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I've been focusing more on the scripted version of Takistan Insurgency lately, in an attempt to make the mission more public-friendly. However, most have said the ALiVE version is better because of all the features it introduces. Having it only work with spawning in the ALiVE version would be fine, but it'd be helpful if it also worked with EOS or if it had it's own independent function to spawn, cache, and despawn the units manning the weapons/the weapons.

I'd like them to be spawned/cached/despawned for performance reasons, of course.

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this is so freaking awesome! Thank you

Have you thought about making this SP compatible using "http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19041" ?

I'd also be interested in helping testing. PM being sent. Thanks

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Hi Phronk it will be in Armaholic?

Thanks Great Job

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@JCae2798: I actually tested the mission with that script to recruit AI units and it worked fine, but sometimes the AI squad will not listen to you if the squad of AI is larger than yours. So if you recruited 6 AI and gave them all an order to move to an area, they would just stick together and not move. You'd have to individually order each unit, one by one, to move. But it wasn't too major of an issue with smaller AI groups, so I may add it again.

@Itluis: The mission is not on ArmAholic (yet) because I haven't released a stable build with all of the promised major features yet. For now, the mission can be obtained from this thread's first post. The script version will also soon be available in the first post this weekend.

Speaking of which, I'm planning on releasing a much more stable scripted version of Takistan Insurgency this weekend. I'd also like to get back to work on the ALiVE version, but I might just wait for an Aggressors update and/or ALiVE update. The current ALiVE version of Takistan Insurgency is riddled with issues, especially since it was made with an out-dated version of ALiVE. People have reported that Aggressors causes a lot of RPT and config errors. Plus, the weapons they use are almost silent. This is one of the main reasons I've decided to stay vanilla for the time being, aside from it being easier to test and release modular versions of the mission.

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Pre-Alpha 1.0d (Script Version)

Size: 1.58 MB

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  • Added: Crates and other atmospheric objects around the player starting area to make it look less plain
  • Added: 20% chance for an enemy attack helicopter to spawn in a heavily occupied hostile zone
  • Added: JW Custom's 'Close Air Support Field System' to the mission (NOTE: Dying as the JTAC removes the addAction from that player. Issue with original script.)
  • Added: Team R3F's '[R3F] Logistics Scripts' to the mission (Replaces all previous logistical scripts for now)
  • Added: HEMTT (Repair) support vehicle to the base with the other HEMTTs
  • Added: A new fireteam of 5 playable slots to the mission (Total of 22 player slots)
  • Added: Placed invisible grid square markers that spawn patrols in the mountains and outskirts of some visible red grid squares
  • Added: More random chances for things to spawn or not spawn, including enemy armor and air
  • Added: Excluded many objects at base from the logistics script to prevent players from picking up or loading important base objects like the "Jump Pole"
  • Added: Atmospheric units working on two jets and a RAH-66 Comanche
  • Added: Static HMG units can now spawn


  • Fixed: Replaced tents the players spawn in to prevent players from being disconnected or getting an error due to a missing .p3d file from the other tent object
  • Adjustment: Replaced the "ALPHA" team's Grenadier with a JTAC, who can now call in up to 3 CAS missions
  • Adjustment: Replaced the "CHARLIE" team's Grenadier with a UAV Operator, who can use UAV terminals to connect to and control UAV drones
  • Adjustment: Increased spawn distance for hostiles to 500 meters, up from 350 meters
  • Adjustment: Increased spawn distance for civilians to 375 meters, up from 350 meters
  • Adjustment: Reduced volume of intro
  • Adjustment: Increased time before garbage is cleaned up to 5 minutes, up from 1 minute
  • Adjustment: CIV_F faction is now filtered for garbage cleanups
  • Fixed: Several specific red grid squares would not light up bright red or spawn enemies
  • Major Optimization/Fix: EOS script now searches through script for a single marker to spawn enemies when entering a red grid square, instead of searching through 30+ markers
  • Adjustment: Blacklisted the South Airbase of Takistan to prevent civilians spawning at base
  • Optimization: Reduced maximum civilians spawned in towns and villages
  • Optimization: Air vehicles no longer activate civilian spawns
  • Adjustment: Tweaked amount and type of enemies in specific grid squares (Should help make the mission more challenging and dynamic)
  • Adjustment: Moved the UAV Drone out of the hangar, so it isn't being blocked
  • Adjustment: Increased the chance of an Mi-48 spawning in areas enemy helicopters can spawn
  • Adjustment: Increased AI damage multiplier to 1.7, up from 1.0 (5.56 and 9mm is now viable, but not overpowered)
  • Adjustment: Rewrote the Insurgency Info briefing tab to make it easier to read


  • Removed: Virtual Ammobox System briefing tab
  • Removed: First Aid System briefing tab
  • Removed: Go-Kart DLC flare gun from VAS
  • Removed: Go-Kart DLC flare gun flares from VAS
  • Removed: CSAT and AAF IR strobe grenades from VAS
  • Removed: ASDG Atlis Bipods from VAS

NOTE: This version should run more smoothly and reduce desync/frame stutters significantly. I haven't had the time to thoroughly test this, so I appreciate your feedback!

Edited by Phronk
Download link updated with hotfixed version of mission.

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oooh... update :yay:

ALiVE 0.70 was released to testers yesterday so I'd imagine (barring any issues) it will be released early next week.

Edited by SavageCDN

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Oooh-ho-ho-ho real-lay? Well, in that case, I can guarantee a transition of me working on the ALiVE version again when it is released. I'm currently prioritizing the script version because it is much more accessible by players and my group prefers it for that purpose, but accessibility and seemingly more superior performance aside, ALiVE adds a lot of features that make the mission way more immersive and interesting. With the features they have planned to add to ALiVE, it will only make it better.

I want to make versions with Aggressors very badly, but the ArmA III patches have more or less destroyed the configs for it and it no longer functions properly or smoothly. Waiting on Ohally to update his Aggressors mod before I continue making versions with it.

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I am agree with you that script version is more accesible, and I prefer it. But.... I have a problem:

When I try to run the last version of the mission in a dedicated server it gave me the next error in server side:

"Picture images\sign.jpg not found"

And close the missions.


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I'll fix and release a hotfix ASAP. Will update this post in a few minutes when the download has been updated.


Hotfixed. Should work fine now. Thank you for reporting this issue and I appreciate any other feedback!

Download Link - Hotfixed Download Link

Edited by Phronk

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I agree about the script version... certainly will make it more accessible for all on public servers. CSE was released yesterday as well you should check it out (interaction features).

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First sorry for my english I am not and english spoken.

We had played the missions and it works fine. We only play 3 players in a dedicated server. The missions runs smooth and nothing strange happened.

I have here a list of things that I saw that it can helps you:

- The only annoying thing is that when you respawns soldier lost all the load.

- We found one Intel and the title was “Insurgency ALIVE"

- I use one script from Ghost, that can spawn civils empty cars in the roads near the markers that you want. And one or two have IED. (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?150173-Ghost-Missions) (ghst_civcars.sqf)

- I usually put the tag name in the friendly units. I have the script if you want. It can helps to know where yours mates are. It is a script from "Marker and Melbo" for A2 and it works in A3.

For the rest I thinks is the first missions that we can call "Real insurgency". My clan and I are going to play a lot! (www.clangir.es)

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Hey, some feedback;

I played the mission myself hosting it in MP LAN setup. I changed parameters to 2 caches and max intel items. The following issues i had:

1. I could not find any intel items. Search 3 different red squares and 90% of buildings

2. Some squares would still not spawn enemies/light up red when i was within them.

Thanks and keep up the great work.

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@PrienU24: Thank you for your feedback. I fixed the "Insurgency ALiVE" title. As for using Ghost's scripts, I don't want to steal scripts from missions; I only use what is publicly available through the forum or on ArmAholic. It seems like a very cool idea though! I have no plans of adding any scripts to show nametags to the mission. There are a few addons out there that do that and some people may not want it.

@JCae2798: INTEL items currently do not spawn in all red grid squares. They still spawn in the same towns and villages that they spawned in in the ALiVE version. I haven't been able to figure out why it doesn't try to spawn them in other villages yet. I'm pretty sure the "grid not lighting up or spawning stuff" bug was fixed in the newest version. If not, I probably have to reorganize the order the markers are initialized.

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I was playing the mission again. I am not sure, but I think that EOS and Helicopters doesn't works. And COS in Takistan I am not sure if are 100% compatible. I tried it in some missions, but I prefer to use EOS, with civilians as a new factions and spawn it in the same makers than enemies.

About Ghost's scripts, I agree with you, it's better to ask.

For the rest we are going to do more test.

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Hey Phronk;

Are you aware that you can update the EOS classnames to spawn CAF agressors? I updated it and its working great. Let me know if you want me to send you the files. Of course CAF only offers infantry and armed vehicles.

The same goes for COS, where you can spawn the CAF CIV units as well.

I also played around some more and the INTEL items do spawn. I also found that when the marked dont light up, a script error occurs on the EOS side. Haven't had a chance to enable LOGs yet to see what is going on. Question, do the Caches spawn at random locations every time the mission starts? Or are the Intel and Cache always spawned in the same locations?

Just an idea, i wonder how the public would like to use UAV to scout enemy locations verses using predefined markerS?


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PrienU24: I use EOS and COS. COS automatically detects towns and spawns civilians, it does not spawn them in designated markers by the mission maker. I can blacklist towns if needed, though.

JCae2798: I actually have already setup a faction in EOS to spawn the aggressors and am aware I can do it with the civilians as well. I've of course disabled them for the time being to the instability of the Aggressors addon. I'd like to use Aggressors when a stable version is released publicly so that is an actual viable release of the mission. Also, the caches and intel items are spawned in random locations and in random towns/villages. Will have to look into the EOS issue.

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great. Wasn't aware it was unstable. Keep up the great work.

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Yes, I know you have EOS and COS works together, but I am not sure that COS detects well the towns in A3MP Takistan. It seems like it spawns far away the town. For example, in Rasman COS only detects a little part of the town, and in the last game, we attacked Bastam, and civils were out of the town at east.

Before I found your great missions I was working in something similar. I use EOS and COS, and in Altis it does works well, but I had problems with COS in Takistan, then I decided to use EOS for all spawns, and control the spawns zones better.

I am looking for one error in the server log, I think it's the helicopters in EOS but I am not sure. When I have something about that issue I post it to you.

JCae2798, with the new update (1.24) there is a problem with aggressors and I do not know if moders can fix it, because Ohally was angry (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?172069-Arma3-AGGRESSORS/page48), and I think he give up.

When I edit I usually put one Zeus (civilian or BLUEFOR, with teleport and invunerable) on the missions for, test. I have one sentence than periodically check objects and assing it to Zeus. It is a way to check were the objects, IAs, etc spawns.

Please, take my opinions only as a suggestions, I think that missions is a great job.

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I can confirm that I've fixed all zones. The issue was that I had an extra parameter added for each zone, which did nothing and wasn't recognized by the script, and therefore made zones either stay black or not activate at all. Almost all of the zones also did not have their spawn chance/vehicle cargo parameters setup correctly. This should all be fixed now.

As for bad news, I coincidentally cannot test or play ArmA in Multiplayer; highlighting the word "Multiplayer" in the main menu causes my computer to bluescreen and restart. I think it is a disk error and need to buy a new SSD, but it just so happened to very coincidentally happen right after the ArmA III patch 1.24. I'm still able to work in the editor and with scripts though, I just can't test the mission myself until the issue is resolved. With that said, I appreciate everyone's suggestions and feedback overall. It is tremendously helpful!

Expect an update possibly this weekend if all goes well.

PS: Hotfix for Aggressors

Edited by Phronk

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Yes i saw the update for the aggressors mod, so excited :)

Glad you found the missing spawn issues. Great work

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Phronk, read this:

If you are using a***Killer network card***(these can be on your motherboard), and you experience multiplayer BSODs, please try updating the drivers for this hardware.


I hope it helps.

Enviado desde mi GT-P3110 mediante Tapatalk

Edited by PrienU24

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Thanks for the tip!

I updated all of my drivers (Killer Network Card drivers are already up to date) and still get the BSOD. Guess I'll either replace my SSDs, since they've been giving me trouble in the past anyway, or just wait for some kind of hotfix patch release.

Considering how broken the current version of Takistan Insurgency is, and that this was supposed to be the most stable release, I'll probably do a quick release some time tonight or tomorrow. I also did not realize that Ghost releases his scripts publicly and therefore wouldn't have to ask for permission to use it in my mission, so I'll definitely be taking a look at that but I wouldn't expect it to be included in the upcoming release.

PS: My ArmA group will be hosting Takistan Tuesdays! An event every Tuesday to host an in-house version of Takistan Insurgency on our public server. Server information can be found in the first post of this thread or on the ATCAG website.

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Pre-Alpha 1.0d (Script Version)

Size: 1.83 MB

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  • Updated:
Takistan Insurgency Logo for loading screens and the briefing - Special thanks to Phoenix, from ArmA Tactical Combat Applications Group!


  • Fixed: Gathering INTEL and destroying a cache now displays a hint with the correct "Takistan Insurgency" title
  • Fixed: Most of the markers had incorrect parameter values that I overlooked, units should spawn in all zones now

Edited by Phronk

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