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How does collision/geometry LOD work?

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Hi guys,

I'm making my first add-on and I have pretty much no experience in modelling, config-writing, or pretty much anything that has to do with making an add-on for ARMA or any other game. I'm currently working on a low-poly model and this is what I have so far:

http://i61.tinypic.com/107svmf.png (193 kB)

I plan to export my model, when I'm done, to O2 and add LODs, selections, and such.

I'm really new to 3d modelling and add-on making (it's been maybe a few weeks since I've started this project) and I'm wondering how the geometry LOD works and how the entire model works in general. Can I have multiple pieces of a model such as this:


and piece it together, or does it have to be one continuous mesh? Does the same apply for the entire model?

Edited by Pwner

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