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[SP] Pilgrimage

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haven't have much time to test Taunus Port (vafana 's work mostly) .
there is no sea so Boat needs to be replaced by vehicle.

I had thoughts about a specific Taunus port:

spawn point could be a DZ where Alex (and Buddy if present) have been dropped on by Helo.

as it is not "stealth" way for insertion, DZ is burned and we might think of a enemy squad coming in the very next minutes, as made for ROADS starting, to see why an helo went here.

so you have no usable vehicle right now at mission start.

brother's body to be found and vehicle needed as usual, but once you have the body, you'll need to go to a random exflitration point you'll have to find.

several options here:

  • Yorre call you back to give you coordinates when you have called him to tell you found the body. (option "call Yorre to exfil " in menu once body found )
  • you need to pay civilian to give you an exfiltration point/ or join a specific resistance squad on the map (before they get killed  eventually ).
  • you have to ask for surrenders for a secured exfiltration point (leak in defense lines where you might cross the border)
  • you might have civilian / logisitic helos on seized airfield you have to find to escape
  • you might have to find randomly spawned helo somewhere to escape

with difficulty level, we might think to increase/decrease chances to have this exfiltration point by paying/asking.
we might think to add minefields randomly around this point ( as done with strongholds and airfields)

just some ideas thrown here.

such hours of scripting here and not sure Rydygier have time (or I have enough knowledge and time ) to do this.

Take care Mates.

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A few comments so far with Pilgrimage_COOP_1_95wip7.Altis


Client spawns with only 60 rounds instead of 90.  Edit, appears to only be the MP I modded most likely causing this.

We play ADM only, ADM text displays properly on first spawn in new game (group leader/server only can see the text). But after respawn (death) or resume of save, text no longer displays but the "ding" is heard.

Safe position spawning works sometimes and is a nice addition that should remain, thanks for this.


There are many other MP issues to list but I suspect Ryd will not have energy or time to fix. Bottom line is, MP is playable and still fun so we just keep playing and dealing with the issues and some workarounds we have discovered.


1.95 SP is working perfectly so far. :icon14:

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Thanks. Indeed, no time now. However that peculiar behavior of SQF code in MP puzzles me. Why some things works till first death and doesn't work any longer after respawn? Is that something, I do wrong, something, I do not understand about respawn mechanics, or some game bug related with respawn? 

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Hi Guys

just to let you know I started a new TOPIC about PILGRIMAGE PORTED VARIANTS I made (so there are unofficial versions).


so far, the topic just started and you'll find the Link to TAUNUS port I made.

some others ports on others maps will be added  as soon as possible 



Taunus Port:


based on Rydygier 's 1.95WIP Pilgrimage and Vafana's Taunus Port WIP he made

Credit to both of those mates.


@vafana : hope you'll enjoy and be free to PM me for any upgrade we can work on you and me together.

there are TWO versions:


both missions are UNTESTED (I just tested it starts and there is no CTD on start)




is Pilgrimage 1.95 WIP with all standards units from Arma 3 (CSAT and AAF units as opponents)

the only requirements are Taunus map and CUP terrain complete ( needed for Taunus map )




is Pilgrimage 1.95 WIP with RHS units to replace original Arma 3 units

in addition of the required mods already told, all RHS units mods are required: @RHSAFRF;@RHSUSAF;@RHSGREF;@RHSSAF



follow the links above

enjoy !!


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Awesome! I've been waiting for a meaningful mission on Taunus-its such a beautiful map an all we got for now are exile missions... Thx a lot for it!!

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you're welcome

I hope all will work fine...
missions are barely tested.

I'm now playing the RHS version of Taunus Port.... so I'll see if all is fine or not.

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Pilgrimage_COOP_1_95wip7.Altis  1.66 stable.

To do list someday.

Client spawns with only 60 rounds instead of 90 is confirmed.

Used to but now no longer get any text on lower left of screen after respawn (death) or resume of save. Can hear the hiss sound but no text.

Using ADM only.

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OK. Let's hope, there's anything, I can do about. One question: what are "rounds"? I didn't set anything to 60 nor 90. It says nothing to me. 

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14 hours ago, rsoftokz said:


Taunus Port:


based on Rydygier 's 1.95WIP Pilgrimage and Vafana's Taunus Port WIP he made


enjoy !!


Do not spread the error on!
Erase everything after the line !!!
162 // RYD_JR_FuelFund


Or return the old decoy.sqf file.

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Indeed, at the end of Decoy.sqf, but only for Altis version, there is such code:


_center = markerPos "PatrolMarker";
_size = markerSize "PatrolMarker";
_sX = _size select 0;
_sY = _size select 1;
_amnt = 3 + (random 3);

_positions = [];

for "_i" from 1 to _amnt do
	_pos = [(_center select 0) - _sX + (random (2 * _sX)),(_center select 1) - _sY + (random (2 * _sY)),0];
	_positions pushBack _pos;
	_wp = PatrolGroup addWaypoint [_pos, 0];
	_wp setWaypointType "MOVE";
	_wp setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED";
	_wp setWaypointTimeout [10, 15, 20];
	if (_i == 1) then
		PatrolGroup setCurrentWaypoint _wp
_wp = PatrolGroup addWaypoint [(_positions select 0), 0];
_wp setWaypointType "CYCLE";

This is apparently some forgotten testing code, that is invalid in the scenario context (refers to not existing global variable and marker). It will be removed. it's likely harmless though, probably simply does nothing (tries to add random MOVE waypoints around not exisiting marker to not existing group). 


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5 hours ago, Rydygier said:

One question: what are "rounds"? I didn't set anything to 60 nor 90. It says nothing to me. 


1 clip = 30 bullets.

One round is one bullet. In other words, 1 clip in the gun and 2 clips spare = 90 bullets total.

Server/group leader gets 3 clips, client gets 2.


I assume something has changed in loadout at spawn on new game?


Edit, as long as I can remember, each got 3 clips on spawn or am I going crazy. I'm referring to "normal" mode.

Assume spawn gear is setup using JRInit.sqf.



if not (RYD_JR_Naked) then
            _wArr = _weapArr select (floor (random (count _weapArr)));
            _mga = 3;
            if (RYD_JR_BetterGear) then
                _mga = 5
                diag_log format ["who: %1 co: %2 ile: %3",_unit,_x,_mga];
                _unit addMagazines [_x, _mga];
            foreach (_wArr select 1);
            _unit addWeaponGlobal (_wArr select 0);
            //_unit addItem "acc_flashlight";
            _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight";
            diag_log format ["who: %1 backpack: %2",_unit,backpack _unit];
            _unit addItemToBackpack "FirstAidKit";


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Oh, these rounds. :)


Well, I didn't touched anything here. Not even sure right now, how to control respawn gear. In my test on default settings IIRC I was respawned in underwear with nothing at all (except sometimes a random shemag on the head, peculiar), as I intended, for me it was always this way, so you have to grab your gear from your body, creepy, I know. So, since I respawn with nothing and all, and you - with some gear, then I wonder, what makes that difference. Something out of Pilgrimage? Some separate server settings? Man, I really lack MP knowledge. 

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7 hours ago, a2012v said:

Do not spread the error on!
Erase everything after the line !!!
162 // RYD_JR_FuelFund


Or return the old decoy.sqf file.


my mistake!


 I don't use decoy when I play and i didn't follow any discussion on this matter: so I didn't know about it.

I'll fix it later.

thank you :rthumb:


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14 hours ago, major-stiffy said:



Pilgrimage_COOP_1_95wip7.Altis  1.66 stable.


Used to but now no longer get any text on lower left of screen after respawn (death) or resume of save. Can hear the hiss sound but no text.

Using ADM only.


1.94MP that would show Game Logic: XXXXXX will display always so the changes in 1.95MP is when it now malfunctions.

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Yes, that pretty clear. BTW it was most time consuming change, to get rid of "Game Logic". Had to change all the globalChats with customChats with additional syntax changes in many places. I plan to check, if inside that code are any visible reasons, or it is another mysterious "stops working after respawn" issues. It seems so, since it works OK before respawn, otherwise wouldn't work at all. Used customChat code has to be vulnerable on respawns, while globalChat wasn't. Interesting. 

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Hi Ryd

If I put down a check point, should it be exactly on the intersection of the given roads or should it be in an open space near the intersection. I noticed that during game play the assets for any check point is usually close by in a field but the gunners are right on the road. Will Arma place them properly as long as the coordinates are nearby.

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To find checkpoint coords for some map I'm using exclusively a script, that returns me every "probably suitable" (as for enough free space around) crossroads "out of towns" for given map. Never tried manually add any crossroad. But if I would, well...


Coords should point crossroad itself (road segment with more, than two connections with other segments) with reasonable amount of flat & empty space around.


How it works: Checkpoint placement code uses given coord and looks for any road segments in 60 meters radius, then searches through found segments to find first one connected with more, than two others (a crossoroad segment). And then spawns all the stuff in reference to that segment's position. 60 meters radius is not that much, since it's about segment's center position, not any its edge, and a segment can be quite long sometimes. So tolerance is low in fact. More, I was lazy writing this function, so there's no any safe code in case, no suitable crossroad was found in this radius. It is assumed, there's at least one crossroad near enough. So I recommend either to be pretty precise with manual coords, or use my way, which is:



RYD_AllCross = 
	startloadingscreen ["Pilgrimage","RscDisplayLoadCustom"];
	_mapSize = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "mapSize");//use actual map edge length in meters for A2 and earlier maps instead (eg. _mapSize = 15360; for Chernarus)
	_rds = _mapSize/2;
	_mapC = [_rds,_rds];

	diag_log format ["mapS: %1",_mapC];

	_nR = _mapC nearRoads (_rds * 1.42);

	_nC = nearestLocations [_mapC, ["NameCityCapital","NameCity","NameVillage"],_rds * 1.42];

	_crossr = [];
	_cnt = count _nR;
	diag_log format ["cntNR: %1",_cnt];

		_con = count (roadsConnectedTo _x);
		if (_con > 2) then
			_pos = getPosATL _x;
			_pos resize 2;
			_tooClose = false;
				if (_pos in _x) exitWith {_tooClose = true};
				if ((_pos distance _x) < 500) exitWith {_tooClose = true};
				_nBuilding = nearestBuilding _pos;
				if ((_pos distance _nBuilding) < 50) exitWith {_tooClose = true};
			foreach _nC;
			if not (_tooClose) then
				_pos set [2,0];
				_crossr set [(count _crossr),_pos]
		progressLoadingScreen ((_foreachIndex + 1)/_cnt)
	foreach _nR;

		_i = "cMark_" + (str _x);
		_i = createMarker [_i,_x];
		_i setMarkerColor "colorOrange";
		_i setMarkerShape "ICON";
		_i setMarkerType "mil_box";
		_i setMarkerSize [0.6,0.6];

		diag_log format ["%1",_x]
	foreach _crossr;

	diag_log format ["amount: %1",count _crossr];
	hint format ["done: %1",_cnt];



You can run this from Init.sqf, eg: [] call RYD_AllCross;, or from some radio trigger in editor, like: handle = [] spawn RYD_AllCross;. As effect, you'll get a marker on the map for every found coord, and list of coords in RPT file for whole map. It takes some time, even under loading screen, and that's why it is calculated out of Pilgrimage, and Pilgrimage for given map gets ready output (coords list). 

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Note: Dropbox changed a way, how links sharing works, so I have to re-link everything pointing Dropbox. Let me know if there will be any problems. 

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Does anyone have a copy of BT anywhere? That is if Rydygier doesn't mind. The original link is 404. 


Nevermind, found it on Armaholic

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Link updated. Another victim of Dropbox's prank. 

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Hi Guys


Pilgrimage Taunus Port  first post has been updated with newest pbos.

- fix for SP missions  about end of mission (march 17Th, whole scan on all files to search for " has_body_boat" to change it to "has_body_car") and decoy.sqf


- added two pbos for COOP version, with and without RHS like the SP files already uploaded.

MP mission NOT Tested , just give a look to RHS mission COOP to start fine and it does.


links have been updated, to the same Google Drive folder who have now 4 pbo files: 2x SP, 2x MP

all based on Pilgrimage 1.95 (WIP7 for MP) from Rydygier's updates


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On 3/17/2017 at 4:26 PM, rsoftokz said:

Hi Guys


Pilgrimage Taunus Port  first post has been updated with newest pbos.

- fix for SP missions  about end of mission (march 17Th, whole scan on all files to search for " has_body_boat" to change it to "has_body_car") and decoy.sqf


- added two pbos for COOP version, with and without RHS like the SP files already uploaded.

MP mission NOT Tested , just give a look to RHS mission COOP to start fine and it does.


links have been updated, to the same Google Drive folder who have now 4 pbo files: 2x SP, 2x MP

all based on Pilgrimage 1.95 (WIP7 for MP) from Rydygier's updates



Unfortunately due to THIS breaks ADM and Pilgrimage for COOP. :down:

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2 hours ago, rsoftokz said:

@major-stiffy  I'll have to make a 1.94COOP version so...No really time for now but I'll do it asap


Can  you send me the latest 1.94COOP that works? (hotfix). Because I want to convert it to 3 player COOP. I'll PM you my email.

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"No ADM after respawn issue" - meanwhile there's a simple way to get back to globalchats, that should work after respawn. 


1. Open init.sqf and find line 28:


RYD_JR_MP_GlobalChat = compileFinal 
	RYD_JR_Caller customChat [(_this select 0),(_this select 1)];

change it into:


RYD_JR_MP_GlobalChat = compileFinal 
	RYD_JR_Caller globalChat (_this select 1);


I hope, this will revert ADM/Radio back to the globalchat, so with "game logic" prefix, but at least visible after respawn. 

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