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AI units go prone when near a camp fire

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So I'm busy setting up a small simple mission on Thirsk and want to have some units sitting around a campfire or two, but they're not standing or adhering to the command "unit action ["sitDown", unit];". This is the first time I'm doing this in Arma 3 and it seems it's not working now, they keep going prone as soon as the mission starts, that's with their behaviour set to "SAFE" as well.

If I move them further away from the campfires they "listen to my commands". So it's probably something with the fires/flames causing a hiccup.

Anyone else experienced this or know how to fix it?

Ok nevermind, looks like the bcombat is at fault.

Edited by LowFlyZone
found reason for the problem

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Sorry can't replicate it, maybe you could post a mission. There have been several stance issues in the last few builds so it could be a bug.

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I found that it's because of the bcombat AI mod. Disable the mod and the units are fine.

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