4, 2016 In case all that setup doesn't work, try adding -noLogs to your server's command line, that sometimes fixes it. I don't know why. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 898 Posted April 13, 2016 Here's another SITREP on the mission's status: The mission is currently suffering from a "STATUS_VIOLATION" CTD error and I'm working really hard to figure out what is causing it to occur, so that I can fix it. The crash tends to occur "randomly" or sometimes when another client connects to a mission in progress. I suspect the issue is related to AIS Wounding or how I initialize it on each client, but in actuality I have no idea what is the cause. The game's crash logs are entirely useless and just report what addons were loaded. Additionally, I'm still trying to figure out why intel items spawned in buildings no longer have a global addAction. Once the crash issue and the addAction bug is fixed, I'd like to release the update. However, I think I need help with discovering the source of these problems. With that said, if anyone is interested in investigating the issues with me, contact me via PM. In the meantime, I've posted a pretty huge change-log on my ArmA 3 unit's Steam Group page here. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted April 13, 2016 Very nice changelog there ! Looking forward to playing it. Hope you get the CTD sorted. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 898 Posted April 19, 2016 Version: Pre-Alpha 1.0H Size: 3.04 MB Download Link [ REQUIREMENTS: CBA_A3 ; AiA_TP or AiA_TP_LITE or​ CUP_Terrains ] [ OPTIONAL: Taliban Fighters ; Tactical Beard ; CUP Weapons ; CUP_Units ; CUP_Vehicles ] ADDITIONS:• Added: Civilians' mouth animates to simulate speaking when you ask for intel • Added: Players with ACE3 running will automatically not use scripted revive system • Added:​ rreznik's "IR Strobe" script• Added: austin_medic's "In Depth Effects" (Replaces AIS Injury ppEffects)​• Added: Iceman77's "Vehicle Respawn Script"• Added: Xeno's "Vehicle Rearm Script"• Added: aeroson's "Repetitive Cleanup" script​ • Added: Vehicles at base automatically change to CUP Vehicles, if host is running it • Added: Insurgents and civilians will automatically use CUP Units, if host is running it • Added: Insurgents and civilians will automatically use CUP Vehicles, if host is running it • Added: Lobby parameter to toggle wandering civilians + civilian traffic • Added: Default settings in mission lobby parameters are labeled as "(Default)"• Added: Lobby parameter to toggle shadows on/off • Added: Lobby parameter to toggle default ArmA 3 ambient sounds, animals, and insects • Added: "RespawnButton" setting to "description.ext" • Added: "Saving" setting to "description.ext" • Added: CUP Weapons explosives can be used to destroy caches ​• Added: Randomized values for fog upon mission initialization​• Added: Another defensive machinegun nest at base• Added: Another playable fireteam/squad​• Added: Vests/jackets to civilians, if CUP Units is enabled by the host ADJUSTMENTS: • Updated: -[TCB]- Psycho's "A3 Wounding Script"• Tweaked: AI skills reduced, in case host doesn't use an AI mod• Tweaked: Player's fatigue upon being revived has been reduced to 75%, down from 100%• Tweaked: Scripted NVG effects are not applied to players with ACE running the ace_nightvision.pbo• Tweaked: Scripted injury system is not applied to players with ACE• Tweaked: Scripted ballistics system is not applied to players with ACE• Tweaked: Reduced wind strength to 35%, down from 50%• Tweaked: Unit with the HALO JUMP addAction looks more obvious• Tweaked: Shortened intro cinematic• Tweaked: Renamed some functions and variables to have shorter names​​​​​• Tweaked: Garbage collection limit for corpses/destroyed vehicles has been reduced to 10/3, down from 15/8• Tweaked: Corpses and destroyed/abandoned vehicles are deleted after 5 minutes, down from 10 minutes• Tweaked: Rewrote bits of code in most scripts to optimize filesize and performance• Tweaked: Bar gates at base can be activated by ANY faction nearby, instead of only BLUFOR• Tweaked: Automatic CUP compatibility improved• Tweaked: Mission description in overview, loading screen, and briefing• Tweaked: Renamed a couple functions to be more consistently named• Tweaked: Reduced fuel in parked civilian cars/VBIEDs to 20%+, down from 30%+• Tweaked: Hid bleedout countdown timer when you become incapacitated• Tweaked: Incapacitated players cannot type in chat, nor transmit voice via TFAR radios• Tweaked: Insurgents are now equipped with radios (Should improve AI)• Tweaked: ACE3 compatibility improved *WIP• Tweaked: Moved "hideplayer" game logic into a hidden part of the base, instead of off the map• Tweaked: Renamed IED markers to have shorter name• Tweaked: Renamed pilot roles to "AVIATION - Pilot", instead of "Pilot"• Tweaked: Increased efficiency of E.O.D. role with disarming IEDs to 90%, up from 85%• Tweaked: Disabled thermal imaging/night vision capabilities of spawned enemy vehicles• Tweaked: Enemy vehicles are locked to players• Tweaked: Civilian vehicles are locked to players• Tweaked: Reduced infantry AI spotting distance/spot time to 25%, down from 100%• Tweaked: Merged "init-2.sqf" into the "init.sqf"• Tweaked: Disabled fatigue for suicide bombers• Tweaked: Suicide bombers should always run/jog, instead of walk to his target (Unless injured)• Tweaked: Addons are initialized only on the server-side, instead of both client / server​​• Tweaked: "initServer.sqf" initializes more on the dedicated server (Experimental, good for dedicated hosts but bad for client hosts)• Tweaked: ​"Player has been incapacitated" message is only broadcasted to his squad and doesn't report coordinates FIXES: • Fixed: Mechanic in the Commanche hangar now performs maintenance on the belly of the aircraft• Fixed: Rain drops weren't playing sound effects on map when it's raining • Fixed: Typos related to A3 Wounding System • Fixed: HALO Jumping from the jumpmaster at base is now ACE compatible• Fixed: Parachute is removed from HALO Jumper before he touches down to prevent sliding • Fixed: Cleaned some code that could have caused issues with scripted injury system • Fixed: Spawned AI would despawn/respawn when a lone player in an AO got incapacitated • Fixed: Incorrect values in "initPlayerLocal.sqf" and "initPlayerRespawn.sqf"• Fixed: Script error related to respawning• Fixed: Civilians spawned outside of buildings should be more active• Fixed: Civilians have a chance to pull out a gun again• Fixed: Cache would sometimes explode upon spawning• Fixed: Height limit for spawning AI• Fixed: Intel obtained from dead insurgents or inside houses give clue markers again• Fixed: Map textures are turned off after map enhancement script initializes• Fixed: Intel/caches no longer spawn on odd objects​​​​• Fixed: Extremely loud Task Force Radio volume upon connecting ​• Fixed: initPlayerLocal.sqf causing "STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION" CTD error• Optimized: Utilized ArmA's hardcoded garbage collection system to handle corpses/destroyed vehicles • Optimized: Map's satellite textures are toggled off to optimize memory usage • Optimized: Removed excess lines, spaces, and comments in almost all scripts • Optimized: Removed many useless/redundant functions • Optimized: Included new AI features added in latest patch for spawned AI • Optimized: Disabled rendering of spawned AI until all of their features reset • Optimized: Removed all assigned items from spawned AI • Optimized: Survivor unit is now spawned and redressed for insurgent faction, instead of an array of soldiers who'd get redressed anyway​• Optimized: Disabled some AI features for spawned CAS pilot• Optimized: Shortened function names from "functions" and "fnc", to "fn"• Optimized: Shortened name of suicide bomber script to "jihad.sqf"• Optimized: Removed BIS_fnc_IntroText from intro cinematic• Optimized: Disabled ambient sounds, animals, and insects for dedicated server host• Optimized: Added more delays in between reactivating spawned AI's features• Optimized: Merged "init-tfar.sqf" into the "init.sqf"• Optimized: Removed some buildings/objects from the base• Optimized: Removed unused optional flashlight .paa file REMOVED: • Reverted: GPS now functions as a GPS again, instead of a squad indicator • Reverted: Autorifleman role spawns with a tan SAW, instead of a black SAW • Replaced: Scripted vehicle/corpse garbage collection with ArmA's hardcoded garbage collection • Replaced: Suicide bomber's vest with a rebreather • Removed: Explosive charges attached to suicide bomber's body and in his inventory• Removed: Broken function to randomize civilian faces• Removed: Vehicle Respawn Module• Removed: Garbage collection scripts that cleans up corpses, vehicles, and ruins• Removed: Unused "VehicleRespawnDelay" setting in "description.ext"• Removed: Red, green, blue, and yellow chemlight addActions from HALO Jumpers• Removed: "|NOT ACE COMPATIBLE!|" text from mission name/title• Removed: "NOT ACE COMPATIBLE!" marker from map KNOWN BUGS:​• "Question for Intel" addAction isn't removed from civilians globally• Intel in houses have addAction to "Gather INTEL" only to players who JIP• Sometimes player dies instead of going into wounded/incapacitated state• Sometimes player gets stuck dragging/carrying wounded player (Drop to get unstuck)• Sometimes players lose ability to use scrollwheel (Spam spacebar to fix)• Sometimes player gets stuck at respawn window and cannot respawn (Spam escape key and respawn via ArmA menu, then press spacebar)​ 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gam3rz 0 Posted April 23, 2016 Hello, first i would like to thanks you for this mission which is amazing, this is a real tribute to the original Insurgency on A2 :). I would like to "force gear" in fn.sqf to let the orginial gear of RHS and cant make it: -if i remove the "exec fn.sqf" the AI are not spawning anymore. -If i juste remove the "force gear" or "force uniform"... the eos is not working anymore. I dont know if you understand the problems but if u can check it that would be realy nice! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 898 Posted April 23, 2016 Remove the lines that calls the functions InsU, InsV, InsH, InsW in the "RandOP4.sqf" script. That will stop the spawned AI from having their gear randomized. Also, if you specifically want RHS units to spawn, you'll need to edit the "UnitsPool.sqf" in the EOS folder and replace the "O_survivor" unit classname with an array of RHS unit classnames instead. I plan on adding RHS compatibility in the future, but it is not a focus at the moment. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gam3rz 0 Posted April 24, 2016 Thanks a LOT for your quick repply man, you're really doing great job :D . Edit, so i tried your solution and now the AI dont even spawn, that's weird cause if i go in the spectator mode i can see the AI markers on map like if they spawned but not modelized. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 898 Posted April 24, 2016 The AI units are actually being spawning, but I disable all AI features, including rendering, temporarily in the "infantry_fn.sqf", line 18. I do not recommend deleting the "RandOP4.sqf" or "fn.sqf", nor the 18th line in "infantry_fn.sqf", because it is how I've optimized the spawning of AI units. You don't need to call functions like InsU, InsV, InsH, or InsW, because those will randomize specific parts of the unit with an array of items in the "fn.sqf" depending on what function is being called. For example, calling InsU will randomize the uniform of the unit. Like I've said, the scripts (RandOP4, fn, infantry_fn) are important to keep the mission running well with as minimal desync and frame stutter as possible. That doesn't mean there will be 0 cases of desync/stutter, but it has definitely improved dramatically.How do they work? The infantry_fn.sqf spa​wns the AI units. Upon spawning, it also handles the disabling of all of the unit's AI features in his brain and makes him invisible. This is important because AI units take up a lot of processing power. Spawning AI normally will spawn AI units with all their AI features and whatnot, but will cause stuttering and desync because the server has to catch up with all the new entities with complex brains to process, on top of what it was already processing. Next, the RandOP4.sqf ​begins calling functions to randomize the loadout of the unit (Helmet, Uniform, Vest, Weapon). Once the loadout is randomized, the script calls a final function: InsAIInsAI is the function which handles the "reanimation" of our unit. After 8.5 seconds, ​​the unit's simulation is enabled, and then every couple seconds after, an AI feature is enabled. There is a 5 to 1 second sleep in between each unit's AI feature reanimation. This takes around 30 seconds for the units to spawn and be visible, but in the end, has significantly reduced cases of desync and frame stuttering. Therefore I strongly do not recommend getting rid of said scripts/functions, because it will not benefit the performance of the server/mission. But if that's not of your concern, then just delete line 18 in infantry_fn.sqf and see if that fixes your issue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gam3rz 0 Posted April 24, 2016 Hi, again thank you a lot for your answer and your time. Basically what i had in mind is a insurgency like mission with 2 sides of insurgents (guerria with small arms and RU army with heavier equippement). So i need to clear this randomization cause it apply only to RU army ( which is EAST) and block Guerria ( which is INDEP). I know that i just need to add a line for Guerria in Randop4 but RHS already randomize his units when they spawn. Moreover i will remove all the additionals script ( like strobes, jtac...) to make it lighter. Finally i just need the AI system, the EOS script, the COS script and the CACHE/ Intel script ( i didnt found another one that was developped as much as yours . Thanks for your repplies and again you're doing great job man keep going. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yxman 90 Posted April 27, 2016 glad to see how this mission evolves! :D i noticed rpt spam like this 100mb/24hours File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Takistan\Civs\fn\getRoadPos.sqf, line 8 Error in expression <_roadList)==0)}do{ _roadList=_searchPos nearRoads _radius; if((count _roadlist) > Error position: <nearRoads _radius; if((count _roadlist) > Error Type Number,Not a Number, expected Number loaded addons only vanilla, cba+cup terrains/weapons/units/vehicles Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 898 Posted April 27, 2016 Yeah, there's a lot of script errors related to L_Civs (Civilian traffic script) but I think it's because I made the civilian drivers drive in "LIMITED" speed instead of "NORMAL." For now, I'd recommend running your server with -noLogs in the server's init command line. Should also help performance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ufopilot 5 Posted May 12, 2016 We had a lot of gameplay with the mission during the last weeks,no crashes or weird behavior (aside from the things we know already,like exploding caches at mission start but thats neglectable). Still impressed with the performance,very good work Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 898 Posted May 12, 2016 Thank you very much. I'm surprised you guys haven't experienced any crashes, because for some unknown reason, I'm experiencing them on my dedicated server and I am investigating it thoroughly to determine which mods/scripts are involved with the error. Could just be an inconsistent ArmA issue. That's why there haven't been any development progress updates on the first page, I'm just testing the mission with others to find this damn crash's source. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ufopilot 5 Posted May 13, 2016 Can you give details on how far into the mission your server crashes? Maybe it needs time to "build up" towards the crash and we just avoided that timeframe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 898 Posted May 14, 2016 It's pretty random, but tends to occur prominently (almost exclusively) to JIP clients. It can happen immediately upon connection or a few/couple minutes into an AO. I have no idea what is actually causing it. I've even gone as far as to remove nearly all scripts and mods from the server to narrow the search down. Still occurs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
d131k 12 Posted May 28, 2016 first off, great mission! I am wondering where the post processing effect is located because I want to use the mission without it if possible Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 898 Posted May 28, 2016 It is located in two different scripts: "initPlayerLocal.sqf" and "common\client\AIS_Injury\func\fn_impactEffect.sqf" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 898 Posted June 5, 2016 If anyone is still getting crashes with the current version on their server or clients who JIP, let me know. So far all third-party groups testing this mission tell me they have no issues, which leads me to believe my server has been at fault this whole time. If that is the case, I'm going to slam my head through my monitor. In more productive news about the mission, I've decided to make the mission dependent on CUP Terrains now, due to the new patch making AiA not very compatible with ArmA 3 anymore. Also, CUP Terrains addresses many issues like AI seeing through rocks and bushes, which is huge for gameplay and alone worth the migration. For the next patch, (release date unknown, but not exactly soon), I'd like to work on side objectives, logistical scripts, and basically more functionality for people who want to play as vanilla as possible without requiring mods like ACE or huge weapons/vehicle packs; however, I'm still working on their cross-compatibility in the mission. Many other things will likely be included. It's still early. From what I've tested so far, the current released version of my mission runs just fine with very few issues, aside from RPT spam from waypoint errors with civilian traffic and wandering civilians. (I recommend you add -noLogs to your server's command line) 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ufopilot 5 Posted June 6, 2016 The "for fun" port of your mission to CUP were i showed you the git-repo runs in harmony with latest CUP (aside from the mentioned RPT spam),still sad to leave AiA behind. Mods like IronFront-FULL are unusable now Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 898 Posted June 6, 2016 Personally, I miss the "LITE" version. Makes it much less grueling to download because of the filesize and reduces chances people will have lower frames because of the low resolution textures, which helps people not blame my mission or the server for their lag lol.Although, even with CUP Terrains and everything on Ultra, except for Objects, I average around at least 58 FPS.​ But I also see it average out in less busy areas at 90-180 FPS lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 898 Posted July 4, 2016 [Development Update] Back to work! The new forum format has effectively ruined my organized development progress change-log post, so until (if ever) it gets fixed, refer to this post for up-to-date development progress on the mission. I'll continue to add to the list real-time as I complete tasks. Keeping this post short, I'm working on: Implementing a vanilla VON radio system/script (if TFAR and ACRE2 is not detected) *Done* Fixing bugs, such as the broken respawn script *Done* More optimizations! Improving cross-compatibility for players with & without ACE Streamline mission to be more presentable to newer clueless players *WIP* Vanilla Takistan Insurgency will only require CUP_Terrains (CBA_A3 will not be required unless TFAR or other CUP addons are enabled) *Done* Domesticated animals via random animal site modules *WIP* There's always more on the list, but those are the ones I'm working on at this moment. If you experience any crashes in the current version, please report them to me. NOTE: ​Takistan Insurgency will utilize Apex expansion content, such as the new weapons (AKS-74U, AKM, RPG-7, etc.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gam3rz 0 Posted July 16, 2016 Hello phronk, with your authorization i would like to isolate the weapon cache system for another mission (all credit to you for sure). Here is my question: what files exactly manage the system? I isolated already: -init.sqf (deleted the calls for other scripts eos/civs...) -initserver.sqf (same deletes) -and the folder "core" Do i need something else? For now nothing spawn, even in single player i cant see the caches marker on map. Thanks for your interest and ofc if you dont want your scripts to be isolated i'll stop instantly the work and start searching for another one :). ps: the errors i get when launching : Share this post Link to post Share on other sites